|> Maps.put_if_present(:pleroma_settings_store, params[:pleroma_settings_store])
|> Maps.put_if_present(:default_scope, params[:default_scope])
|> Maps.put_if_present(:default_scope, params["source"]["privacy"])
+ |> Maps.put_if_present(:actor_type, params[:bot], fn bot ->
+ if bot, do: {:ok, "Service"}, else: {:ok, "Person"}
+ end)
|> Maps.put_if_present(:actor_type, params[:actor_type])
- changeset = User.update_changeset(user, user_params)
- with {:ok, user} <- User.update_and_set_cache(changeset) do
- user
- |> build_update_activity_params()
- |> ActivityPub.update()
- render(conn, "show.json", user: user, for: user, with_pleroma_settings: true)
+ # What happens here:
+ #
+ # We want to update the user through the pipeline, but the ActivityPub
+ # update information is not quite enough for this, because this also
+ # contains local settings that don't federate and don't even appear
+ # in the Update activity.
+ #
+ # So we first build the normal local changeset, then apply it to the
+ # user data, but don't persist it. With this, we generate the object
+ # data for our update activity. We feed this and the changeset as meta
+ # inforation into the pipeline, where they will be properly updated and
+ # federated.
+ with changeset <- User.update_changeset(user, user_params),
+ {:ok, unpersisted_user} <- Ecto.Changeset.apply_action(changeset, :update),
+ updated_object <-
+ Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.UserView.render("user.json", user: user)
+ |> Map.delete("@context"),
+ {:ok, update_data, []} <- Builder.update(user, updated_object),
+ {:ok, _update, _} <-
+ Pipeline.common_pipeline(update_data,
+ local: true,
+ user_update_changeset: changeset
+ ) do
+ render(conn, "show.json",
+ user: unpersisted_user,
+ for: unpersisted_user,
+ with_pleroma_settings: true
+ )
_e -> render_error(conn, :forbidden, "Invalid request")