extend reject MRF to check if originating instance is blocked
[akkoma] / lib / pleroma / web / activity_pub / mrf / keyword_policy.ex
1 # Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
2 # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
5 defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.KeywordPolicy do
6 require Pleroma.Constants
8 @moduledoc "Reject or Word-Replace messages with a keyword or regex"
10 @behaviour Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.Policy
11 defp string_matches?(string, _) when not is_binary(string) do
12 false
13 end
15 defp string_matches?(string, pattern) when is_binary(pattern) do
16 String.contains?(string, pattern)
17 end
19 defp string_matches?(string, pattern) do
20 String.match?(string, pattern)
21 end
23 defp object_payload(%{} = object) do
24 [object["content"], object["summary"], object["name"]]
25 |> Enum.filter(& &1)
26 |> Enum.join("\n")
27 end
29 defp check_reject(%{"object" => %{} = object} = message) do
30 with {:ok, _new_object} <-
31 Pleroma.Object.Updater.do_with_history(object, fn object ->
32 payload = object_payload(object)
34 if Enum.any?(Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_keyword, :reject]), fn pattern ->
35 string_matches?(payload, pattern)
36 end) do
37 {:reject, "[KeywordPolicy] Matches with rejected keyword"}
38 else
39 {:ok, message}
40 end
41 end) do
42 {:ok, message}
43 else
44 e -> e
45 end
46 end
48 defp check_ftl_removal(%{"type" => "Create", "to" => to, "object" => %{} = object} = message) do
49 check_keyword = fn object ->
50 payload = object_payload(object)
52 if Enum.any?(Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_keyword, :federated_timeline_removal]), fn pattern ->
53 string_matches?(payload, pattern)
54 end) do
55 {:should_delist, nil}
56 else
57 {:ok, %{}}
58 end
59 end
61 should_delist? = fn object ->
62 with {:ok, _} <- Pleroma.Object.Updater.do_with_history(object, check_keyword) do
63 false
64 else
65 _ -> true
66 end
67 end
69 if Pleroma.Constants.as_public() in to and should_delist?.(object) do
70 to = List.delete(to, Pleroma.Constants.as_public())
71 cc = [Pleroma.Constants.as_public() | message["cc"] || []]
73 message =
74 message
75 |> Map.put("to", to)
76 |> Map.put("cc", cc)
78 {:ok, message}
79 else
80 {:ok, message}
81 end
82 end
84 defp check_ftl_removal(message) do
85 {:ok, message}
86 end
88 defp check_replace(%{"object" => %{} = object} = message) do
89 replace_kw = fn object ->
90 ["content", "name", "summary"]
91 |> Enum.filter(fn field -> Map.has_key?(object, field) && object[field] end)
92 |> Enum.reduce(object, fn field, object ->
93 data =
94 Enum.reduce(
95 Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_keyword, :replace]),
96 object[field],
97 fn {pat, repl}, acc -> String.replace(acc, pat, repl) end
98 )
100 Map.put(object, field, data)
101 end)
102 |> (fn object -> {:ok, object} end).()
103 end
105 {:ok, object} = Pleroma.Object.Updater.do_with_history(object, replace_kw)
107 message = Map.put(message, "object", object)
109 {:ok, message}
110 end
112 @impl true
113 def filter(%{"type" => type, "object" => %{"content" => _content}} = message)
114 when type in ["Create", "Update"] do
115 with {:ok, message} <- check_reject(message),
116 {:ok, message} <- check_ftl_removal(message),
117 {:ok, message} <- check_replace(message) do
118 {:ok, message}
119 else
120 {:reject, nil} -> {:reject, "[KeywordPolicy] "}
121 {:reject, _} = e -> e
122 _e -> {:reject, "[KeywordPolicy] "}
123 end
124 end
126 @impl true
127 def filter(message), do: {:ok, message}
129 @impl true
130 def describe do
131 # This horror is needed to convert regex sigils to strings
132 mrf_keyword =
133 Pleroma.Config.get(:mrf_keyword, [])
134 |> Enum.map(fn {key, value} ->
135 {key,
136 Enum.map(value, fn
137 {pattern, replacement} ->
138 %{
139 "pattern" =>
140 if not is_binary(pattern) do
141 inspect(pattern)
142 else
143 pattern
144 end,
145 "replacement" => replacement
146 }
148 pattern ->
149 if not is_binary(pattern) do
150 inspect(pattern)
151 else
152 pattern
153 end
154 end)}
155 end)
156 |> Enum.into(%{})
158 {:ok, %{mrf_keyword: mrf_keyword}}
159 end
161 @impl true
162 def config_description do
163 %{
164 key: :mrf_keyword,
165 related_policy: "Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.KeywordPolicy",
166 label: "MRF Keyword",
167 description:
168 "Reject or Word-Replace messages matching a keyword or [Regex](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Regex.html).",
169 children: [
170 %{
171 key: :reject,
172 type: {:list, :string},
173 description: """
174 A list of patterns which result in message being rejected.
176 Each pattern can be a string or [Regex](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Regex.html) in the format of `~r/PATTERN/`.
177 """,
178 suggestions: ["foo", ~r/foo/iu]
179 },
180 %{
181 key: :federated_timeline_removal,
182 type: {:list, :string},
183 description: """
184 A list of patterns which result in message being removed from federated timelines (a.k.a unlisted).
186 Each pattern can be a string or [Regex](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Regex.html) in the format of `~r/PATTERN/`.
187 """,
188 suggestions: ["foo", ~r/foo/iu]
189 },
190 %{
191 key: :replace,
192 type: {:list, :tuple},
193 key_placeholder: "instance",
194 value_placeholder: "reason",
195 description: """
196 **Pattern**: a string or [Regex](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Regex.html) in the format of `~r/PATTERN/`.
198 **Replacement**: a string. Leaving the field empty is permitted.
199 """
200 }
201 ]
202 }
203 end
204 end