+ def listen(%{to: to, actor: actor, context: context, object: object} = params) do
+ additional = params[:additional] || %{}
+ # only accept false as false value
+ local = !(params[:local] == false)
+ published = params[:published]
+ with listen_data <-
+ make_listen_data(
+ %{to: to, actor: actor, published: published, context: context, object: object},
+ additional
+ ),
+ {:ok, activity} <- insert(listen_data, local),
+ :ok <- maybe_federate(activity) do
+ {:ok, activity}
+ else
+ {:error, message} ->
+ {:error, message}
+ end
+ end
def accept(%{to: to, actor: actor, object: object} = params) do
# only accept false as false value
local = !(params[:local] == false)
require Logger
require Pleroma.Constants
- @supported_object_types ["Article", "Note", "Video", "Page", "Question", "Answer"]
+ @supported_object_types ["Article", "Note", "Video", "Page", "Question", "Answer", "Audio"]
@supported_report_states ~w(open closed resolved)
@valid_visibilities ~w(public unlisted private direct)
|> Map.merge(additional)
+ #### Listen-related helpers
+ def make_listen_data(params, additional) do
+ published = params.published || make_date()
+ %{
+ "type" => "Listen",
+ "to" => params.to |> Enum.uniq(),
+ "actor" => params.actor.ap_id,
+ "object" => params.object,
+ "published" => published,
+ "context" => params.context
+ }
+ |> Map.merge(additional)
+ end
#### Flag-related helpers
@spec make_flag_data(map(), map()) :: map()
def make_flag_data(%{actor: actor, context: context, content: content} = params, additional) do
+ describe "listen activities" do
+ test "does not increase user note count" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} =
+ ActivityPub.listen(%{
+ to: ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"],
+ actor: user,
+ context: "",
+ object: %{
+ "actor" => user.ap_id,
+ "to" => ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"],
+ "artist" => "lain",
+ "title" => "lain radio episode 1",
+ "length" => 180_000,
+ "type" => "Audio"
+ }
+ })
+ assert activity.actor == user.ap_id
+ user = User.get_cached_by_id(user.id)
+ assert user.info.note_count == 0
+ end
+ test "can be fetched into a timeline" do
+ _listen_activity_1 = insert(:listen)
+ _listen_activity_2 = insert(:listen)
+ _listen_activity_3 = insert(:listen)
+ timeline = ActivityPub.fetch_activities([], %{"type" => ["Listen"]})
+ assert length(timeline) == 3
+ end
+ end
describe "create activities" do
test "removes doubled 'to' recipients" do
user = insert(:user)