{{ /* Generated code is not pretty, ignore a lot of this horrorstyle. */ /* eslint-disable quotes */ /* eslint-disable vars-on-top */ /* eslint-disable no-control-regex */ /* eslint-disable security/detect-object-injection */ /* eslint-disable vars-on-top */ /* eslint-disable brace-style */ /* eslint-disable comma-dangle */ /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ function makeString(o) { return o.join(''); } const onlyFirstAttributes = [ 'media', 'rel', 'title', 'title*', 'type', ]; }} { // Per-parsing tracking of attributes which should be ignored after first occurrence. let seenAttributes = []; } links 'links' = links:linkValue+ { return links; } linkValue 'link-value' = uriReference:uriReference OWS attributes:attributes ','? OWS { seenAttributes = []; return { target: uriReference, attributes, }; } uriReference 'uri-reference' = '<' uri:uri '>' ';' { return uri; } uri 'uri' = uri:[^>]+ { return makeString(uri); } attributes 'attributes' = attrs:linkParam+ { return attrs.filter((a) => a); } linkParam 'link-param' = name:name BWS '=' BWS value:value ';'? OWS { if (onlyFirstAttributes.includes(name.name)) { if (seenAttributes.includes(name.name)) { // Repeat of singleton attribute, ignore it. return; } seenAttributes.push(name.name); } return { ...name, ...value, }; } / name:name BWS ';'? OWS { return { ...name, value: null, } } name 'name' = name:[a-zA-Z]+ extended:'*'? { return { name: makeString(name.concat(extended)).toLowerCase(), extended: !!extended, }; } value 'value' = ["] value:[^"]+ ["] { return { value: makeString(value), }; } / value:[^";,]+ { return { value: makeString(value), }; } OWS 'whitespace' = spaces:[ ]* BWS 'bad whitespace' = OWS // This is also an alternate startRule. extendedValue 'extended-value' = encoding:[^']* ['] language:[^']* ['] value:.* { return { encoding: encoding.length ? makeString(encoding) : 'UTF-8', language: language.length ? makeString(language) : null, value: decodeURIComponent(makeString(value)), }; } / value:.* { return { encoding: null, language: null, value: makeString(value), }; }