### Get a list of reports
- Method `GET`
- Params:
- - `state`: optional, the state of reports. Valid values are `open`, `closed` and `resolved`
- - `limit`: optional, the number of records to retrieve
- - `since_id`: optional, returns results that are more recent than the specified id
- - `max_id`: optional, returns results that are older than the specified id
+ - *optional* `state`: **string** the state of reports. Valid values are `open`, `closed` and `resolved`
+ - *optional* `limit`: **integer** the number of records to retrieve
+ - *optional* `page`: **integer** page number
+ - *optional* `page_size`: **integer** number of log entries per page (default is `50`)
- Response:
- On failure: 403 Forbidden error `{"error": "error_msg"}` when requested by anonymous or non-admin
- On success: JSON, returns a list of reports, where: