update dependencies, fixes to support new authentication features
[websub-hub] / src / db / sqlite / sql / schema / 1.0.2 / apply.sql
2 -- track when content was delivered as separate from latest content delivered
3 -- content_delivered continues to be the time the content was delivered, but becomes only informational
4 -- latest_content_delivered is date on topic content delivered
5 ALTER TABLE subscription
6 ADD COLUMN latest_content_delivered INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
7 ;
8 CREATE INDEX subscription_latest_content_delivered_idx ON subscription(latest_content_delivered);
9 -- migrate existing values
10 UPDATE subscription SET latest_content_delivered = content_delivered;
11 -- no need for this index
12 DROP INDEX subscription_content_delivered_idx;
13 -- update the view to use latest_cotnent_delivered
14 DROP VIEW subscription_delivery_needed;
15 CREATE VIEW subscription_delivery_needed AS
16 SELECT s.*
17 FROM subscription s JOIN topic t ON s.topic_id = t.id
19 s.expires > strftime('%s', 'now')
20 AND
21 s.latest_content_delivered < t.content_updated
22 AND
23 s.delivery_next_attempt < strftime('%s', 'now')
24 AND
25 s.id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM subscription_delivery_in_progress_active)
26 ;
28 INSERT INTO _meta_schema_version (major, minor, patch) VALUES (1, 0, 2);