[squeep-mystery-box] / mystery-box.js
1 'use strict';
3 const { EventEmitter } = require('events');
4 const crypto = require('crypto');
5 const zlib = require('zlib');
6 const { promisify } = require('util');
7 const common = require('./common');
8 const { MysteryBoxError } = require('./errors');
9 const allVersions = require('./version-parameters');
10 const { performance } = require('perf_hooks');
11 const { name: packageName, version: packageVersion } = require('../package.json');
13 const packageInfo = {
14 packageName,
15 packageVersion,
16 };
18 const brotliCompressAsync = promisify(zlib.brotliCompress);
19 const brotliDecompressAsync = promisify(zlib.brotliDecompress);
20 const deflateRawAsync = promisify(zlib.deflateRaw);
21 const inflateRawAsync = promisify(zlib.inflateRaw);
22 const scryptAsync = promisify(crypto.scrypt);
24 /**
25 * Only you will know what's inside your...
26 * \ | | | __ )
27 * |\/ | | | __| __| _ \ __| | __ \ _ \ \ /
28 * | | | |\__ \ | __/ | | | | | ( |` <
29 * _| _|\__, |____/\__|\___|_| \__, |____/ \___/ _/\_\
30 * ____/ ____/
31 *
32 * Our very own way of converting a buffer or serializable object
33 * to and from an opaque and web-safe representation, which we can
34 * let anyone see without disclosing the contents, nor allowing it
35 * to be modified without detection.
36 *
37 * The result is a Base64URL-encoded byte-array consisting of:
38 * - version, indicating format and encryption algorithm
39 * - flags, indicating state of the contents
40 * - iv/nonce, randomness for the algorithm
41 * - salt, applied to a secret to derive a key
42 * - tag, additional room for encryption to validate the previous fields
43 * - payload, encrypted version of possibly compressed and serialized object
44 *
45 */
48 const availableFlags = {
49 Brotli: (1<<0), // Slightly better compression, but slow
50 Flate: (1<<1), // Slightly worse compression, but much faster especially with larger payloads. Prefer this.
51 FutureCompression: (1<<0)|(1<<1), // Something else, like zstd maybe.
53 Unused2: (1<<2),
54 Unused3: (1<<3),
55 Unused4: (1<<4),
56 Unused5: (1<<5),
57 Unused6: (1<<6),
59 BufferPayload: (1<<7), // Payload is a buffer, not an object
60 };
61 const compressionFlagsMask = (availableFlags.Flate | availableFlags.Brotli);
62 const compressionFlagsShift = 0;
63 const payloadFlagsMask = (availableFlags.BufferPayload);
64 const payloadFlagsShift = 7;
67 class MysteryBox extends EventEmitter {
68 /**
69 * @param {Object} options
70 * @param {String|String[]} options.encryptionSecret - if an array, will always encrypt with first secret, will attempt to decrypt with all; useful for rolling secrets
71 * @param {Number=} options.defaultFlags
72 */
73 constructor(options = {}, ...args) {
74 super(...args);
75 this.secrets = common.ensureArray(options.encryptionSecret);
76 if (!this.secrets.length) {
77 throw new MysteryBoxError('missing encryption secret');
78 }
80 // Filter any unavailable algorithms
81 const availableCiphers = crypto.getCiphers();
82 const availableHashes = crypto.getHashes();
83 // Add legacy scrypt to available hashes for filtering key derivations
84 availableHashes.push(allVersions.KD.SCRYPT);
85 this.versionParameters = Object.entries(allVersions).reduce((acc, [v, p]) => {
86 const validCipher = availableCiphers.includes(p.algorithm);
87 const validKeyDeriver = availableHashes.includes(p.keyDeriver);
88 if (validCipher && validKeyDeriver) {
89 acc[v] = p; // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
90 }
91 return acc;
92 }, {});
94 // Default to highest
95 this.bestVersion = Number(Object.keys(this.versionParameters).sort().pop());
96 if (Number.isNaN(this.bestVersion)) {
97 throw new MysteryBoxError('no supported versions available');
98 }
100 this.Flags = availableFlags;
101 this.defaultFlags = 'defaultFlags' in options ? options.defaultFlags : availableFlags.Flate;
102 if (this.defaultFlags < 0 || this.defaultFlags > 255) {
103 throw new MysteryBoxError('Invalid default flag value');
104 }
105 }
108 /**
109 * Parse the bits out of the flags.
110 */
111 static _decodeFlags(flags) {
112 return {
113 compression: (flags & compressionFlagsMask) >> compressionFlagsShift,
114 payloadIsBuffer: Boolean((flags & payloadFlagsMask) >> payloadFlagsShift),
115 };
116 }
119 /**
120 * Generate key data.
121 */
122 static async _keyFromSecret(deriver, secret, salt, keyBytes) {
123 switch (deriver) {
124 case allVersions.KD.SHAKE256: {
125 const hash = crypto.createHash(allVersions.KD.SHAKE256, { outputLength: keyBytes });
126 hash.update(salt);
127 hash.update(secret);
128 return hash.digest();
129 }
131 case allVersions.KD.BLAKE2B512: {
132 const hash = crypto.createHash(allVersions.KD.BLAKE2B512);
133 hash.update(salt);
134 hash.update(secret);
135 const digest = hash.digest();
136 // should assert that keyBytes <= 64
137 // but not concerned about that for now
138 // until we have a new algorithm with bigger key size
139 return digest.subarray(0, keyBytes);
140 }
142 case allVersions.KD.SCRYPT:
143 return scryptAsync(secret, salt, keyBytes);
145 default:
146 throw new MysteryBoxError('unsupported key deriver');
147 }
148 }
151 /**
152 * Return bits and bit mask for given number of encoded bytes.
153 * @param {Number} numBytes
154 * @returns {Object}
155 */
156 static _versionHeaderBits(numBytes) {
157 // Round up to 8 bits in result, just to be proper.
158 const resultBits = (((numBytes + 7) >> 3) << 3) >>> 0;
159 return {
160 headerValue: ((0xff << (resultBits - numBytes + 1)) & 0xff) >>> 0,
161 headerMask: ((0xff << (resultBits - numBytes)) & 0xff) >>> 0,
162 };
163 }
166 /**
167 * Parse a byte into the total number of bytes in the packed number,
168 * returning that and the new value for the first byte, to update in the
169 * buffer before parsing as an unsigned integer.
170 * Number of packed bytes is indicated by location of first leading 0 bit.
171 * Support for numbers larger than 127 is of dubious practicality, but here
172 * it is anyhow.
173 * @param {Number} firstByte
174 * @returns {Object}
175 */
176 static _versionHeaderDecode(firstByte) {
177 for (let numBytes = 1; numBytes <= 8; numBytes++) {
178 const {
179 headerValue,
180 headerMask,
181 } = MysteryBox._versionHeaderBits(numBytes);
182 if (((firstByte & headerMask) >>> 0) === headerValue) {
183 const restMask = (~headerMask & 0xff) >>> 0;
184 return {
185 numBytes,
186 firstByte: (firstByte & restMask) >>> 0,
187 };
188 }
189 }
190 // Nine bytes would be an extravagence.
191 throw new MysteryBoxError(`unsupported version header (0x${firstByte.toString(16)})`);
192 }
195 /**
196 * Decode leading bytes of buffer as version identifier.
197 * In the first byte, the position of the first unset bit indicates how
198 * many total bytes comprise the version, in big-endian encoding.
199 * Returns decoded version and number of bytes used to decode.
200 * Only supports up to 6-byte numbers, and of those, only up to 4398046511103.
201 * @param {Buffer} buf - N.B. will be mogrified
202 * @returns {Object}
203 */
204 static _versionDecode(buf) {
205 const headerByte = buf.readUInt8(0);
206 const { numBytes: versionBytes, firstByte } = MysteryBox._versionHeaderDecode(headerByte);
207 if (versionBytes === 1) {
208 return {
209 version: firstByte,
210 versionBytes,
211 };
212 }
214 if (versionBytes > 6) {
215 throw new MysteryBoxError(`unsupported version (${versionBytes} bytes)`);
216 }
218 // Otherwise, update the masked first byte and parse the rest of the buffer.
219 buf[0] = firstByte;
220 return {
221 version: buf.readUIntBE(0, versionBytes),
222 versionBytes,
223 };
224 }
227 /**
228 * Encode a version identifier into a buffer of a variable number of bytes.
229 * @param {Number} version
230 * @returns {Object}
231 */
232 static _versionEncode(version) {
233 let versionBytes = 0;
235 if (version <= 0x7f) { // 0-127
236 versionBytes = 1;
237 } else if (version <= 0x3fff) { // 128-16383
238 versionBytes = 2;
239 } else if (version <= 0x1fffff) { // 16384-2097151
240 versionBytes = 3;
241 } else if (version <= 0x0fffffff) { // 2097152-268435455
242 versionBytes = 4;
243 } else if (version <= 0x07ffffffff) { // 268435456-34359738367
244 versionBytes = 5;
245 } else if (version <= 0x03ffffffffff) { // 34359738368-4398046511103
246 versionBytes = 6;
247 } else {
248 throw new MysteryBoxError(`version too large to encode (${version})`);
249 }
251 const buffer = Buffer.alloc(versionBytes);
252 buffer.writeUIntBE(version, 0, versionBytes);
253 const headerByte = ((0xff << (8 - versionBytes + 1)) & 0xff) >>> 0;
254 buffer[0] = (buffer[0] | headerByte) >>> 0;
256 return {
257 buffer,
258 versionBytes,
259 };
260 }
263 /**
264 * Stats tracked when packing/unpacking boxes.
265 * @returns {Object}
266 */
267 static _newStats(method) {
268 return {
269 stats: {
270 method,
271 version: undefined,
272 flags: undefined,
273 flagsRaw: undefined,
274 serializedBytes: undefined,
275 compressedBytes: undefined,
276 },
277 timingsMs: {
278 start: performance.now(),
279 preCompress: 0,
280 postCompress: 0,
281 preCrypt: 0,
282 postCrypt: 0,
283 end: 0,
284 },
285 };
286 }
289 /**
290 * Put contents into a mysterious box.
291 * @param {Object|Buffer} contents
292 * @param {Number=} version
293 * @param {Number=} flags
294 * @returns {String}
295 */
296 async pack(contents, version = this.bestVersion, flags = this.defaultFlags) {
297 const { stats, timingsMs } = MysteryBox._newStats('pack');
299 if (!(version in this.versionParameters)) {
300 throw new MysteryBoxError(`MysteryBox format version ${version} not supported`);
301 }
302 // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-object-injection
303 const v = this.versionParameters[version];
304 stats.version = version;
306 const { compression, payloadIsBuffer } = MysteryBox._decodeFlags(flags);
308 if (Buffer.isBuffer(contents)) {
309 // Ensure payloadIsBuffer flag is set when contents are indeed a Buffer
310 flags |= this.Flags.BufferPayload;
311 } else {
312 if (payloadIsBuffer) {
313 // Flag is set, but contents are not a Buffer? Try to coerce contents.
314 contents = Buffer.from(contents);
315 } else {
316 // Otherwise attempt to serialize the object
317 contents = JSON.stringify(contents);
318 }
319 }
320 stats.serializedBytes = Buffer.byteLength(contents);
322 const { buffer: versionBuffer, versionBytes } = MysteryBox._versionEncode(v.version);
323 if (versionBytes !== v.versionBytes) {
324 throw new MysteryBoxError('internal inconsistency, mismatched version byte length');
325 }
327 const [iv, salt] = await Promise.all([
328 v.ivBytes,
329 v.saltBytes,
330 ].map((b) => common.randomBytesAsync(b)));
332 timingsMs.preCompress = performance.now();
333 let compressedContents;
334 switch (compression) {
335 case 0: // No compression requested
336 compressedContents = contents;
337 break;
338 case this.Flags.Brotli:
339 compressedContents = await brotliCompressAsync(contents);
340 break;
341 case this.Flags.Flate:
342 compressedContents = await deflateRawAsync(contents);
343 break;
344 }
345 stats.compressedBytes = Buffer.byteLength(compressedContents);
346 // const compressionRatio = stats.compressedBytes / stats.serializedBytes;
347 timingsMs.postCompress = timingsMs.preCrypt = performance.now();
349 let payload;
350 if (stats.compressedBytes >= stats.serializedBytes) {
351 // If compression is not beneficial enough, or detrimental, do not use
352 flags = flags & ~compressionFlagsMask;
353 payload = contents;
354 stats.compressedBytes = undefined;
355 } else {
356 payload = compressedContents;
357 }
359 const flagsBuffer = Buffer.alloc(v.flagsBytes);
360 flagsBuffer.writeUInt8(flags, 0);
361 stats.flagsRaw = flags;
362 stats.flags = this._prettyFlags(flags);
364 // Authenticate all this data
365 const aadBuffer = Buffer.concat([versionBuffer, flagsBuffer, iv, salt]);
367 // Always encrypt with first secret
368 const secret = this.secrets[0];
369 const key = await MysteryBox._keyFromSecret(v.keyDeriver, secret, salt, v.keyBytes);
370 const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(v.algorithm, key, iv, v.algOptions);
371 cipher.setAAD(aadBuffer);
372 const encrypted = cipher.update(payload);
373 const final = cipher.final();
374 const tag = cipher.getAuthTag();
376 const result = Buffer.concat([versionBuffer, flagsBuffer, iv, salt, tag, encrypted, final]).toString('base64url');
377 timingsMs.end = timingsMs.postCrypt = performance.now();
379 this.emit('statistics', { ...stats, ...MysteryBox._timingsLog(timingsMs), ...packageInfo });
381 return result;
382 }
385 /**
386 * Take contents out of a mysterious box.
387 * @param {String} box - Base64URL encoded payload
388 * @returns {Object}
389 */
390 async unpack(box) {
391 const { stats, timingsMs } = MysteryBox._newStats('unpack');
393 if (!box) {
394 throw new MysteryBoxError('nothing to unpack');
395 }
397 const raw = Buffer.from(box, 'base64url');
398 let offset = 0;
400 const { version, versionBytes } = MysteryBox._versionDecode(raw);
401 if (!(version in this.versionParameters)) {
402 throw new MysteryBoxError(`unsupported version (${version})`);
403 }
404 // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-object-injection
405 const v = this.versionParameters[version];
407 if (v.versionBytes !== versionBytes) {
408 throw new MysteryBoxError('internal inconsistency, mismatched version byte length');
409 }
410 offset += v.versionBytes;
411 stats.version = version;
413 const minBytes = v.versionBytes + v.flagsBytes + v.ivBytes + v.saltBytes + v.tagBytes;
414 if (raw.length < minBytes) {
415 throw new MysteryBoxError('not enough to unpack');
416 }
418 const flags = raw.subarray(offset, offset + v.flagsBytes).readUInt8(0);
419 offset += v.flagsBytes;
420 stats.flagsRaw = flags;
422 const { compression, payloadIsBuffer } = MysteryBox._decodeFlags(flags);
424 const iv = raw.subarray(offset, offset + v.ivBytes);
425 offset += v.ivBytes;
427 const salt = raw.subarray(offset, offset + v.saltBytes);
428 offset += v.saltBytes;
430 const aad = raw.subarray(0, offset); // Everything up to here
432 const tag = raw.subarray(offset, offset + v.tagBytes);
433 offset += v.tagBytes;
435 const encrypted = raw.subarray(offset);
437 timingsMs.preCrypt = performance.now();
439 let decrypted;
440 let err;
441 let success = false;
442 for await (const secret of this.secrets) {
443 const key = await MysteryBox._keyFromSecret(v.keyDeriver, secret, salt, v.keyBytes);
444 const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(v.algorithm, key, iv, v.algOptions);
445 decipher.setAAD(aad);
446 decipher.setAuthTag(tag);
448 try {
449 decrypted = Buffer.concat([decipher.update(encrypted), decipher.final()]);
450 success = true;
451 break;
452 } catch (e) {
453 err = e;
454 continue;
455 }
456 }
457 if (!success) {
458 throw err;
459 }
461 let payload;
462 timingsMs.preCompress = timingsMs.postCrypt = performance.now();
463 switch (compression) {
464 case 0: // No compression
465 payload = decrypted;
466 break;
467 case this.Flags.Brotli:
468 payload = await brotliDecompressAsync(decrypted);
469 break;
470 case this.Flags.Flate:
471 payload = await inflateRawAsync(decrypted);
472 break;
473 }
474 timingsMs.end = timingsMs.postCompress = performance.now();
475 stats.serializedBytes = payload.byteLength;
476 if (compression) {
477 stats.compressedBytes = decrypted.byteLength;
478 }
480 if (!payloadIsBuffer) {
481 payload = JSON.parse(payload.toString('utf8'));
482 }
484 stats.flags = this._prettyFlags(flags);
485 this.emit('statistics', { ...stats, ...MysteryBox._timingsLog(timingsMs), ...packageInfo });
487 return payload;
488 }
491 /**
492 * Pretty-print flag values
493 * @param {Number} flags
494 * @returns {String}
495 */
496 _prettyFlags(flags) {
497 const flagNames = Object.entries(this.Flags).reduce((acc, cur) => {
498 const [flagName, flagValue] = cur;
499 if ((flags & flagValue) === flagValue) {
500 acc.push(flagName);
501 }
502 return acc;
503 }, []);
504 return `0x${flags.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')} [${flagNames.join(',')}]`;
505 }
508 /**
509 * Everyone loves numbers.
510 * @param {Object} timingsMs
511 * @returns
512 */
513 static _timingsLog({ start, preCompress, postCompress, preCrypt, postCrypt, end }) {
514 return {
515 totalMs: end - start,
516 compressMs: postCompress - preCompress,
517 cryptMs: postCrypt - preCrypt,
518 };
519 }
521 }
523 module.exports = MysteryBox;