resultSql = EEx.eval_file("lib/mix/tasks/sample_psql.eex", dbpass: dbpass)
+ {web_push_public_key, web_push_private_key} = :crypto.generate_key(:ecdh, :prime256v1)
result =
email: email,
name: name,
secret: secret,
- dbpass: dbpass
+ dbpass: dbpass,
+ web_push_public_key: Base.url_encode64(web_push_public_key, padding: false),
+ web_push_private_key: Base.url_encode64(web_push_private_key, padding: false)
hostname: "localhost",
pool_size: 10
+# Configure web push notifications
+config :web_push_encryption, :vapid_details,
+ subject: "mailto:<%= email %>",
+ public_key: "<%= web_push_public_key %>",
+ private_key: "<%= web_push_private_key %>"
# Configure S3 support if desired.
# The public S3 endpoint is different depending on region and provider,
# consult your S3 provider's documentation for details on what to use.
worker(Pleroma.Web.Federator, []),
worker(Pleroma.Gopher.Server, []),
- worker(Pleroma.Stats, [])
+ worker(Pleroma.Stats, []),
+ worker(Pleroma.Web.Push, [])
] ++
if Mix.env() == :test,
do: [],
notification = %Notification{user_id:, activity: activity}
{:ok, notification} = Repo.insert(notification)"user", notification)
+ Pleroma.Web.Push.send(notification)
json(conn, %{})
+ alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.PushSubscriptionView
def create_push_subscription(%{assigns: %{user: user, token: token}} = conn, params) do
Pleroma.Web.Push.Subscription.delete_if_exists(user, token)
{:ok, subscription} = Pleroma.Web.Push.Subscription.create(user, token, params)
json(conn, view)
- def get_push_subscription(%{assigns: %{user: user, token: token}} = conn, params) do
+ def get_push_subscription(%{assigns: %{user: user, token: token}} = conn, _params) do
subscription = Pleroma.Web.Push.Subscription.get(user, token)
view = PushSubscriptionView.render("push_subscription.json", subscription: subscription)
json(conn, view)
json(conn, view)
- def delete_push_subscription(%{assigns: %{user: user, token: token}} = conn, params) do
+ def delete_push_subscription(%{assigns: %{user: user, token: token}} = conn, _params) do
{:ok, _response} = Pleroma.Web.Push.Subscription.delete(user, token)
json(conn, %{})
--- /dev/null
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.Push do
+ use GenServer
+ alias Pleroma.{Repo, User}
+ alias Pleroma.Web.Push.Subscription
+ require Logger
+ import Ecto.Query
+ @types ["Create", "Follow", "Announce", "Like"]
+ @gcm_api_key nil
+ def start_link() do
+ GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, name: __MODULE__)
+ end
+ def init(:ok) do
+ case Application.get_env(:web_push_encryption, :vapid_details) do
+ nil ->
+ Logger.error(
+ "VAPID key pair is not found. Please, add VAPID configuration to config. Run `mix web_push.gen.keypair` mix task to create a key pair"
+ )
+ {:error, %{}}
+ _ ->
+ {:ok, %{}}
+ end
+ end
+ def send(notification) do
+ GenServer.cast(Pleroma.Web.Push, {:send, notification})
+ end
+ def handle_cast(
+ {:send, %{activity: %{data: %{"type" => type}}, user_id: user_id} = notification},
+ state
+ )
+ when type in @types do
+ actor = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(["actor"])
+ body = notification |> format(actor) |> Jason.encode!()
+ Subscription
+ |> where(user_id: ^user_id)
+ |> Repo.all()
+ |> Enum.each(fn record ->
+ subscription = %{
+ keys: %{
+ p256dh: record.key_p256dh,
+ auth: record.key_auth
+ },
+ endpoint: record.endpoint
+ }
+ case WebPushEncryption.send_web_push(body, subscription, @gcm_api_key) do
+ {:ok, %{status_code: code}} when 400 <= code and code < 500 ->
+ Logger.debug("Removing subscription record")
+ Repo.delete!(record)
+ :ok
+ {:ok, %{status_code: code}} when 200 <= code and code < 300 ->
+ :ok
+ {:ok, %{status_code: code}} ->
+ Logger.error("Web Push Nonification failed with code: #{code}")
+ :error
+ data ->
+ Logger.error("Web Push Nonification failed with unknown error")
+ IO.inspect(data)
+ :error
+ end
+ end)
+ {:noreply, state}
+ end
+ def handle_cast({:send, _}, state) do
+ Logger.warn("Unknown notification type")
+ {:noreply, state}
+ end
+ def format(%{activity: %{data: %{"type" => "Create"}}}, actor) do
+ %{
+ title: "New Mention",
+ body: "@#{actor.nickname} has mentiond you",
+ icon: get_avatar_url(actor)
+ }
+ end
+ def format(%{activity: %{data: %{"type" => "Follow"}}}, actor) do
+ %{
+ title: "New Follower",
+ body: "@#{actor.nickname} has followed you",
+ icon: get_avatar_url(actor)
+ }
+ end
+ def format(%{activity: %{data: %{"type" => "Announce"}}}, actor) do
+ %{
+ title: "New Announce",
+ body: "@#{actor.nickname} has announced your post",
+ icon: get_avatar_url(actor)
+ }
+ end
+ def format(%{activity: %{data: %{"type" => "Like"}}}, actor) do
+ %{
+ title: "New Like",
+ body: "@#{actor.nickname} has liked your post",
+ icon: get_avatar_url(actor)
+ }
+ end
+ def get_avatar_url(%{avatar: %{"type" => "Image", "url" => urls}}) do
+ case List.first(urls) do
+ %{"href" => url} -> url
+ _ -> get_avatar_url(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ def get_avatar_url(_) do
+ Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.static_url() <> "/images/avi.png"
+ end
defmodule Pleroma.Web.Push.Subscription do
use Ecto.Schema
- import Ecto.{Changeset, Query}
+ import Ecto.Changeset
alias Pleroma.{Repo, User}
alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token
alias Pleroma.Web.Push.Subscription
|> send_resp(200, response)
_ ->
+ vapid_public_key =
+ Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:web_push_encryption, :vapid_details), :public_key)
data = %{
name: Keyword.get(@instance, :name),
description: Keyword.get(@instance, :description),
server: Web.base_url(),
textlimit: to_string(Keyword.get(@instance, :limit)),
closed: if(Keyword.get(@instance, :registrations_open), do: "0", else: "1"),
- private: if(Keyword.get(@instance, :public, true), do: "0", else: "1")
+ private: if(Keyword.get(@instance, :public, true), do: "0", else: "1"),
+ vapidPublicKey: vapid_public_key
pleroma_fe = %{
{:credo, "~> 0.9.3", only: [:dev, :test]},
{:mock, "~> 0.3.1", only: :test},
- git: "", ref: "1f2b58927ab57e72910191a7ebaeff984382a1d3"}
+ git: "", ref: "1f2b58927ab57e72910191a7ebaeff984382a1d3"},
+ {:web_push_encryption, "~> 0.2.1"}
+ "base64url": {:hex, :base64url, "0.0.1", "36a90125f5948e3afd7be97662a1504b934dd5dac78451ca6e9abf85a10286be", [:rebar], [], "hexpm"},
"bunt": {:hex, :bunt, "0.2.0", "951c6e801e8b1d2cbe58ebbd3e616a869061ddadcc4863d0a2182541acae9a38", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"cachex": {:hex, :cachex, "3.0.2", "1351caa4e26e29f7d7ec1d29b53d6013f0447630bbf382b4fb5d5bad0209f203", [:mix], [{:eternal, "~> 1.2", [hex: :eternal, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:unsafe, "~> 1.0", [hex: :unsafe, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"calendar": {:hex, :calendar, "0.17.4", "22c5e8d98a4db9494396e5727108dffb820ee0d18fed4b0aa8ab76e4f5bc32f1", [:mix], [{:tzdata, "~> 0.5.8 or ~> 0.1.201603", [hex: :tzdata, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"httpoison": {:hex, :httpoison, "1.2.0", "2702ed3da5fd7a8130fc34b11965c8cfa21ade2f232c00b42d96d4967c39a3a3", [:mix], [{:hackney, "~> 1.8", [hex: :hackney, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"idna": {:hex, :idna, "5.1.2", "e21cb58a09f0228a9e0b95eaa1217f1bcfc31a1aaa6e1fdf2f53a33f7dbd9494", [:rebar3], [{:unicode_util_compat, "0.3.1", [hex: :unicode_util_compat, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"jason": {:hex, :jason, "1.0.0", "0f7cfa9bdb23fed721ec05419bcee2b2c21a77e926bce0deda029b5adc716fe2", [:mix], [{:decimal, "~> 1.0", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"},
+ "jose": {:hex, :jose, "1.8.4", "7946d1e5c03a76ac9ef42a6e6a20001d35987afd68c2107bcd8f01a84e75aa73", [:mix, :rebar3], [{:base64url, "~> 0.0.1", [hex: :base64url, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"meck": {:hex, :meck, "0.8.9", "64c5c0bd8bcca3a180b44196265c8ed7594e16bcc845d0698ec6b4e577f48188", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"},
"metrics": {:hex, :metrics, "1.0.1", "25f094dea2cda98213cecc3aeff09e940299d950904393b2a29d191c346a8486", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"},
"mime": {:hex, :mime, "1.3.0", "5e8d45a39e95c650900d03f897fbf99ae04f60ab1daa4a34c7a20a5151b7a5fe", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"tzdata": {:hex, :tzdata, "0.5.17", "50793e3d85af49736701da1a040c415c97dc1caf6464112fd9bd18f425d3053b", [:mix], [{:hackney, "~> 1.0", [hex: :hackney, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"unicode_util_compat": {:hex, :unicode_util_compat, "0.3.1", "a1f612a7b512638634a603c8f401892afbf99b8ce93a45041f8aaca99cadb85e", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"},
"unsafe": {:hex, :unsafe, "1.0.0", "7c21742cd05380c7875546b023481d3a26f52df8e5dfedcb9f958f322baae305", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
+ "web_push_encryption": {:hex, :web_push_encryption, "0.2.1", "d42cecf73420d9dc0053ba3299cc8c8d6ff2be2487d67ca2a57265868e4d9a98", [:mix], [{:httpoison, "~> 1.0", [hex: :httpoison, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:jose, "~> 1.8", [hex: :jose, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:poison, "~> 3.0", [hex: :poison, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},