+ describe "set_read_up_to()" do
+ test "it sets all notifications as read up to a specified notification ID" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} =
+ TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{
+ "status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}!"
+ })
+ {:ok, activity} =
+ TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{
+ "status" => "hey again @#{other_user.nickname}!"
+ })
+ [n2, n1] = notifs = Notification.for_user(other_user)
+ assert length(notifs) == 2
+ assert n2.id > n1.id
+ {:ok, activity} =
+ TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{
+ "status" => "hey yet again @#{other_user.nickname}!"
+ })
+ Notification.set_read_up_to(other_user, n2.id)
+ [n3, n2, n1] = notifs = Notification.for_user(other_user)
+ assert n1.seen == true
+ assert n2.seen == true
+ assert n3.seen == false
+ end
+ end
describe "notification lifecycle" do
test "liking an activity results in 1 notification, then 0 if the activity is deleted" do
user = insert(:user)