### Dependencies
* Postgresql version 9.6 or newer
-* Elixir version 1.4 or newer
+* Elixir version 1.4 or newer (you will also need erlang-dev, erlang-parsetools, erlang-xmerl packages)
* Build-essential tools
### Configuration
* Run `mix deps.get` to install elixir dependencies.
- * Run `mix generate_config`. This will ask you a few questions about your instance and generate a configuration file in `config/generated_config.exs`. Check that and copy it to either `config/dev.secret.exs` or `config/prod.secret.exs`.
- * Configure your database settings in `{dev,prod}.secret.exs` and either create the database with psql or run `mix ecto.create`.
+ * Run `mix generate_config`. This will ask you a few questions about your instance and generate a configuration file in `config/dev.secret.exs` and `config/prod.secret.exs`. It will also create a `config/db_setup.psql`, which you need to run as PostgreSQL superuser (i.e. `sudo su - postgre -c "psql -f config/db_setup.psql"`). It will setup a pleroma db user, database and will setup needed extensions that need to be set up once as superuser.
* Run `mix ecto.migrate` to run the database migrations. You will have to do this again after certain updates.
@shortdoc "Generates a new config"
def run(_) do
IO.puts("Answer a few questions to generate a new config\n")
- IO.puts("--- THIS WILL OVERWRITE YOUR config/generated_config.exs! ---\n")
+ IO.puts("--- THIS WILL OVERWRITE YOUR config/dev.secret.exs AND config/prod.secret.exs! ---\n")
domain = IO.gets("What is your domain name? (e.g. pleroma.soykaf.com): ") |> String.trim
name = IO.gets("What is the name of your instance? (e.g. Pleroma/Soykaf): ") |> String.trim
email = IO.gets("What's your admin email address: ") |> String.trim
secret = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(64) |> Base.encode64 |> binary_part(0, 64)
+ dbpass = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(64) |> Base.encode64 |> binary_part(0, 64)
- result = EEx.eval_file("lib/mix/tasks/sample_config.eex", [domain: domain, email: email, name: name, secret: secret])
- IO.puts("\nWriting config to config/generated_config.exs.\n\nCheck it and configure your database, then copy it to either config/dev.secret.exs or config/prod.secret.exs")
- File.write("config/generated_config.exs", result)
+ resultSql = EEx.eval_file("lib/mix/tasks/sample_psql.eex", [dbpass: dbpass])
+ result = EEx.eval_file("lib/mix/tasks/sample_config.eex", [domain: domain, email: email, name: name, secret: secret, dbpass: dbpass])
+ IO.puts("\nWriting config to config/dev.secret.exs and config/prod.secret.exs")
+ IO.puts("\nWriting setup_db.psql, please run it as postgre superuser, i.e. su - postgre -c 'psql -f setup_db.psql'")
+ File.write("config/dev.secret.exs", result)
+ File.write("config/prod.secret.exs", result)
+ File.write("config/setup_db.psql", resultSql)
--- /dev/null
+CREATE DATABASE pleroma_dev;
+ALTER DATABASE pleroma_dev OWNER TO pleroma;
+\c pleroma_dev;
+--Extensions made by ecto.migrate that need superuser access