def render("show.json", %{activity: %{data: %{"object" => _object}} = activity} = opts) do
- object = Object.normalize(activity, fetch: false)
- user = CommonAPI.get_user(activity.data["actor"])
- user_follower_address = user.follower_address
- like_count = object.data["like_count"] || 0
- announcement_count = object.data["announcement_count"] || 0
- hashtags = Object.hashtags(object)
- sensitive = object.data["sensitive"] || Enum.member?(hashtags, "nsfw")
- tags = Object.tags(object)
- tag_mentions =
- tags
- |> Enum.filter(fn tag -> is_map(tag) and tag["type"] == "Mention" end)
- |> Enum.map(fn tag -> tag["href"] end)
- mentions =
- (object.data["to"] ++ tag_mentions)
- |> Enum.uniq()
- |> Enum.map(fn
- Pleroma.Constants.as_public() -> nil
- ^user_follower_address -> nil
- ap_id -> User.get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id)
- end)
- |> Enum.filter(& &1)
- |> Enum.map(fn user -> AccountView.render("mention.json", %{user: user}) end)
- favorited = opts[:for] && opts[:for].ap_id in (object.data["likes"] || [])
- bookmarked = Activity.get_bookmark(activity, opts[:for]) != nil
- client_posted_this_activity = opts[:for] && user.id == opts[:for].id
- expires_at =
- with true <- client_posted_this_activity,
- %Oban.Job{scheduled_at: scheduled_at} <-
- Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity.get_expiration(activity.id) do
- scheduled_at
- else
- _ -> nil
- end
- thread_muted? =
- cond do
- is_nil(opts[:for]) -> false
- is_boolean(activity.thread_muted?) -> activity.thread_muted?
- true -> CommonAPI.thread_muted?(opts[:for], activity)
- end
- attachment_data = object.data["attachment"] || []
- attachments = render_many(attachment_data, StatusView, "attachment.json", as: :attachment)
- created_at = Utils.to_masto_date(object.data["published"])
- edited_at =
- with %{"updated" => updated} <- object.data,
- date <- Utils.to_masto_date(updated),
- true <- date != "" do
- date
- else
- _ ->
- nil
- end
- reply_to = get_reply_to(activity, opts)
- reply_to_user = reply_to && CommonAPI.get_user(reply_to.data["actor"])
- history_len =
- 1 +
- (Object.Updater.history_for(object.data)
- |> Map.get("orderedItems")
- |> length())
- # See render("history.json", ...) for more details
- # Here the implicit index of the current content is 0
- chrono_order = history_len - 1
- content =
- object
- |> render_content()
- content_html =
- content
- |> Activity.HTML.get_cached_scrubbed_html_for_activity(
- User.html_filter_policy(opts[:for]),
- activity,
- "mastoapi:content:#{chrono_order}"
- )
- content_plaintext =
- content
- |> Activity.HTML.get_cached_stripped_html_for_activity(
- activity,
- "mastoapi:content:#{chrono_order}"
- )
- summary = object.data["summary"] || ""
- card = render("card.json", Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers.fetch_data_for_activity(activity))
+ with %Object{} = object <- Object.normalize(activity, fetch: false) do
+ user = CommonAPI.get_user(activity.data["actor"])
+ user_follower_address = user.follower_address
+ like_count = object.data["like_count"] || 0
+ announcement_count = object.data["announcement_count"] || 0
+ hashtags = Object.hashtags(object)
+ sensitive = object.data["sensitive"] || Enum.member?(hashtags, "nsfw")
+ tags = Object.tags(object)
+ tag_mentions =
+ tags
+ |> Enum.filter(fn tag -> is_map(tag) and tag["type"] == "Mention" end)
+ |> Enum.map(fn tag -> tag["href"] end)
+ mentions =
+ (object.data["to"] ++ tag_mentions)
+ |> Enum.uniq()
+ |> Enum.map(fn
+ Pleroma.Constants.as_public() -> nil
+ ^user_follower_address -> nil
+ ap_id -> User.get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id)
+ end)
+ |> Enum.filter(& &1)
+ |> Enum.map(fn user -> AccountView.render("mention.json", %{user: user}) end)
+ favorited = opts[:for] && opts[:for].ap_id in (object.data["likes"] || [])
+ bookmarked = Activity.get_bookmark(activity, opts[:for]) != nil
+ client_posted_this_activity = opts[:for] && user.id == opts[:for].id
+ expires_at =
+ with true <- client_posted_this_activity,
+ %Oban.Job{scheduled_at: scheduled_at} <-
+ Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity.get_expiration(activity.id) do
+ scheduled_at
+ else
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ thread_muted? =
+ cond do
+ is_nil(opts[:for]) -> false
+ is_boolean(activity.thread_muted?) -> activity.thread_muted?
+ true -> CommonAPI.thread_muted?(opts[:for], activity)
+ end
+ attachment_data = object.data["attachment"] || []
+ attachments = render_many(attachment_data, StatusView, "attachment.json", as: :attachment)
+ created_at = Utils.to_masto_date(object.data["published"])
+ edited_at =
+ with %{"updated" => updated} <- object.data,
+ date <- Utils.to_masto_date(updated),
+ true <- date != "" do
+ date
+ else
+ _ ->
+ nil
+ end
+ reply_to = get_reply_to(activity, opts)
+ reply_to_user = reply_to && CommonAPI.get_user(reply_to.data["actor"])
+ history_len =
+ 1 +
+ (Object.Updater.history_for(object.data)
+ |> Map.get("orderedItems")
+ |> length())
+ # See render("history.json", ...) for more details
+ # Here the implicit index of the current content is 0
+ chrono_order = history_len - 1
+ content =
+ object
+ |> render_content()
+ content_html =
+ content
+ |> Activity.HTML.get_cached_scrubbed_html_for_activity(
+ User.html_filter_policy(opts[:for]),
+ activity,
+ "mastoapi:content:#{chrono_order}"
+ )
- url =
- if user.local do
- Pleroma.Web.Router.Helpers.o_status_url(Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :notice, activity)
- else
- object.data["url"] || object.data["external_url"] || object.data["id"]
- end
+ content_plaintext =
+ content
+ |> Activity.HTML.get_cached_stripped_html_for_activity(
+ activity,
+ "mastoapi:content:#{chrono_order}"
+ )
- direct_conversation_id =
- with {_, nil} <- {:direct_conversation_id, opts[:direct_conversation_id]},
- {_, true} <- {:include_id, opts[:with_direct_conversation_id]},
- {_, %User{} = for_user} <- {:for_user, opts[:for]} do
- Activity.direct_conversation_id(activity, for_user)
- else
- {:direct_conversation_id, participation_id} when is_integer(participation_id) ->
- participation_id
+ summary = object.data["summary"] || ""
- _e ->
- nil
- end
+ card = render("card.json", Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers.fetch_data_for_activity(activity))
- emoji_reactions =
- object.data
- |> Map.get("reactions", [])
- |> EmojiReactionController.filter_allowed_users(
- opts[:for],
- Map.get(opts, :with_muted, false)
- )
- |> Stream.map(fn {emoji, users, url} ->
- build_emoji_map(emoji, users, url, opts[:for])
- end)
- |> Enum.to_list()
- # Status muted state (would do 1 request per status unless user mutes are preloaded)
- muted =
- thread_muted? ||
- UserRelationship.exists?(
- get_in(opts, [:relationships, :user_relationships]),
- :mute,
+ url =
+ if user.local do
+ Pleroma.Web.Router.Helpers.o_status_url(Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :notice, activity)
+ else
+ object.data["url"] || object.data["external_url"] || object.data["id"]
+ end
+ direct_conversation_id =
+ with {_, nil} <- {:direct_conversation_id, opts[:direct_conversation_id]},
+ {_, true} <- {:include_id, opts[:with_direct_conversation_id]},
+ {_, %User{} = for_user} <- {:for_user, opts[:for]} do
+ Activity.direct_conversation_id(activity, for_user)
+ else
+ {:direct_conversation_id, participation_id} when is_integer(participation_id) ->
+ participation_id
+ _e ->
+ nil
+ end
+ emoji_reactions =
+ object.data
+ |> Map.get("reactions", [])
+ |> EmojiReactionController.filter_allowed_users(
- user,
- fn for_user, user -> User.mutes?(for_user, user) end
+ Map.get(opts, :with_muted, false)
- {pinned?, pinned_at} = pin_data(object, user)
- quote = Activity.get_quoted_activity_from_object(object)
- %{
- id: to_string(activity.id),
- uri: object.data["id"],
- url: url,
- account:
- AccountView.render("show.json", %{
- user: user,
- for: opts[:for]
- }),
- in_reply_to_id: reply_to && to_string(reply_to.id),
- in_reply_to_account_id: reply_to_user && to_string(reply_to_user.id),
- reblog: nil,
- card: card,
- content: content_html,
- text: opts[:with_source] && get_source_text(object.data["source"]),
- created_at: created_at,
- edited_at: edited_at,
- reblogs_count: announcement_count,
- replies_count: object.data["repliesCount"] || 0,
- favourites_count: like_count,
- reblogged: reblogged?(activity, opts[:for]),
- favourited: present?(favorited),
- bookmarked: present?(bookmarked),
- muted: muted,
- pinned: pinned?,
- sensitive: sensitive,
- spoiler_text: summary,
- visibility: get_visibility(object),
- media_attachments: attachments,
- poll: render(PollView, "show.json", object: object, for: opts[:for]),
- mentions: mentions,
- tags: build_tags(tags),
- application: build_application(object.data["generator"]),
- language: nil,
- emojis: build_emojis(object.data["emoji"]),
- quote_id: if(quote, do: quote.id, else: nil),
- quote: maybe_render_quote(quote, opts),
- emoji_reactions: emoji_reactions,
- pleroma: %{
- local: activity.local,
- conversation_id: get_context_id(activity),
- context: object.data["context"],
- in_reply_to_account_acct: reply_to_user && reply_to_user.nickname,
- content: %{"text/plain" => content_plaintext},
- spoiler_text: %{"text/plain" => summary},
- expires_at: expires_at,
- direct_conversation_id: direct_conversation_id,
- thread_muted: thread_muted?,
+ |> Stream.map(fn {emoji, users, url} ->
+ build_emoji_map(emoji, users, url, opts[:for])
+ end)
+ |> Enum.to_list()
+ # Status muted state (would do 1 request per status unless user mutes are preloaded)
+ muted =
+ thread_muted? ||
+ UserRelationship.exists?(
+ get_in(opts, [:relationships, :user_relationships]),
+ :mute,
+ opts[:for],
+ user,
+ fn for_user, user -> User.mutes?(for_user, user) end
+ )
+ {pinned?, pinned_at} = pin_data(object, user)
+ quote = Activity.get_quoted_activity_from_object(object)
+ %{
+ id: to_string(activity.id),
+ uri: object.data["id"],
+ url: url,
+ account:
+ AccountView.render("show.json", %{
+ user: user,
+ for: opts[:for]
+ }),
+ in_reply_to_id: reply_to && to_string(reply_to.id),
+ in_reply_to_account_id: reply_to_user && to_string(reply_to_user.id),
+ reblog: nil,
+ card: card,
+ content: content_html,
+ text: opts[:with_source] && get_source_text(object.data["source"]),
+ created_at: created_at,
+ edited_at: edited_at,
+ reblogs_count: announcement_count,
+ replies_count: object.data["repliesCount"] || 0,
+ favourites_count: like_count,
+ reblogged: reblogged?(activity, opts[:for]),
+ favourited: present?(favorited),
+ bookmarked: present?(bookmarked),
+ muted: muted,
+ pinned: pinned?,
+ sensitive: sensitive,
+ spoiler_text: summary,
+ visibility: get_visibility(object),
+ media_attachments: attachments,
+ poll: render(PollView, "show.json", object: object, for: opts[:for]),
+ mentions: mentions,
+ tags: build_tags(tags),
+ application: build_application(object.data["generator"]),
+ language: nil,
+ emojis: build_emojis(object.data["emoji"]),
+ quote_id: if(quote, do: quote.id, else: nil),
+ quote: maybe_render_quote(quote, opts),
emoji_reactions: emoji_reactions,
- parent_visible: visible_for_user?(reply_to, opts[:for]),
- pinned_at: pinned_at
- },
- akkoma: %{
- source: object.data["source"]
+ pleroma: %{
+ local: activity.local,
+ conversation_id: get_context_id(activity),
+ context: object.data["context"],
+ in_reply_to_account_acct: reply_to_user && reply_to_user.nickname,
+ content: %{"text/plain" => content_plaintext},
+ spoiler_text: %{"text/plain" => summary},
+ expires_at: expires_at,
+ direct_conversation_id: direct_conversation_id,
+ thread_muted: thread_muted?,
+ emoji_reactions: emoji_reactions,
+ parent_visible: visible_for_user?(reply_to, opts[:for]),
+ pinned_at: pinned_at
+ },
+ akkoma: %{
+ source: object.data["source"]
+ }
- }
+ else
+ nil -> nil
+ end
def render("show.json", _) do