alias Pleroma.{User, PasswordResetToken, Repo}
schema "password_reset_tokens" do
- belongs_to(:user, User)
+ belongs_to(:user, User, type: Pleroma.FlakeId)
field(:token, :string)
field(:used, :boolean, default: false)
import Ecto.Query
@type t :: %__MODULE__{}
+ @primary_key {:id, Pleroma.FlakeId, autogenerate: true}
@mastodon_notification_types %{
id: :cachex_idem
+ worker(Pleroma.FlakeId, []),
worker(Pleroma.Web.Federator.RetryQueue, []),
worker(Pleroma.Web.Federator, []),
worker(Pleroma.Stats, []),
alias Pleroma.{User, Repo}
schema "filters" do
- belongs_to(:user, User)
+ belongs_to(:user, User, type: Pleroma.FlakeId)
field(:filter_id, :integer)
field(:hide, :boolean, default: false)
field(:whole_word, :boolean, default: true)
--- /dev/null
+defmodule Pleroma.FlakeId do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Flake is a decentralized, k-ordered id generation service.
+ Adapted from:
+ * [flaky](, released under the terms of the Truly Free License,
+ * [Flake](, Copyright 2012, Boundary, Apache License, Version 2.0
+ """
+ @type t :: binary
+ @behaviour Ecto.Type
+ use GenServer
+ require Logger
+ alias __MODULE__
+ import Kernel, except: [to_string: 1]
+ defstruct node: nil, time: 0, sq: 0
+ @doc "Converts a binary Flake to a String"
+ def to_string(<<0::integer-size(64), id::integer-size(64)>>) do
+ Kernel.to_string(id)
+ end
+ def to_string(flake = <<_::integer-size(64), _::integer-size(48), _::integer-size(16)>>) do
+ encode_base62(flake)
+ end
+ def to_string(s), do: s
+ def from_string(<<id::integer-size(64)>>) do
+ <<0::integer-size(64), id::integer-size(64)>>
+ end
+ for i <- [-1, 0] do
+ def from_string(unquote(i)), do: <<0::integer-size(128)>>
+ def from_string(unquote(Kernel.to_string(i))), do: <<0::integer-size(128)>>
+ end
+ def from_string(string) when is_binary(string) and byte_size(string) < 18 do
+ case Integer.parse(string) do
+ {id, _} -> <<0::integer-size(64), id::integer-size(64)>>
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ end
+ def from_string(string) do
+ string |> decode_base62 |> from_integer
+ end
+ def to_integer(<<integer::integer-size(128)>>), do: integer
+ def from_integer(integer) do
+ <<_time::integer-size(64), _node::integer-size(48), _seq::integer-size(16)>> =
+ <<integer::integer-size(128)>>
+ end
+ @doc "Generates a Flake"
+ @spec get :: binary
+ def get, do: to_string(, :get))
+ # -- Ecto.Type API
+ @impl Ecto.Type
+ def type, do: :uuid
+ @impl Ecto.Type
+ def cast(value) do
+ {:ok, FlakeId.to_string(value)}
+ end
+ @impl Ecto.Type
+ def load(value) do
+ {:ok, FlakeId.to_string(value)}
+ end
+ @impl Ecto.Type
+ def dump(value) do
+ {:ok, FlakeId.from_string(value)}
+ end
+ def autogenerate(), do: get()
+ # -- GenServer API
+ def start_link do
+ :gen_server.start_link({:local, :flake}, __MODULE__, [], [])
+ end
+ @impl GenServer
+ def init([]) do
+ {:ok, %FlakeId{node: mac(), time: time()}}
+ end
+ @impl GenServer
+ def handle_call(:get, _from, state) do
+ {flake, new_state} = get(time(), state)
+ {:reply, flake, new_state}
+ end
+ # Matches when the calling time is the same as the state time. Incr. sq
+ defp get(time, %FlakeId{time: time, node: node, sq: seq}) do
+ new_state = %FlakeId{time: time, node: node, sq: seq + 1}
+ {gen_flake(new_state), new_state}
+ end
+ # Matches when the times are different, reset sq
+ defp get(newtime, %FlakeId{time: time, node: node}) when newtime > time do
+ new_state = %FlakeId{time: newtime, node: node, sq: 0}
+ {gen_flake(new_state), new_state}
+ end
+ # Error when clock is running backwards
+ defp get(newtime, %FlakeId{time: time}) when newtime < time do
+ {:error, :clock_running_backwards}
+ end
+ defp gen_flake(%FlakeId{time: time, node: node, sq: seq}) do
+ <<time::integer-size(64), node::integer-size(48), seq::integer-size(16)>>
+ end
+ defp nthchar_base62(n) when n <= 9, do: ?0 + n
+ defp nthchar_base62(n) when n <= 35, do: ?A + n - 10
+ defp nthchar_base62(n), do: ?a + n - 36
+ defp encode_base62(<<integer::integer-size(128)>>) do
+ integer
+ |> encode_base62([])
+ |> List.to_string()
+ end
+ defp encode_base62(int, acc) when int < 0, do: encode_base62(-int, acc)
+ defp encode_base62(int, []) when int == 0, do: '0'
+ defp encode_base62(int, acc) when int == 0, do: acc
+ defp encode_base62(int, acc) do
+ r = rem(int, 62)
+ id = div(int, 62)
+ acc = [nthchar_base62(r) | acc]
+ encode_base62(id, acc)
+ end
+ defp decode_base62(s) do
+ decode_base62(String.to_charlist(s), 0)
+ end
+ defp decode_base62([c | cs], acc) when c >= ?0 and c <= ?9,
+ do: decode_base62(cs, 62 * acc + (c - ?0))
+ defp decode_base62([c | cs], acc) when c >= ?A and c <= ?Z,
+ do: decode_base62(cs, 62 * acc + (c - ?A + 10))
+ defp decode_base62([c | cs], acc) when c >= ?a and c <= ?z,
+ do: decode_base62(cs, 62 * acc + (c - ?a + 36))
+ defp decode_base62([], acc), do: acc
+ defp time do
+ {mega_seconds, seconds, micro_seconds} = :erlang.timestamp()
+ 1_000_000_000 * mega_seconds + seconds * 1000 + :erlang.trunc(micro_seconds / 1000)
+ end
+ defp mac do
+ {:ok, addresses} = :inet.getifaddrs()
+ ifaces_with_mac =
+ Enum.reduce(addresses, [], fn {iface, attrs}, acc ->
+ if attrs[:hwaddr], do: [iface | acc], else: acc
+ end)
+ iface =, :rand.uniform(length(ifaces_with_mac)) - 1)
+ mac(iface)
+ end
+ defp mac(name) do
+ {:ok, addresses} = :inet.getifaddrs()
+ proplist = :proplists.get_value(name, addresses)
+ hwaddr = Enum.take(:proplists.get_value(:hwaddr, proplist), 6)
+ <<worker::integer-size(48)>> = :binary.list_to_bin(hwaddr)
+ worker
+ end
alias Pleroma.{User, Repo, Activity}
schema "lists" do
- belongs_to(:user, Pleroma.User)
+ belongs_to(:user, User, type: Pleroma.FlakeId)
field(:title, :string)
field(:following, {:array, :string}, default: [])
schema "notifications" do
field(:seen, :boolean, default: false)
- belongs_to(:user, Pleroma.User)
- belongs_to(:activity, Pleroma.Activity)
+ belongs_to(:user, User, type: Pleroma.FlakeId)
+ belongs_to(:activity, Activity, type: Pleroma.FlakeId)
- def create_notifications(%Activity{id: _, data: %{"to" => _, "type" => type}} = activity)
+ def create_notifications(%Activity{data: %{"to" => _, "type" => type}} = activity)
when type in ["Create", "Like", "Announce", "Follow"] do
users = get_notified_from_activity(activity)
@type t :: %__MODULE__{}
+ @primary_key {:id, Pleroma.FlakeId, autogenerate: true}
@email_regex ~r/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/
@strict_local_nickname_regex ~r/^[a-zA-Z\d]+$/
- # Only do this for recent activties, don't go through the whole db.
- # Only look at the last 1000 activities.
- since = (Repo.aggregate(Activity, :max, :id) || 0) - 1_000
q =
a in Activity,
where: ^old_follower_address in a.recipients,
- where: > ^since,
update: [
set: [
"partOf" => iri,
"totalItems" => info.note_count,
"orderedItems" => collection,
- "next" => "#{iri}?max_id=#{min_id - 1}"
+ "next" => "#{iri}?max_id=#{min_id}"
if max_qid == nil do
"partOf" => iri,
"totalItems" => -1,
"orderedItems" => collection,
- "next" => "#{iri}?max_id=#{min_id - 1}"
+ "next" => "#{iri}?max_id=#{min_id}"
if max_qid == nil do
field(:token, :string)
field(:valid_until, :naive_datetime)
field(:used, :boolean, default: false)
- belongs_to(:user, Pleroma.User)
+ belongs_to(:user, Pleroma.User, type: Pleroma.FlakeId)
belongs_to(:app, App)
field(:token, :string)
field(:refresh_token, :string)
field(:valid_until, :naive_datetime)
- belongs_to(:user, Pleroma.User)
+ belongs_to(:user, Pleroma.User, type: Pleroma.FlakeId)
belongs_to(:app, App)
alias Pleroma.Web.Push.Subscription
schema "push_subscriptions" do
- belongs_to(:user, User)
+ belongs_to(:user, User, type: Pleroma.FlakeId)
belongs_to(:token, Token)
field(:endpoint, :string)
field(:key_p256dh, :string)
def fetch_conversation(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, %{"id" => id}) do
- id = String.to_integer(id)
with context when is_binary(context) <- TwitterAPI.conversation_id_to_context(id),
activities <-
ActivityPub.fetch_activities_for_context(context, %{
def favorite(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, %{"id" => id}) do
- with {_, {:ok, id}} <- {:param_cast, Ecto.Type.cast(:integer, id)},
- {:ok, activity} <- TwitterAPI.fav(user, id) do
+ with {:ok, activity} <- TwitterAPI.fav(user, id) do
|> put_view(ActivityView)
|> render("activity.json", %{activity: activity, for: user})
+ else
+ _ -> json_reply(conn, 400, Jason.encode!(%{}))
def unfavorite(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, %{"id" => id}) do
- with {_, {:ok, id}} <- {:param_cast, Ecto.Type.cast(:integer, id)},
- {:ok, activity} <- TwitterAPI.unfav(user, id) do
+ with {:ok, activity} <- TwitterAPI.unfav(user, id) do
|> put_view(ActivityView)
|> render("activity.json", %{activity: activity, for: user})
+ else
+ _ -> json_reply(conn, 400, Jason.encode!(%{}))
def retweet(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, %{"id" => id}) do
- with {_, {:ok, id}} <- {:param_cast, Ecto.Type.cast(:integer, id)},
- {:ok, activity} <- TwitterAPI.repeat(user, id) do
+ with {:ok, activity} <- TwitterAPI.repeat(user, id) do
|> put_view(ActivityView)
|> render("activity.json", %{activity: activity, for: user})
+ else
+ _ -> json_reply(conn, 400, Jason.encode!(%{}))
def unretweet(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, %{"id" => id}) do
- with {_, {:ok, id}} <- {:param_cast, Ecto.Type.cast(:integer, id)},
- {:ok, activity} <- TwitterAPI.unrepeat(user, id) do
+ with {:ok, activity} <- TwitterAPI.unrepeat(user, id) do
|> put_view(ActivityView)
|> render("activity.json", %{activity: activity, for: user})
+ else
+ _ -> json_reply(conn, 400, Jason.encode!(%{}))
def approve_friend_request(conn, %{"user_id" => uid} = _params) do
with followed <- conn.assigns[:user],
- uid when is_number(uid) <- String.to_integer(uid),
%User{} = follower <- Repo.get(User, uid),
{:ok, follower} <- User.maybe_follow(follower, followed),
%Activity{} = follow_activity <- Utils.fetch_latest_follow(follower, followed),
def deny_friend_request(conn, %{"user_id" => uid} = _params) do
with followed <- conn.assigns[:user],
- uid when is_number(uid) <- String.to_integer(uid),
%User{} = follower <- Repo.get(User, uid),
%Activity{} = follow_activity <- Utils.fetch_latest_follow(follower, followed),
{:ok, follow_activity} <- Utils.update_follow_state(follow_activity, "reject"),
field(:state, :string)
field(:subscribers, {:array, :string}, default: [])
field(:hub, :string)
- belongs_to(:user, User)
+ belongs_to(:user, User, type: Pleroma.FlakeId)
--- /dev/null
+defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.UsersAndActivitiesFlakeId do
+ use Ecto.Migration
+ # This migrates from int serial IDs to custom Flake:
+ # 1- create a temporary uuid column
+ # 2- fill this column with compatibility ids (see below)
+ # 3- remove pkeys constraints
+ # 4- update relation pkeys with the new ids
+ # 5- rename the temporary column to id
+ # 6- re-create the constraints
+ def change do
+ # Old serial int ids are transformed to 128bits with extra padding.
+ # The application (in `Pleroma.FlakeId`) handles theses IDs properly as integers; to keep compatibility
+ # with previously issued ids.
+ #execute "update activities set external_id = CAST( LPAD( TO_HEX(id), 32, '0' ) AS uuid);"
+ #execute "update users set external_id = CAST( LPAD( TO_HEX(id), 32, '0' ) AS uuid);"
+ execute "ALTER TABLE activities DROP CONSTRAINT activities_pkey CASCADE;"
+ execute "ALTER TABLE users DROP CONSTRAINT users_pkey CASCADE;"
+ execute "ALTER TABLE activities ALTER COLUMN id DROP default;"
+ execute "ALTER TABLE users ALTER COLUMN id DROP default;"
+ execute "ALTER TABLE activities ALTER COLUMN id SET DATA TYPE uuid USING CAST( LPAD( TO_HEX(id), 32, '0' ) AS uuid);"
+ execute "ALTER TABLE users ALTER COLUMN id SET DATA TYPE uuid USING CAST( LPAD( TO_HEX(id), 32, '0' ) AS uuid);"
+ execute "ALTER TABLE activities ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);"
+ execute "ALTER TABLE users ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);"
+ # Fkeys:
+ # Activities - Referenced by:
+ # TABLE "notifications" CONSTRAINT "notifications_activity_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (activity_id) REFERENCES activities(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
+ # Users - Referenced by:
+ # TABLE "filters" CONSTRAINT "filters_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
+ # TABLE "lists" CONSTRAINT "lists_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
+ # TABLE "notifications" CONSTRAINT "notifications_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
+ # TABLE "oauth_authorizations" CONSTRAINT "oauth_authorizations_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id)
+ # TABLE "oauth_tokens" CONSTRAINT "oauth_tokens_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id)
+ # TABLE "password_reset_tokens" CONSTRAINT "password_reset_tokens_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id)
+ # TABLE "push_subscriptions" CONSTRAINT "push_subscriptions_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
+ # TABLE "websub_client_subscriptions" CONSTRAINT "websub_client_subscriptions_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id)
+ execute "ALTER TABLE notifications ALTER COLUMN activity_id SET DATA TYPE uuid USING CAST( LPAD( TO_HEX(activity_id), 32, '0' ) AS uuid);"
+ execute "ALTER TABLE notifications ADD CONSTRAINT notifications_activity_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (activity_id) REFERENCES activities(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;"
+ for table <- ~w(notifications filters lists oauth_authorizations oauth_tokens password_reset_tokens push_subscriptions websub_client_subscriptions) do
+ execute "ALTER TABLE #{table} ALTER COLUMN user_id SET DATA TYPE uuid USING CAST( LPAD( TO_HEX(user_id), 32, '0' ) AS uuid);"
+ execute "ALTER TABLE #{table} ADD CONSTRAINT #{table}_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;"
+ end
+ end
|> with_credentials(current_user.nickname, "test")
|> post("/api/favorites/create/1.json")
- assert json_response(conn, 500)
+ assert json_response(conn, 400)
conn =
|> assign(:user, user)
- |> post("/api/pleroma/friendships/approve", %{"user_id" => to_string(})
+ |> post("/api/pleroma/friendships/approve", %{"user_id" =>})
assert relationship = json_response(conn, 200)
assert == relationship["id"]
conn =
|> assign(:user, user)
- |> post("/api/pleroma/friendships/deny", %{"user_id" => to_string(})
+ |> post("/api/pleroma/friendships/deny", %{"user_id" =>})
assert relationship = json_response(conn, 200)
assert == relationship["id"]