Update/add OpenBSD config files
[akkoma] / lib / mix / tasks / pleroma / instance.ex
1 defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Instance do
2 use Mix.Task
3 alias Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Common
5 @shortdoc "Manages Pleroma instance"
6 @moduledoc """
7 Manages Pleroma instance.
9 ## Generate a new instance config.
11 mix pleroma.instance gen [OPTION...]
13 If any options are left unspecified, you will be prompted interactively
15 ## Options
17 - `-f`, `--force` - overwrite any output files
18 - `-o PATH`, `--output PATH` - the output file for the generated configuration
19 - `--output-psql PATH` - the output file for the generated PostgreSQL setup
20 - `--domain DOMAIN` - the domain of your instance
21 - `--instance-name INSTANCE_NAME` - the name of your instance
22 - `--admin-email ADMIN_EMAIL` - the email address of the instance admin
23 - `--dbhost HOSTNAME` - the hostname of the PostgreSQL database to use
24 - `--dbname DBNAME` - the name of the database to use
25 - `--dbuser DBUSER` - the user (aka role) to use for the database connection
26 - `--dbpass DBPASS` - the password to use for the database connection
27 """
29 def run(["gen" | rest]) do
30 {options, [], []} =
31 OptionParser.parse(
32 rest,
33 strict: [
34 force: :boolean,
35 output: :string,
36 output_psql: :string,
37 domain: :string,
38 instance_name: :string,
39 admin_email: :string,
40 dbhost: :string,
41 dbname: :string,
42 dbuser: :string,
43 dbpass: :string
44 ],
45 aliases: [
46 o: :output,
47 f: :force
48 ]
49 )
51 paths =
52 [config_path, psql_path] = [
53 Keyword.get(options, :output, "config/generated_config.exs"),
54 Keyword.get(options, :output_psql, "config/setup_db.psql")
55 ]
57 will_overwrite = Enum.filter(paths, &File.exists?/1)
58 proceed? = Enum.empty?(will_overwrite) or Keyword.get(options, :force, false)
60 unless not proceed? do
61 domain =
62 Common.get_option(
63 options,
64 :domain,
65 "What domain will your instance use? (e.g pleroma.soykaf.com)"
66 )
68 name =
69 Common.get_option(
70 options,
71 :name,
72 "What is the name of your instance? (e.g. Pleroma/Soykaf)"
73 )
75 email = Common.get_option(options, :admin_email, "What is your admin email address?")
77 dbhost =
78 Common.get_option(options, :dbhost, "What is the hostname of your database?", "localhost")
80 dbname =
81 Common.get_option(options, :dbname, "What is the name of your database?", "pleroma_dev")
83 dbuser =
84 Common.get_option(
85 options,
86 :dbuser,
87 "What is the user used to connect to your database?",
88 "pleroma"
89 )
91 dbpass =
92 Common.get_option(
93 options,
94 :dbpass,
95 "What is the password used to connect to your database?",
96 :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(64) |> Base.encode64() |> binary_part(0, 64),
97 "autogenerated"
98 )
100 secret = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(64) |> Base.encode64() |> binary_part(0, 64)
101 {web_push_public_key, web_push_private_key} = :crypto.generate_key(:ecdh, :prime256v1)
103 result_config =
104 EEx.eval_file(
105 "sample_config.eex" |> Path.expand(__DIR__),
106 domain: domain,
107 email: email,
108 name: name,
109 dbhost: dbhost,
110 dbname: dbname,
111 dbuser: dbuser,
112 dbpass: dbpass,
113 version: Pleroma.Mixfile.project() |> Keyword.get(:version),
114 secret: secret,
115 web_push_public_key: Base.url_encode64(web_push_public_key, padding: false),
116 web_push_private_key: Base.url_encode64(web_push_private_key, padding: false)
117 )
119 result_psql =
120 EEx.eval_file(
121 "sample_psql.eex" |> Path.expand(__DIR__),
122 dbname: dbname,
123 dbuser: dbuser,
124 dbpass: dbpass
125 )
127 Mix.shell().info(
128 "Writing config to #{config_path}. You should rename it to config/prod.secret.exs or config/dev.secret.exs."
129 )
131 File.write(config_path, result_config)
132 Mix.shell().info("Writing #{psql_path}.")
133 File.write(psql_path, result_psql)
135 Mix.shell().info(
136 "\n" <>
137 """
138 To get started:
139 1. Verify the contents of the generated files.
140 2. Run `sudo -u postgres psql -f #{Common.escape_sh_path(psql_path)}`.
141 """ <>
142 if config_path in ["config/dev.secret.exs", "config/prod.secret.exs"] do
143 ""
144 else
145 "3. Run `mv #{Common.escape_sh_path(config_path)} 'config/prod.secret.exs'`."
146 end
147 )
148 else
149 Mix.shell().error(
150 "The task would have overwritten the following files:\n" <>
151 (Enum.map(paths, &"- #{&1}\n") |> Enum.join("")) <>
152 "Rerun with `--force` to overwrite them."
153 )
154 end
155 end
156 end