def publish_one(%{inbox: inbox, json: json, actor: %User{} = actor, id: id} = params) do
Logger.debug("Federating #{id} to #{inbox}")
- %{host: host, path: path} = URI.parse(inbox)
+ uri = URI.parse(inbox)
digest = "SHA-256=" <> (:crypto.hash(:sha256, json) |> Base.encode64())
signature =
Pleroma.Signature.sign(actor, %{
- "(request-target)": "post #{path}",
- host: host,
+ "(request-target)": "post #{uri.path}",
+ host: signature_host(uri),
"content-length": byte_size(json),
digest: digest,
date: date
{"digest", digest}
) do
- if !Map.has_key?(params, :unreachable_since) || params[:unreachable_since],
- do: Instances.set_reachable(inbox)
+ if not Map.has_key?(params, :unreachable_since) || params[:unreachable_since] do
+ Instances.set_reachable(inbox)
+ end
|> publish_one()
+ defp signature_host(%URI{port: port, scheme: scheme, host: host}) do
+ if port == URI.default_port(scheme) do
+ host
+ else
+ "#{host}:#{port}"
+ end
+ end
defp should_federate?(inbox, public) do
if public do
describe "publish_one/1" do
+ test "publish to url with with different ports" do
+ inbox80 = "http://42.site/users/nick1/inbox"
+ inbox42 = "http://42.site:42/users/nick1/inbox"
+ mock(fn
+ %{method: :post, url: "http://42.site:42/users/nick1/inbox"} ->
+ {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: "port 42"}}
+ %{method: :post, url: "http://42.site/users/nick1/inbox"} ->
+ {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: "port 80"}}
+ end)
+ actor = insert(:user)
+ assert {:ok, %{body: "port 42"}} =
+ Publisher.publish_one(%{
+ inbox: inbox42,
+ json: "{}",
+ actor: actor,
+ id: 1,
+ unreachable_since: true
+ })
+ assert {:ok, %{body: "port 80"}} =
+ Publisher.publish_one(%{
+ inbox: inbox80,
+ json: "{}",
+ actor: actor,
+ id: 1,
+ unreachable_since: true
+ })
+ end
test_with_mock "calls `Instances.set_reachable` on successful federation if `unreachable_since` is not specified",
inbox = "http://200.site/users/nick1/inbox"
assert {:ok, _} = Publisher.publish_one(%{inbox: inbox, json: "{}", actor: actor, id: 1})
assert called(Instances.set_reachable(inbox))