where: "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public" in a.recipients,
- "to_tsvector('english', ?->>'content') @@ plainto_tsquery('english', ?)",
- o.data,
+ "? @@ plainto_tsquery('english', ?)",
+ o.fts_content,
limit: 20,
- order_by: [desc: :id]
+ order_by: [fragment("? <=> now()::date", o.inserted_at)]
Repo.all(q) ++ fetched
--- /dev/null
+defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.AddFtsIndexToObjectsTwo do
+ use Ecto.Migration
+ def up do
+ drop_if_exists index(:objects, ["(to_tsvector('english', data->>'content'))"], using: :gin, name: :objects_fts)
+ alter table(:objects) do
+ add(:fts_content, :tsvector)
+ end
+ execute("CREATE FUNCTION objects_fts_update() RETURNS trigger AS $$
+ begin
+ new.fts_content := to_tsvector('english', new.data->>'content');
+ return new;
+ end
+ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql")
+ execute("create index objects_fts on objects using RUM (fts_content rum_tsvector_addon_ops, inserted_at) with (attach = 'inserted_at', to = 'fts_content');")
+ execute("CREATE TRIGGER tsvectorupdate BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON objects
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE objects_fts_update()")
+ execute("UPDATE objects SET updated_at = NOW()")
+ end
+ def down do
+ execute "drop index objects_fts"
+ execute "drop trigger tsvectorupdate on objects"
+ execute "drop function objects_fts_update()"
+ alter table(:objects) do
+ remove(:fts_content, :tsvector)
+ end
+ create index(:objects, ["(to_tsvector('english', data->>'content'))"], using: :gin, name: :objects_fts)
+ end