--- /dev/null
+defmodule Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPool.Reclaimer do
+ use GenServer, restart: :temporary
+ @registry Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPool
+ def start_monitor() do
+ pid =
+ case :gen_server.start(__MODULE__, [], name: {:via, Registry, {@registry, "reclaimer"}}) do
+ {:ok, pid} ->
+ pid
+ {:error, {:already_registered, pid}} ->
+ pid
+ end
+ {pid, Process.monitor(pid)}
+ end
+ @impl true
+ def init(_) do
+ {:ok, nil, {:continue, :reclaim}}
+ end
+ @impl true
+ def handle_continue(:reclaim, _) do
+ max_connections = Pleroma.Config.get([:connections_pool, :max_connections])
+ reclaim_max =
+ [:connections_pool, :reclaim_multiplier]
+ |> Pleroma.Config.get()
+ |> Kernel.*(max_connections)
+ |> round
+ |> max(1)
+ :telemetry.execute([:pleroma, :connection_pool, :reclaim, :start], %{}, %{
+ max_connections: max_connections,
+ reclaim_max: reclaim_max
+ })
+ # :ets.fun2ms(
+ # fn {_, {worker_pid, {_, used_by, crf, last_reference}}} when used_by == [] ->
+ # {worker_pid, crf, last_reference} end)
+ unused_conns =
+ Registry.select(
+ @registry,
+ [
+ {{:_, :"$1", {:_, :"$2", :"$3", :"$4"}}, [{:==, :"$2", []}], [{{:"$1", :"$3", :"$4"}}]}
+ ]
+ )
+ case unused_conns do
+ [] ->
+ :telemetry.execute(
+ [:pleroma, :connection_pool, :reclaim, :stop],
+ %{reclaimed_count: 0},
+ %{
+ max_connections: max_connections
+ }
+ )
+ {:stop, :no_unused_conns, nil}
+ unused_conns ->
+ reclaimed =
+ unused_conns
+ |> Enum.sort(fn {_pid1, crf1, last_reference1}, {_pid2, crf2, last_reference2} ->
+ crf1 <= crf2 and last_reference1 <= last_reference2
+ end)
+ |> Enum.take(reclaim_max)
+ reclaimed
+ |> Enum.each(fn {pid, _, _} ->
+ DynamicSupervisor.terminate_child(Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPool.WorkerSupervisor, pid)
+ end)
+ :telemetry.execute(
+ [:pleroma, :connection_pool, :reclaim, :stop],
+ %{reclaimed_count: Enum.count(reclaimed)},
+ %{max_connections: max_connections}
+ )
+ {:stop, :normal, nil}
+ end
+ end
- @registry Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPool
- @enforcer_key "enforcer"
defp free_pool do
- case Registry.lookup(@registry, @enforcer_key) do
- [] ->
- pid =
- spawn(fn ->
- {:ok, _pid} = Registry.register(@registry, @enforcer_key, nil)
- max_connections = Pleroma.Config.get([:connections_pool, :max_connections])
- reclaim_max =
- [:connections_pool, :reclaim_multiplier]
- |> Pleroma.Config.get()
- |> Kernel.*(max_connections)
- |> round
- |> max(1)
- :telemetry.execute([:pleroma, :connection_pool, :reclaim, :start], %{}, %{
- max_connections: max_connections,
- reclaim_max: reclaim_max
- })
- # :ets.fun2ms(
- # fn {_, {worker_pid, {_, used_by, crf, last_reference}}} when used_by == [] ->
- # {worker_pid, crf, last_reference} end)
- unused_conns =
- Registry.select(
- @registry,
- [
- {{:_, :"$1", {:_, :"$2", :"$3", :"$4"}}, [{:==, :"$2", []}],
- [{{:"$1", :"$3", :"$4"}}]}
- ]
- )
- case unused_conns do
- [] ->
- :telemetry.execute(
- [:pleroma, :connection_pool, :reclaim, :stop],
- %{reclaimed_count: 0},
- %{
- max_connections: max_connections
- }
- )
- exit(:no_unused_conns)
- unused_conns ->
- reclaimed =
- unused_conns
- |> Enum.sort(fn {_pid1, crf1, last_reference1},
- {_pid2, crf2, last_reference2} ->
- crf1 <= crf2 and last_reference1 <= last_reference2
- end)
- |> Enum.take(reclaim_max)
- reclaimed
- |> Enum.each(fn {pid, _, _} ->
- DynamicSupervisor.terminate_child(__MODULE__, pid)
- end)
- :telemetry.execute(
- [:pleroma, :connection_pool, :reclaim, :stop],
- %{reclaimed_count: Enum.count(reclaimed)},
- %{max_connections: max_connections}
- )
- end
- end)
- wait_for_enforcer_finish(pid)
- [{pid, _}] ->
- wait_for_enforcer_finish(pid)
- end
+ wait_for_reclaimer_finish(Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPool.Reclaimer.start_monitor())
- defp wait_for_enforcer_finish(pid) do
- ref = Process.monitor(pid)
+ defp wait_for_reclaimer_finish({pid, mon}) do
receive do
- {:DOWN, ^ref, :process, ^pid, :no_unused_conns} ->
+ {:DOWN, ^mon, :process, ^pid, :no_unused_conns} ->
- {:DOWN, ^ref, :process, ^pid, :normal} ->
+ {:DOWN, ^mon, :process, ^pid, :normal} ->