further progress on infrastructure buildout
[awsible] / inventory / asg-inventory.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 '''\
3 Generate a JSON object containing the names of all the AWS Autoscaling
4 Groups in an account and the IPs of the Instances within them, suitable
5 for use as an Ansible inventory.
6 '''
8 import argparse
9 import boto3
10 import json
11 import sys
12 from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
13 from functools import partial
16 DEFAULT_REGIONS = ['us-east-1', 'us-west-2']
17 HOSTVARS = {}
20 def allASGInstances(asgc):
21 'Return a tuple of a dict of each ASG name listing the instance IDs within it, and a list of all instance IDs.'
22 asgs = {}
23 instanceIds = []
24 args = {}
25 while True:
26 response = asgc.describe_auto_scaling_groups(**args)
27 for asg in response['AutoScalingGroups']:
28 asgs[asg['AutoScalingGroupName']] = [i['InstanceId'] for i in asg['Instances']]
29 instanceIds += asgs[asg['AutoScalingGroupName']]
30 if 'NextToken' not in response:
31 break
32 args = {'NextToken': response['NextToken']}
33 return (asgs, instanceIds)
36 def allInstanceIPs(ec2c, InstanceIds=None, publicIPs=False):
37 'Return a dict of each Instance ID with its addresses.'
38 instances = {}
39 args = {}
40 IPType = 'PublicIpAddress' if publicIPs else 'PrivateIpAddress'
41 if InstanceIds is not None:
42 args['InstanceIds'] = InstanceIds
43 while True:
44 response = ec2c.describe_instances(**args)
45 for resv in response['Reservations']:
46 for inst in resv['Instances']:
47 if IPType in inst:
48 instances[inst['InstanceId']] = inst[IPType]
49 if 'NextToken' not in response:
50 break
51 args = {'NextToken': response['NextToken']}
52 return instances
55 def regionInventory(sessionArgs, publicIPs=False):
56 'Return dict results for one region.'
57 session = boto3.session.Session(**sessionArgs)
58 asgc = session.client('autoscaling')
59 ec2c = session.client('ec2')
61 # get dict of ASG names and associated Instance Ids, plus list of all Instance Ids referenced by ASGs
62 (ASGs, AllInstanceIds) = allASGInstances(asgc)
64 # get list of instance IPs for all instance Ids used by ASGs
65 AllInstanceIPs = allInstanceIPs(ec2c, InstanceIds=AllInstanceIds, publicIPs=publicIPs)
67 # a group for every Instance Id
68 inventory = {iid:[AllInstanceIPs[iid]] for iid in AllInstanceIPs}
70 # add ASG dict, replacing ASG Instance Id with instance IP
71 inventory.update({asg:[AllInstanceIPs[iid] for iid in ASGs[asg] if iid in AllInstanceIPs] for asg in ASGs})
73 return inventory
76 def mergeDictOfLists(a, b):
77 'There is likely a better way of doing this, but right now I have a headache.'
78 for key in b:
79 if key in a:
80 a[key] += b[key]
81 else:
82 a[key] = b[key]
83 return a
86 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='dynamic Ansible inventory from AWS Autoscaling Groups')
87 parser.add_argument('--public', action='store_true', help='inventory public IPs (default: private IPs)')
88 parser.add_argument('--profile', metavar='PROFILE', dest='profile_name', help='AWS Profile (default: current IAM Role)')
89 parser.add_argument('--regions', metavar='REGION', nargs='+', default=DEFAULT_REGIONS, help='AWS Regions (default: %(default)s)')
90 parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true')
91 parser.add_argument('--host', nargs=1)
92 args = parser.parse_args()
94 if args.host:
95 print(json.dumps(HOSTVARS))
96 sys.exit()
98 # create sessionArgs for each region
99 regionArgs = [{'region_name': region} for region in args.regions]
100 if args.profile_name:
101 for arg in regionArgs:
102 arg.update({'profile_name': args.profile_name})
104 # pin the non-variant option
105 invf = partial(regionInventory, publicIPs=args.public)
107 # query regions concurrently
108 pool = ThreadPool(len(regionArgs))
109 regionInventories = pool.map(invf, regionArgs)
110 pool.close()
111 pool.join()
113 # combine regions
114 inventory = reduce(mergeDictOfLists, regionInventories, {})
115 inventory['_meta'] = {'hostvars': HOSTVARS}
117 print(json.dumps(inventory))