"application/xrd+xml" => ["xrd+xml"]
-config :pleroma, :websub_verifier, Pleroma.Web.Websub
+config :pleroma, :websub, Pleroma.Web.Websub
+config :pleroma, :ostatus, Pleroma.Web.OStatus
# Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom
# of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above.
# Reduce hash rounds for testing
config :comeonin, :pbkdf2_rounds, 1
-config :pleroma, :websub_verifier, Pleroma.Web.WebsubMock
+config :pleroma, :websub, Pleroma.Web.WebsubMock
+config :pleroma, :ostatus, Pleroma.Web.OStatusMock
alias Pleroma.User
require Logger
- @websub_verifier Application.get_env(:pleroma, :websub_verifier)
+ @websub Application.get_env(:pleroma, :websub)
def handle(:publish, activity) do
Logger.debug("Running publish for #{activity.data["id"]}")
def handle(:verify_websub, websub) do
Logger.debug("Running websub verification for #{websub.id} (#{websub.topic}, #{websub.callback})")
- @websub_verifier.verify(websub)
+ @websub.verify(websub)
def handle(type, payload) do
get "/users/:nickname/feed", OStatus.OStatusController, :feed
post "/users/:nickname/salmon", OStatus.OStatusController, :salmon_incoming
- post "/push/subscriptions/:id", Websub.WebsubController, :websub_subscription_confirmation
post "/push/hub/:nickname", Websub.WebsubController, :websub_subscription_request
+ get "/push/subscriptions/:id", Websub.WebsubController, :websub_subscription_confirmation
+ post "/push/subscriptions/:id", Websub.WebsubController, :websub_incoming
scope "/.well-known", Pleroma.Web do
response = FeedRepresenter.to_simple_form(user, [activity], [user])
|> :xmerl.export_simple(:xmerl_xml)
- signature = :crypto.hmac(:sha, sub.secret, response) |> Base.encode16
+ signature = sign(sub.secret, response)
HTTPoison.post(sub.callback, response, [
{"Content-Type", "application/atom+xml"},
{"X-Hub-Signature", "sha1=#{signature}"}
+ def sign(secret, doc) do
+ :crypto.hmac(:sha, secret, doc) |> Base.encode16
+ end
def incoming_subscription_request(user, %{"hub.mode" => "subscribe"} = params) do
with {:ok, topic} <- valid_topic(params, user),
{:ok, lease_time} <- lease_time(params),
defmodule Pleroma.Web.Websub.WebsubController do
use Pleroma.Web, :controller
- alias Pleroma.User
+ alias Pleroma.{Repo, User}
alias Pleroma.Web.Websub
+ alias Pleroma.Web.Websub.WebsubClientSubscription
+ require Logger
+ @ostatus Application.get_env(:pleroma, :ostatus)
def websub_subscription_request(conn, %{"nickname" => nickname} = params) do
user = User.get_cached_by_nickname(nickname)
- def websub_subscription_confirmation(conn, params) do
- IO.inspect(params)
- conn
+ def websub_subscription_confirmation(conn, %{"id" => id, "hub.mode" => "subscribe", "hub.challenge" => challenge, "hub.topic" => topic}) do
+ with %WebsubClientSubscription{} = websub <- Repo.get_by(WebsubClientSubscription, id: id, topic: topic) do
+ change = Ecto.Changeset.change(websub, %{state: "accepted"})
+ {:ok, _websub} = Repo.update(change)
+ conn
+ |> send_resp(200, challenge)
+ else _e ->
+ conn
+ |> send_resp(500, "Error")
+ end
+ end
+ def websub_incoming(conn, %{"id" => id}) do
+ with "sha1=" <> signature <- hd(get_req_header(conn, "x-hub-signature")),
+ %WebsubClientSubscription{} = websub <- Repo.get(WebsubClientSubscription, id),
+ {:ok, body, _conn} = read_body(conn),
+ ^signature <- Websub.sign(websub.secret, body) do
+ @ostatus.handle_incoming(body)
+ conn
+ |> send_resp(200, "OK")
+ else _e ->
+ Logger.debug("Can't handle incoming subscription post")
+ conn
+ |> send_resp(500, "Error")
+ end
defmodule Pleroma.Web.Websub.WebsubControllerTest do
use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase
import Pleroma.Factory
+ alias Pleroma.Web.Websub.WebsubClientSubscription
+ alias Pleroma.{Repo, Activity}
+ alias Pleroma.Web.Websub
test "websub subscription request", %{conn: conn} do
user = insert(:user)
assert response(conn, 202) == "Accepted"
+ test "websub subscription confirmation", %{conn: conn} do
+ websub = insert(:websub_client_subscription)
+ params = %{
+ "hub.mode" => "subscribe",
+ "hub.topic" => websub.topic,
+ "hub.challenge" => "some challenge",
+ "hub.lease_seconds" => 100
+ }
+ conn = conn
+ |> get("/push/subscriptions/#{websub.id}", params)
+ websub = Repo.get(WebsubClientSubscription, websub.id)
+ assert response(conn, 200) == "some challenge"
+ assert websub.state == "accepted"
+ end
+ test "handles incoming feed updates", %{conn: conn} do
+ websub = insert(:websub_client_subscription)
+ doc = "some stuff"
+ signature = Websub.sign(websub.secret, doc)
+ conn = conn
+ |> put_req_header("x-hub-signature", "sha1=" <> signature)
+ |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/atom+xml")
+ |> post("/push/subscriptions/#{websub.id}", doc)
+ assert response(conn, 200) == "OK"
+ assert length(Repo.all(Activity)) == 1
+ end
+ test "rejects incoming feed updates with the wrong signature", %{conn: conn} do
+ websub = insert(:websub_client_subscription)
+ doc = "some stuff"
+ signature = Websub.sign("wrong secret", doc)
+ conn = conn
+ |> put_req_header("x-hub-signature", "sha1=" <> signature)
+ |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/atom+xml")
+ |> post("/push/subscriptions/#{websub.id}", doc)
+ assert response(conn, 500) == "Error"
+ assert length(Repo.all(Activity)) == 0
+ end
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.OStatusMock do
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ def handle_incoming(_doc) do
+ insert(:note_activity)
+ end