# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only # Code based on CreateChatMessageValidator # NOTES # - doesn't embed, will only get the object id defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators.CreateGenericValidator do use Ecto.Schema alias Pleroma.EctoType.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators alias Pleroma.Object import Ecto.Changeset import Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators.CommonValidations @primary_key false embedded_schema do field(:id, ObjectValidators.ObjectID, primary_key: true) field(:actor, ObjectValidators.ObjectID) field(:type, :string) field(:to, ObjectValidators.Recipients, default: []) field(:cc, ObjectValidators.Recipients, default: []) field(:object, ObjectValidators.ObjectID) field(:expires_at, ObjectValidators.DateTime) # Should be moved to object, done for CommonAPI.Utils.make_context field(:context, :string) end def cast_data(data) do %__MODULE__{} |> changeset(data) end def cast_and_apply(data) do data |> cast_data |> apply_action(:insert) end def cast_and_validate(data, meta \\ []) do data |> cast_data |> validate_data(meta) end def changeset(struct, data) do struct |> cast(data, __schema__(:fields)) end def validate_data(cng, meta \\ []) do cng |> validate_required([:actor, :type, :object]) |> validate_inclusion(:type, ["Create"]) |> validate_actor_is_active() |> validate_any_presence([:to, :cc]) |> validate_actors_match(meta) |> validate_context_match(meta) |> validate_object_nonexistence() |> validate_object_containment() end def validate_object_containment(cng) do actor = get_field(cng, :actor) cng |> validate_change(:object, fn :object, object_id -> %URI{host: object_id_host} = URI.parse(object_id) %URI{host: actor_host} = URI.parse(actor) if object_id_host == actor_host do [] else [{:object, "The host of the object id doesn't match with the host of the actor"}] end end) end def validate_object_nonexistence(cng) do cng |> validate_change(:object, fn :object, object_id -> if Object.get_cached_by_ap_id(object_id) do [{:object, "The object to create already exists"}] else [] end end) end def validate_actors_match(cng, meta) do attributed_to = meta[:object_data]["attributedTo"] || meta[:object_data]["actor"] cng |> validate_change(:actor, fn :actor, actor -> if actor == attributed_to do [] else [{:actor, "Actor doesn't match with object attributedTo"}] end end) end def validate_context_match(cng, %{object_data: %{"context" => object_context}}) do cng |> validate_change(:context, fn :context, context -> if context == object_context do [] else [{:context, "context field not matching between Create and object (#{object_context})"}] end end) end def validate_context_match(cng, _), do: cng end