- **Breaking:** Admin API: `PUT /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id` is now `PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/reports`, see admin_api.md for details
- **Breaking:** `/api/pleroma/admin/users/invite_token` now uses `POST`, changed accepted params and returns full invite in json instead of only token string.
- **Breaking** replying to reports is now "report notes", enpoint changed from `POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/respond` to `POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/notes`
+- **Breaking** `/api/v1/stats` now return statuses count by scope (i.e. `all`, `public`, `unlisted`, `direct` and `private`)
- Admin API: Return `total` when querying for reports
- Mastodon API: Return `pleroma.direct_conversation_id` when creating a direct message (`POST /api/v1/statuses`)
- Admin API: Return link alongside with token on password reset
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Stats do
+ use GenServer
import Ecto.Query
+ alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
- use GenServer
+ require Pleroma.Constants
@interval 1000 * 60 * 60
%{peers: [], stats: %{}}
- defp get_stat_data do
+ def get_stat_data do
peers =
u in User,
domain_count = Enum.count(peers)
- status_count = Repo.aggregate(User.Query.build(%{local: true}), :sum, :note_count)
user_count = Repo.aggregate(User.Query.build(%{local: true, active: true}), :count, :id)
peers: peers,
- stats: %{domain_count: domain_count, status_count: status_count, user_count: user_count}
+ stats: %{domain_count: domain_count, status_count: status_count(), user_count: user_count}
+ defp status_count do
+ %{
+ all: get_all_statuses_count(),
+ public: public_statuses_query() |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id),
+ unlisted: unlisted_statuses_query() |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id),
+ direct: direct_statuses_query() |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id),
+ private: private_statuses_query() |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id)
+ }
+ end
+ defp get_all_statuses_count do
+ Repo.aggregate(User.Query.build(%{local: true}), :sum, :note_count)
+ end
+ def public_statuses_query do
+ from(o in Object,
+ where: fragment("(?)->'to' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public())
+ )
+ end
+ def unlisted_statuses_query do
+ from(o in Object,
+ where: not fragment("(?)->'to' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public()),
+ where: fragment("(?)->'cc' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public())
+ )
+ end
+ def direct_statuses_query do
+ private_statuses_ids = from(p in private_statuses_query(), select: p.id) |> Repo.all()
+ from(o in Object,
+ where:
+ fragment(
+ "? \\? 'directMessage' AND (?->>'directMessage')::boolean = true",
+ o.data,
+ o.data
+ ) or
+ (not fragment("(?)->'to' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public()) and
+ not fragment("(?)->'cc' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public()) and
+ o.id not in ^private_statuses_ids)
+ )
+ end
+ def private_statuses_query do
+ from(o in subquery(recipients_query()),
+ where: ilike(o.recipients, "%/followers%")
+ )
+ end
+ defp recipients_query do
+ from(o in Object,
+ select: %{
+ id: o.id,
+ recipients: fragment("jsonb_array_elements_text((?)->'to')", o.data)
+ },
+ where: not fragment("(?)->'to' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public()),
+ where: not fragment("(?)->'cc' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public())
+ )
+ end
--- /dev/null
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.StatsTest do
+ use Pleroma.DataCase
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
+ describe "statuses count" do
+ setup do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{"visibility" => "public", "status" => "hey"})
+ Enum.each(0..1, fn _ ->
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{
+ "visibility" => "unlisted",
+ "status" => "hey"
+ })
+ end)
+ Enum.each(0..2, fn _ ->
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{
+ "visibility" => "direct",
+ "status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}"
+ })
+ end)
+ Enum.each(0..3, fn _ ->
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{
+ "visibility" => "private",
+ "status" => "hey"
+ })
+ end)
+ :ok
+ end
+ test "it returns total number of statuses" do
+ data = Pleroma.Stats.get_stat_data()
+ assert data.stats.status_count.public == 1
+ assert data.stats.status_count.unlisted == 2
+ assert data.stats.status_count.direct == 3
+ assert data.stats.status_count.private == 4
+ end
+ end