minor tweaks to roles
[awsible] / inventory / asg-inventory.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 '''\
3 Generate a JSON object containing the names of all the AWS Autoscaling
4 Groups in an account, the IDs of the Instances within them, as well
5 as all the Tags on those Instances, each containing a list of the IPs
6 of the Instances, suitable for use as an Ansible inventory.
8 This output is similar to the default ec2.py inventory script, but is
9 far more limited in the scope of information is has to retreive, parse,
10 and render.
12 It does not currently deal with hostvars at all.
13 '''
15 import argparse
16 import boto3
17 import json
18 import sys
19 import os
20 from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
21 from functools import partial
24 #DEFAULT_REGIONS = ['us-east-1', 'us-west-2']
25 DEFAULT_REGIONS = ['us-east-2']
26 HOSTVARS = {}
28 try:
29 PUBLIC = len(os.environ['INVENTORY_PUBLIC']) > 0
30 except:
31 PUBLIC = False
33 def allASGInstances(asgc):
34 'Return a tuple of a dict of each ASG name listing the instance IDs within it, and a list of all instance IDs.'
35 asgs = {}
36 instanceIds = []
37 args = {}
38 while True:
39 response = asgc.describe_auto_scaling_groups(**args)
40 for asg in response['AutoScalingGroups']:
41 asgs[asg['AutoScalingGroupName']] = [i['InstanceId'] for i in asg['Instances']]
42 instanceIds += asgs[asg['AutoScalingGroupName']]
43 if 'NextToken' not in response:
44 break
45 args = {'NextToken': response['NextToken']}
46 return (asgs, instanceIds)
49 def allInstanceIPs(ec2c, InstanceIds=None, publicIPs=False):
50 'Return a dict of each Instance ID with its addresses.'
51 instances = {}
52 args = {}
53 IPType = 'PublicIpAddress' if publicIPs else 'PrivateIpAddress'
54 if InstanceIds is not None:
55 args['InstanceIds'] = InstanceIds
56 while True:
57 response = ec2c.describe_instances(**args)
58 for resv in response['Reservations']:
59 for inst in resv['Instances']:
60 if IPType in inst:
61 instances[inst['InstanceId']] = inst[IPType]
62 if 'NextToken' not in response:
63 break
64 args = {'NextToken': response['NextToken']}
65 return instances
68 def tagsOfInstances(ec2c, InstanceIds=None):
69 tags = {}
70 args = {'Filters': [{'Name': 'resource-type', 'Values': ["instance"]}]}
71 if InstanceIds:
72 args['Filters'] += [{'Name': 'resource-id', 'Values': InstanceIds}]
73 while True:
74 response = ec2c.describe_tags(**args)
75 for tag in response['Tags']:
76 tagname = "tag_{}_{}".format(tag['Key'], tag['Value'])
77 tagvalue = tag['ResourceId']
78 tags.setdefault(tagname, []).append(tagvalue)
79 if 'NextToken' not in response:
80 break
81 args['NextToken'] = response['NextToken']
82 return tags
85 def regionInventory(sessionArgs, publicIPs=False):
86 'Return dict results for one region.'
87 session = boto3.session.Session(**sessionArgs)
88 asgc = session.client('autoscaling')
89 ec2c = session.client('ec2')
91 # get dict of ASG names and associated Instance Ids, plus list of all Instance Ids referenced by ASGs
92 (ASGs, AllInstanceIds) = allASGInstances(asgc)
94 # get list of instance IPs for all instance Ids used by ASGs
95 AllInstanceIPs = allInstanceIPs(ec2c, InstanceIds=AllInstanceIds, publicIPs=publicIPs)
97 # a group for every Instance Id
98 inventory = {iid:[AllInstanceIPs[iid]] for iid in AllInstanceIPs}
100 # add ASG dict, replacing ASG Instance Id with instance IP
101 inventory.update({asg:[AllInstanceIPs[iid] for iid in ASGs[asg] if iid in AllInstanceIPs] for asg in ASGs})
103 # group up instance tags as well
104 tags = tagsOfInstances(ec2c, AllInstanceIds)
105 inventory.update({tag:[AllInstanceIPs[iid] for iid in tags[tag] if iid in AllInstanceIPs] for tag in tags})
107 return inventory
110 def mergeDictOfLists(a, b):
111 'There is likely a better way of doing this, but right now I have a headache.'
112 for key in b:
113 if key in a:
114 a[key] += b[key]
115 else:
116 a[key] = b[key]
117 return a
120 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='dynamic Ansible inventory from AWS Autoscaling Groups')
121 parser.add_argument('--public', action='store_true' if not PUBLIC else 'store_false', help='inventory public IPs (default: private IPs)')
122 parser.add_argument('--profile', metavar='PROFILE', dest='profile_name', help='AWS Profile (default: current IAM Role)')
123 parser.add_argument('--regions', metavar='REGION', nargs='+', default=DEFAULT_REGIONS, help='AWS Regions (default: %(default)s)')
124 parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true')
125 parser.add_argument('--host', nargs=1)
126 args = parser.parse_args()
128 if args.host:
129 print(json.dumps(HOSTVARS))
130 sys.exit()
132 # create sessionArgs for each region
133 regionArgs = [{'region_name': region} for region in args.regions]
134 if args.profile_name:
135 for arg in regionArgs:
136 arg.update({'profile_name': args.profile_name})
138 # pin the non-variant option
139 invf = partial(regionInventory, publicIPs=args.public)
141 # query regions concurrently
142 pool = ThreadPool(len(regionArgs))
143 regionInventories = pool.map(invf, regionArgs)
144 pool.close()
145 pool.join()
147 # combine regions
148 inventory = reduce(mergeDictOfLists, regionInventories, {})
149 inventory['_meta'] = {'hostvars': HOSTVARS}
151 print(json.dumps(inventory))