# - Rollback if we couldn't create it
# - Set up notifications
def handle(%{data: %{"type" => "Create"}} = activity, meta) do
- with {:ok, _object, _meta} <- handle_object_creation(meta[:object_data], meta) do
+ with {:ok, _object, meta} <- handle_object_creation(meta[:object_data], meta) do
{:ok, notifications} = Notification.create_notifications(activity, do_send: false)
meta =
actor = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(object.data["actor"])
recipient = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(hd(object.data["to"]))
- [[actor, recipient], [recipient, actor]]
- |> Enum.each(fn [user, other_user] ->
- if user.local do
- {:ok, chat} = Chat.bump_or_create(user.id, other_user.ap_id)
- {:ok, cm_ref} = MessageReference.create(chat, object, user.ap_id != actor.ap_id)
- # We add a cache of the unread value here so that it
- # doesn't change when being streamed out
- chat =
- chat
- |> Map.put(:unread, MessageReference.unread_count_for_chat(chat))
- Streamer.stream(
- ["user", "user:pleroma_chat"],
- {user, %{cm_ref | chat: chat, object: object}}
- )
- end
- end)
+ streamables =
+ [[actor, recipient], [recipient, actor]]
+ |> Enum.map(fn [user, other_user] ->
+ if user.local do
+ {:ok, chat} = Chat.bump_or_create(user.id, other_user.ap_id)
+ {:ok, cm_ref} = MessageReference.create(chat, object, user.ap_id != actor.ap_id)
+ {
+ ["user", "user:pleroma_chat"],
+ {user, %{cm_ref | chat: chat, object: object}}
+ }
+ end
+ end)
+ |> Enum.filter(& &1)
+ meta =
+ meta
+ |> add_streamables(streamables)
{:ok, object, meta}
def handle_undoing(object), do: {:error, ["don't know how to handle", object]}
defp send_notifications(meta) do
- Keyword.get(meta, :created_notifications, [])
+ Keyword.get(meta, :notifications, [])
|> Enum.each(fn notification ->
Streamer.stream(["user", "user:notification"], notification)
+ defp send_streamables(meta) do
+ Keyword.get(meta, :streamables, [])
+ |> Enum.each(fn {topics, items} ->
+ Streamer.stream(topics, items)
+ end)
+ meta
+ end
+ defp add_streamables(meta, streamables) do
+ existing = Keyword.get(meta, :streamables, [])
+ meta
+ |> Keyword.put(:streamables, streamables ++ existing)
+ end
defp add_notifications(meta, notifications) do
- existing = Keyword.get(meta, :created_notifications, [])
+ existing = Keyword.get(meta, :notifications, [])
- |> Keyword.put(:created_notifications, notifications ++ existing)
+ |> Keyword.put(:notifications, notifications ++ existing)
def handle_after_transaction(meta) do
|> send_notifications()
+ |> send_streamables()
def render("show.json", %{chat: %Chat{} = chat} = opts) do
recipient = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(chat.recipient)
last_message = opts[:last_message] || MessageReference.last_message_for_chat(chat)
id: chat.id |> to_string(),
account: AccountView.render("show.json", Map.put(opts, :user, recipient)),
- unread: Map.get(chat, :unread) || MessageReference.unread_count_for_chat(chat),
+ unread: MessageReference.unread_count_for_chat(chat),
last_message &&
MessageReferenceView.render("show.json", chat_message_reference: last_message),
import Mock
describe "handle_after_transaction" do
- test "it streams out notifications" do
+ test "it streams out notifications and streams" do
author = insert(:user, local: true)
recipient = insert(:user, local: true)
{:ok, _create_activity, meta} =
SideEffects.handle(create_activity, local: false, object_data: chat_message_data)
- assert [notification] = meta[:created_notifications]
+ assert [notification] = meta[:notifications]
assert called(Pleroma.Web.Streamer.stream(["user", "user:notification"], notification))
+ assert called(Pleroma.Web.Streamer.stream(["user", "user:pleroma_chat"], :_))
assert called(Pleroma.Web.Push.send(notification))
{:ok, create_activity, _meta} = ActivityPub.persist(create_activity_data, local: false)
- with_mock Pleroma.Web.Streamer, [],
- stream: fn _, payload ->
- case payload do
- {^author, cm_ref} ->
- assert cm_ref.unread == false
- {^recipient, cm_ref} ->
- assert cm_ref.unread == true
- view =
- Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.ChatView.render("show.json",
- last_message: cm_ref,
- chat: cm_ref.chat
- )
- assert view.unread == 1
- _ ->
- nil
- end
- end do
- {:ok, _create_activity, _meta} =
- SideEffects.handle(create_activity, local: false, object_data: chat_message_data)
+ {:ok, _create_activity, meta} =
+ SideEffects.handle(create_activity, local: false, object_data: chat_message_data)
- assert called(Pleroma.Web.Streamer.stream(["user", "user:pleroma_chat"], {author, :_}))
- assert called(Pleroma.Web.Streamer.stream(["user", "user:pleroma_chat"], {recipient, :_}))
- end
+ assert [_, _] = meta[:streamables]
test "it creates a Chat and MessageReferences for the local users and bumps the unread count, except for the author" do
SideEffects.handle(create_activity, local: false, object_data: chat_message_data)
# The notification gets created
- assert [notification] = meta[:created_notifications]
+ assert [notification] = meta[:notifications]
assert notification.activity_id == create_activity.id
# But it is not sent out
refute called(Pleroma.Web.Streamer.stream(["user", "user:notification"], notification))
refute called(Pleroma.Web.Push.send(notification))
+ # Same for the user chat stream
+ assert [{topics, _}, _] = meta[:streamables]
+ assert topics == ["user", "user:pleroma_chat"]
+ refute called(Pleroma.Web.Streamer.stream(["user", "user:pleroma_chat"], :_))
chat = Chat.get(author.id, recipient.ap_id)
[cm_ref] = MessageReference.for_chat_query(chat) |> Repo.all()
assert called(Pleroma.Web.Push.send(notification))
assert called(Pleroma.Web.Streamer.stream(["user", "user:notification"], notification))
+ assert called(Pleroma.Web.Streamer.stream(["user", "user:pleroma_chat"], :_))
assert activity
import Pleroma.Factory
- test "giving a chat with an 'unread' field, it uses that" do
- user = insert(:user)
- recipient = insert(:user)
- {:ok, chat} = Chat.get_or_create(user.id, recipient.ap_id)
- chat =
- chat
- |> Map.put(:unread, 5)
- represented_chat = ChatView.render("show.json", chat: chat)
- assert represented_chat[:unread] == 5
- end
test "it represents a chat" do
user = insert(:user)
recipient = insert(:user)