; bare-bones test to locate, activate, and write to a display HWN [num] :loop SUB [num], 1 HWQ [num] IFE B, 0x7349 SET PC, found SET PC, loop :found ; located the first display, power it on SET B, 0x8000 SET A, 0 HWI [num] ; set border SET B, 0x0002 SET A, 3 HWI [num] ; show some text SET I, string1 SET J, 0x8000 SET Z, 0x1e00 JSR print SET I, string2 SET Z, 0x1e80 JSR print :done SET PC, done ; prints string at I to vram at J in color Z :print XOR [I], Z SET [J], [I] XOR [I], Z ADD I, 1 ADD J, 1 IFE [I], 0 SET PC, POP SET PC, print :num dat 0x0000 :string1 dat "yerf!", 0 :string2 dat "ortort?", 0