defmodule Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPool do @registry __MODULE__ def get_conn(uri, opts) do key = "#{uri.scheme}:#{}:#{uri.port}" case Registry.lookup(@registry, key) do # The key has already been registered, but connection is not up yet [{worker_pid, {nil, _used_by, _crf, _last_reference}}] -> get_gun_pid_from_worker(worker_pid) [{worker_pid, {gun_pid, _used_by, _crf, _last_reference}}] -> GenServer.cast(worker_pid, {:add_client, self(), false}) {:ok, gun_pid} [] -> case enforce_pool_limits() do :ok -> # :gun.set_owner fails in :connected state for whatevever reason, # so we open the connection in the process directly and send it's pid back # We trust gun to handle timeouts by itself case GenServer.start(Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPool.Worker, [uri, key, opts, self()], timeout: :infinity ) do {:ok, _worker_pid} -> receive do {:conn_pid, pid} -> {:ok, pid} end {:error, {:error, {:already_registered, worker_pid}}} -> get_gun_pid_from_worker(worker_pid) err -> err end :error -> {:error, :pool_full} end end end @enforcer_key "enforcer" defp enforce_pool_limits() do max_connections = Pleroma.Config.get([:connections_pool, :max_connections]) if Registry.count(@registry) >= max_connections do case Registry.lookup(@registry, @enforcer_key) do [] -> pid = spawn(fn -> {:ok, _pid} = Registry.register(@registry, @enforcer_key, nil) reclaim_max = [:connections_pool, :reclaim_multiplier] |> Pleroma.Config.get() |> Kernel.*(max_connections) |> round |> max(1) unused_conns = @registry, [ {{:_, :"$1", {:_, :"$2", :"$3", :"$4"}}, [{:==, :"$2", []}], [{{:"$1", :"$3", :"$4"}}]} ] ) case unused_conns do [] -> exit(:pool_full) unused_conns -> unused_conns |> Enum.sort(fn {_pid1, crf1, last_reference1}, {_pid2, crf2, last_reference2} -> crf1 <= crf2 and last_reference1 <= last_reference2 end) |> Enum.take(reclaim_max) |> Enum.each(fn {pid, _, _} ->, :idle_close) end) end end) wait_for_enforcer_finish(pid) [{pid, _}] -> wait_for_enforcer_finish(pid) end else :ok end end defp wait_for_enforcer_finish(pid) do ref = Process.monitor(pid) receive do {:DOWN, ^ref, :process, ^pid, :pool_full} -> :error {:DOWN, ^ref, :process, ^pid, :normal} -> :ok end end defp get_gun_pid_from_worker(worker_pid) do # will block the process for timeout length if # the server crashes on startup (which will happen if gun fails to connect) # so instead we use cast + monitor ref = Process.monitor(worker_pid) GenServer.cast(worker_pid, {:add_client, self(), true}) receive do {:conn_pid, pid} -> {:ok, pid} {:DOWN, ^ref, :process, ^worker_pid, reason} -> reason end end def release_conn(conn_pid) do [worker_pid] =, [ {{:_, :"$1", {:"$2", :_, :_, :_}}, [{:==, :"$2", conn_pid}], [:"$1"]} ]) GenServer.cast(worker_pid, {:remove_client, self()}) end end