v2 Suggestions: don't skip visibility check
[akkoma] / lib / pleroma / utils.ex
1 # Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
2 # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
5 defmodule Pleroma.Utils do
6 @posix_error_codes ~w(
7 eacces eagain ebadf ebadmsg ebusy edeadlk edeadlock edquot eexist efault
8 efbig eftype eintr einval eio eisdir eloop emfile emlink emultihop
9 enametoolong enfile enobufs enodev enolck enolink enoent enomem enospc
10 enosr enostr enosys enotblk enotdir enotsup enxio eopnotsupp eoverflow
11 eperm epipe erange erofs espipe esrch estale etxtbsy exdev
12 )a
14 @repo_timeout Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Repo, :timeout], 15_000)
16 def compile_dir(dir) when is_binary(dir) do
17 dir
18 |> File.ls!()
19 |> Enum.map(&Path.join(dir, &1))
20 |> Kernel.ParallelCompiler.compile()
21 end
23 @doc """
24 POSIX-compliant check if command is available in the system
26 ## Examples
27 iex> command_available?("git")
28 true
29 iex> command_available?("wrongcmd")
30 false
32 """
33 @spec command_available?(String.t()) :: boolean()
34 def command_available?(command) do
35 case :os.find_executable(String.to_charlist(command)) do
36 false -> false
37 _ -> true
38 end
39 end
41 @doc "creates the uniq temporary directory"
42 @spec tmp_dir(String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, :file.posix()}
43 def tmp_dir(prefix \\ "") do
44 sub_dir =
45 [
46 prefix,
47 Timex.to_unix(Timex.now()),
48 :os.getpid(),
49 String.downcase(Integer.to_string(:rand.uniform(0x100000000), 36))
50 ]
51 |> Enum.join("-")
53 tmp_dir = Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), sub_dir)
55 case File.mkdir(tmp_dir) do
56 :ok -> {:ok, tmp_dir}
57 error -> error
58 end
59 end
61 @spec posix_error_message(atom()) :: binary()
62 def posix_error_message(code) when code in @posix_error_codes do
63 error_message = Gettext.dgettext(Pleroma.Web.Gettext, "posix_errors", "#{code}")
64 "(POSIX error: #{error_message})"
65 end
67 def posix_error_message(_), do: ""
69 @doc """
70 Returns [timeout: integer] suitable for passing as an option to Repo functions.
72 This function detects if the execution was triggered from IEx shell, Mix task, or
73 ./bin/pleroma_ctl and sets the timeout to :infinity, else returns the default timeout value.
74 """
75 @spec query_timeout() :: [timeout: integer]
76 def query_timeout do
77 {parent, _, _, _} = Process.info(self(), :current_stacktrace) |> elem(1) |> Enum.fetch!(2)
79 cond do
80 parent |> to_string |> String.starts_with?("Elixir.Mix.Task") -> [timeout: :infinity]
81 parent == :erl_eval -> [timeout: :infinity]
82 true -> [timeout: @repo_timeout]
83 end
84 end
85 end