update dependencies and devDependencies
[squeep-indie-auther] / src / db / abstract.js
1 /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
2 'use strict';
4 const common = require('../common');
5 const DatabaseErrors = require('./errors');
6 const svh = require('./schema-version-helper');
7 const uuid = require('uuid');
9 const _fileScope = common.fileScope(__filename);
11 class Database {
12 constructor(logger, options) {
13 this.logger = logger;
14 this.options = options;
15 }
18 /**
19 * Perform tasks needed to prepare database for use. Ensure this is called
20 * after construction, and before any other database activity.
21 * At the minimum, this will validate a compatible schema is present and usable.
22 * Some engines will also perform other initializations or async actions which
23 * are easier handled outside the constructor.
24 */
25 async initialize() {
26 const _scope = _fileScope('initialize');
28 const currentSchema = await this._currentSchema();
29 const current = svh.schemaVersionObjectToNumber(currentSchema);
30 const min = svh.schemaVersionObjectToNumber(this.schemaVersionsSupported.min);
31 const max = svh.schemaVersionObjectToNumber(this.schemaVersionsSupported.max);
32 if (current >= min && current <= max) {
33 this.logger.debug(_scope, 'schema supported', { currentSchema, schemaVersionsSupported: this.schemaVersionsSupported });
34 } else {
35 this.logger.error(_scope, 'schema not supported', { currentSchema, schemaVersionsSupported: this.schemaVersionsSupported });
36 throw new DatabaseErrors.MigrationNeeded();
37 }
38 }
41 /**
42 * @typedef {Object} SchemaVersionObject
43 * @property {Number} major
44 * @property {Number} minor
45 * @property {Number} patch
46 */
47 /**
48 * Query the current schema version.
49 * This is a standalone query function, as it is called before statements are loaded.
50 * @returns {SchemaVersionObject}
51 */
52 async _currentSchema() {
53 this._notImplemented('_currentSchema', arguments);
54 }
57 /**
58 * Perform db connection health-check, if applicable.
59 * Throw something if a database situation should pull us out of a load-balancer.
60 */
61 async healthCheck() {
62 this._notImplemented('healthCheck', arguments);
63 }
66 /**
67 * Wrap a function call in a database context.
68 * @param {Function} fn fn(ctx)
69 */
70 async context(fn) {
71 this._notImplemented('context', arguments);
72 }
74 /**
75 * Wrap a function call in a transaction context.
76 * @param {*} dbCtx
77 * @param {Function} fn fn(txCtx)
78 */
79 async transaction(dbCtx, fn) {
80 this._notImplemented('transaction', arguments);
81 }
84 /**
85 * Basic type checking of object properties.
86 *
87 * Types may be any of the built-in types:
88 * - boolean
89 * - bigint (also allowed with 'number')
90 * - function
91 * - number (this will also allow 'bigint')
92 * - object
93 * - string
94 * - symbol
95 * - undefined
96 *
97 * Types may also be any of the following:
98 * - array
99 * - buffer
100 * - date
101 * - infinites
102 * - null
103 * - uuid
104 * @param {Object} object
105 * @param {String[]} properties
106 * @param {String[]} types
107 */
108 _ensureTypes(object, properties, types) {
109 const _scope = _fileScope('_ensureTypes');
111 if (!(object && properties && types)) {
112 this.logger.error(_scope, 'undefined argument', { object, properties, types });
113 throw new DatabaseErrors.DataValidation();
114 }
116 const supportedTypes = [
117 'array',
118 'bigint',
119 'boolean',
120 'buffer',
121 'date',
122 'function',
123 'infinites',
124 'null',
125 'number',
126 'object',
127 'string',
128 'symbol',
129 'undefined',
130 'uuid',
131 ];
132 types.forEach((t) => {
133 if (!supportedTypes.includes(t)) {
134 this.logger.error(_scope, 'unsupported type', { object, properties, types, unsupportedType: t });
135 throw new DatabaseErrors.DataValidation();
136 }
137 });
139 properties.forEach((p) => {
140 // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-object-injection
141 const pObj = object[p];
142 const pType = typeof pObj;
143 if (!types.includes(pType)
144 && !(types.includes('array') && Array.isArray(pObj))
145 && !(types.includes('buffer') && pObj instanceof Buffer)
146 && !(types.includes('date') && pObj instanceof Date)
147 && !(types.includes('infinites') && Math.abs(pObj) === Infinity)
148 && !(types.includes('null') && pObj === null)
149 && !(types.includes('number') && pType === 'bigint')
150 && !(types.includes('uuid') && uuid.validate(pObj))) {
151 const reason = `'${p}' is '${pType}', but must be ${types.length > 1 ? 'one of ' : ''}'${types}'`;
152 this.logger.error(_scope, reason, {});
153 throw new DatabaseErrors.DataValidation(reason);
154 }
155 });
156 }
159 /**
160 * @typedef {Object} Authentication
161 * @property {String} identifier
162 * @property {String=} credential
163 * @property {Date} created
164 * @property {Date=} lastAuthentication
165 */
166 /**
167 * @param {Authentication} authentication
168 */
169 _validateAuthentication(authentication) {
170 [
171 [['identifier'], ['string']],
172 [['credential'], ['string', 'null']],
173 [['created'], ['date']],
174 [['lastAuthentication'], ['date', 'infinites']],
175 ].forEach(([properties, types]) => this._ensureTypes(authentication, properties, types));
176 }
179 /**
180 * @typedef {Object} Resource
181 * @property {String} resourceId - uuid
182 * @property {String} secret
183 * @property {String} description
184 * @property {Date} created
185 */
186 /**
187 * @param {Resource} resource
188 */
189 _validateResource(resource) {
190 [
191 [['resourceId', 'secret', 'description'], ['string']],
192 [['resourceId'], ['uuid']],
193 [['created'], ['date']],
194 ].forEach(([properties, types]) => this._ensureTypes(resource, properties, types));
195 }
198 /**
199 * @typedef {Object} Token
200 * @property {String} codeId - uuid
201 * @property {String} profile
202 * @property {Date} created
203 * @property {Date=} expires
204 * @property {Date=} refreshExpires
205 * @property {Date=} refreshed
206 * @property {*=} duration
207 * @property {*=} refreshDuration
208 * @property {Number|BigInt=} refresh_count
209 * @property {Boolean} is_revoked
210 * @property {Boolean} is_token
211 * @property {String} client_id
212 * @property {String[]} scopes
213 * @property {Object=} profileData
214 */
215 /**
216 * @param {Token} token
217 */
218 _validateToken(token) {
219 [
220 [['codeId', 'profile', 'clientId'], ['string']],
221 [['codeId'], ['uuid']],
222 [['created'], ['date']],
223 [['expires', 'refreshExpires', 'refreshed'], ['date', 'null']],
224 [['isToken', 'isRevoked'], ['boolean']],
225 [['scopes'], ['array']],
226 [['profileData'], ['object', 'null']],
227 ].forEach(([properties, types]) => this._ensureTypes(token, properties, types));
228 this._ensureTypes(token.scopes, Object.keys(token.scopes), ['string']);
229 }
232 /**
233 * Interface methods need implementations. Ensure the db-interaction
234 * methods on the base class call this, so they may be overridden by
235 * implementation classes.
236 * @param {String} method
237 * @param {arguments} args
238 */
239 _notImplemented(method, args) {
240 this.logger.error(_fileScope(method), 'abstract method called', Array.from(args));
241 throw new DatabaseErrors.NotImplemented(method);
242 }
245 /**
246 * Get all the almanac entries.
247 * @param {*} dbCtx
248 */
249 async almanacGetAll(dbCtx) {
250 this._notImplemented('almanacGetAll', arguments);
251 }
254 /**
255 * Fetch the authentication record for an identifier.
256 * @param {*} dbCtx
257 * @param {String} identifier
258 * @returns {Promise<Authentication>}
259 */
260 async authenticationGet(dbCtx, identifier) {
261 this._notImplemented('authenticationGet', arguments);
262 }
265 /**
266 * Update the authentication record for the identifier that
267 * correct credentials have been supplied.
268 * @param {*} dbCtx
269 * @param {String} identifier
270 * @returns {Promise<void>}
271 */
272 async authenticationSuccess(dbCtx, identifier) {
273 this._notImplemented('authenticationSuccess', arguments);
274 }
277 /**
278 * Insert or update the credential for an identifier.
279 * @param {*} dbCtx
280 * @param {String} identifier
281 * @param {String} credential
282 * @returns {Promise<void>}
283 */
284 async authenticationUpsert(dbCtx, identifier, credential) {
285 this._notImplemented('authenticationUpsert', arguments);
286 }
289 /**
290 * Determine if profile url is known to this service.
291 * @param {*} dbCtx
292 * @param {String} profile
293 * @returns {Promise<Boolean>}
294 */
295 async profileIsValid(dbCtx, profile) {
296 this._notImplemented('profileGet', arguments);
297 }
300 /**
301 * Insert a new relationship between a profile endpoint and
302 * an authenticated identifier.
303 * @param {*} dbCtx
304 * @param {String} profile
305 * @param {String} identifier
306 * @returns {Promise<void>}
307 */
308 async profileIdentifierInsert(dbCtx, profile, identifier) {
309 this._notImplemented('profileIdentifierInsert', arguments);
310 }
313 /**
314 * Adds a scope to be available for a profile to include on any authorization request.
315 * @param {*} dbCtx
316 * @param {String} profile
317 * @param {String} scope
318 * @returns {Promise<void>}
319 */
320 async profileScopeInsert(dbCtx, profile, scope) {
321 this._notImplemented('profileScopeInsert', arguments);
322 }
325 /**
326 * @typedef {Object} ScopeDetails
327 * @property {String} description
328 * @property {String[]=} profiles
329 */
330 /**
331 * @typedef {Object.<String, Object>} ProfileScopes
332 * @property {Object.<String, Object>} profile
333 * @property {Object.<String, ScopeDetails>} profile.scope
334 */
335 /**
336 * @typedef {Object.<String, Object>} ScopeIndex
337 * @property {ScopeDetails} scope
338 */
339 /**
340 * @typedef {Object} ProfilesScopesReturn
341 * @property {ProfileScopes} profileScopes
342 * @property {ScopeIndex} scopeIndex
343 * @property {String[]} profiles
344 */
345 /**
346 * Returns an object containing:
347 * - an object with profiles as keys to objects with scopes as keys to scope objects,
348 * which each contain a description of the scope and a list of profiles offering it
349 * - an object with scopes as keys to the same scope objects
350 * - a list of profiles
351 * @param {*} dbCtx
352 * @param {String} identifier
353 * @returns {Promise<ProfileScopesReturn>}
354 */
355 async profilesScopesByIdentifier(dbCtx, identifier) {
356 this._notImplemented('profilesScopesByIdentifier', arguments);
357 }
360 /**
361 * @typedef ProfileScopesRow
362 * @property profile
363 * @property scope
364 * @property description
365 * @property application
366 * @property isPermanent
367 * @property isManuallyAdded
368 */
369 /**
370 * Convert db row data into associative structures.
371 * Same behavior is shared by multiple engines.
372 * @param {ProfileScopesRow[]} profileScopesRows
373 * @returns {ProfileScopesReturn}
374 */
375 static _profilesScopesBuilder(profileScopesRows) {
376 const scopeIndex = {};
377 const profileScopes = {};
378 const profileSet = new Set();
380 (profileScopesRows || []).forEach(({ profile, scope, description, application, isPermanent, isManuallyAdded }) => {
381 if (scope && !(scope in scopeIndex)) {
382 scopeIndex[scope] = { // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
383 description,
384 application,
385 isPermanent,
386 isManuallyAdded,
387 profiles: [],
388 };
389 }
390 if (profile) {
391 profileSet.add(profile);
392 if (!(profile in profileScopes)) {
393 profileScopes[profile] = {}; // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
394 }
395 }
396 if (profile && scope) {
397 scopeIndex[scope].profiles.push(profile); // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
398 profileScopes[profile][scope] = scopeIndex[scope]; // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
399 }
400 });
402 return {
403 profiles: [...profileSet],
404 profileScopes,
405 scopeIndex,
406 };
407 }
410 /**
411 * Sets list of additional scopes available to profile.
412 * @param {*} dbCtx
413 * @param {String} profile
414 * @param {String[]} scopes
415 * @returns {Promise<void>}
416 */
417 async profileScopesSetAll(dbCtx, profile, scopes) {
418 this._notImplemented('profileScopesSetAll', arguments);
419 }
422 /**
423 * Create (or revoke a duplicate) code as a token entry.
424 * @param {*} dbCtx
425 * @param {Object} data
426 * @param {String} data.codeId
427 * @param {Date} data.created
428 * @param {Boolean} data.isToken
429 * @param {String} data.clientId
430 * @param {String} data.profile - profile uri
431 * @param {String} data.identifier
432 * @param {String[]} data.scopes
433 * @param {Number|Null} data.lifespanSeconds - null sets expiration to Infinity
434 * @param {Number|Null} data.refreshLifespanSeconds - null sets refresh to none
435 * @param {String|Null} data.resource
436 * @param {Object|Null} data.profileData - profile data from profile uri
437 * @returns {Promise<Boolean>} whether redemption was successful
438 */
439 async redeemCode(dbCtx, { codeId, created, isToken, clientId, profile, identifier, scopes, lifespanSeconds, refreshLifespanSeconds, profileData } = {}) {
440 this._notImplemented('redeemCode', arguments);
441 }
444 /**
445 * @typedef {Object} RefreshedToken
446 * @property {Date} expires
447 * @property {Date} refreshExpires
448 * @property {String[]=} scopes if scopes were reduced
449 */
450 /**
451 * Redeem a refresh token to renew token codeId.
452 * @param {*} dbCtx
453 * @param {String} codeId
454 * @param {Date} refreshed
455 * @param {String[]} removeScopes
456 * @returns {Promise<RefreshedToken>}
457 */
458 async refreshCode(dbCtx, codeId, refreshed, removeScopes) {
459 this._notImplemented('refreshCode', arguments);
460 }
463 /**
464 * Fetch a resource server record.
465 * @param {*} dbCtx
466 * @param {String} identifier uuid
467 * @returns {Promise<Resource>}
468 */
469 async resourceGet(dbCtx, resourceId) {
470 this._notImplemented('resourceGet', arguments);
471 }
474 /**
475 * Create, or update description of, a resourceId.
476 * @param {*} dbCtx
477 * @param {String=} resourceId uuid
478 * @param {String=} secret
479 * @param {String=} description
480 * @returns {Promise<void>}
481 */
482 async resourceUpsert(dbCtx, resourceId, secret, description) {
483 this._notImplemented('resourceUpsert', arguments);
484 }
487 /**
488 * Register a scope and its description.
489 * @param {*} dbCtx
490 * @param {String} scope
491 * @param {String} application
492 * @param {String} description
493 * @returns {Promise<void>}
494 */
495 async scopeUpsert(dbCtx, scope, application, description, manuallyAdded = false) {
496 this._notImplemented('scopeUpsert', arguments);
497 }
500 /**
501 * Remove a non-permanent scope if it is not currently in use.
502 * @param {*} dbCtx
503 * @param {String} scope
504 * @returns {Promise<Boolean>}
505 */
506 async scopeDelete(dbCtx, scope) {
507 this._notImplemented('scopeDelete', arguments);
508 }
511 /**
512 * @typedef {Number|BigInt} CleanupResult
513 */
514 /**
515 * @typedef {Object} CleanupResult
516 */
517 /**
518 * Remove any non-permanent and non-manually-created scopes not currently in use.
519 * @param {*} dbCtx
520 * @param {Number} atLeastMsSinceLast skip cleanup if already executed this recently
521 * @returns {Promise<CleanupResult>}
522 */
523 async scopeCleanup(dbCtx, atLeastMsSinceLast) {
524 this._notImplemented('scopeClean', arguments);
525 }
528 /**
529 * Forget tokens after they have expired, and redeemed codes after they have expired.
530 * @param {*} dbCtx
531 * @param {Number} codeLifespanSeconds
532 * @param {Number} atLeastMsSinceLast skip cleanup if already executed this recently
533 * @returns {Promise<CleanupResult>}
534 */
535 async tokenCleanup(dbCtx, codeLifespanSeconds, atLeastMsSinceLast) {
536 this._notImplemented('tokenCleanup', arguments);
537 }
540 /**
541 * Look up a redeemed token by code_id.
542 * @param {*} dbCtx
543 * @param {String} codeId
544 * @returns {Promise<Token>}
545 */
546 async tokenGetByCodeId(dbCtx, codeId) {
547 this._notImplemented('tokenGetByCodeId', arguments);
548 }
551 /**
552 * Sets a redeemed token as revoked.
553 * @param {*} dbCtx
554 * @param {String} codeId - uuid
555 * @returns {Promise<void>}
556 */
557 async tokenRevokeByCodeId(dbCtx, codeId) {
558 this._notImplemented('tokenRevokeByCodeId', arguments);
559 }
562 /**
563 * Revoke the refreshability of a codeId.
564 * @param {*} dbCtx
565 * @param {String} codeId - uuid
566 * @returns {Promise<void>}
567 */
568 async tokenRefreshRevokeByCodeId(dbCtx, codeId) {
569 this._notImplemented('tokenRefreshRevokeByCodeId', arguments);
570 }
573 /**
574 * Get all tokens assigned to identifier.
575 * @param {*} dbCtx
576 * @param {String} identifier
577 * @returns {Promise<Tokens[]>}
578 */
579 async tokensGetByIdentifier(dbCtx, identifier) {
580 this._notImplemented('tokensGetByIdentifier', arguments);
581 }
583 }
585 module.exports = Database;