config :pleroma, :instances_favicons, enabled: false
+config :floki, :html_parser, Floki.HTMLParser.FastHtml
# Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom
# of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above.
import_config "#{Mix.env()}.exs"
test "it renders all links with rel='me' from user bio" do
bio =
- ~s(<a href=""></a> <a rel="me" href=""></a>
- <link href=""> <link rel="me" href=">")
+ ~s(<a href=""></a> <a rel="me" href=""></a> <link href=""> <link rel="me" href="">)
user = insert(:user, %{bio: bio})
assert RelMe.build_tags(%{user: user}) == [
- {:link, [rel: "me", href: ">"], []},
+ {:link, [rel: "me", href: ""], []},
{:link, [rel: "me", href: ""], []}