#!/usr/bin/python import boto.utils import boto.ec2 import boto.vpc import sys dry_run = False # AWS access/secret keys aws_access = None aws_secret = None # Get all of the instance info e.g. curl try: instance_info = boto.utils.get_instance_metadata() except: print "Could not get EC2 instance ID!" sys.exit(1) instance_id = instance_info['instance-id'] region_name = instance_info['placement']['availability-zone'][:-1] vpc_id = instance_info['network']['interfaces']['macs'][instance_info['mac']]['vpc-id'] vpc_conn = boto.vpc.connect_to_region(region_name, aws_access_key_id=aws_access, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret) ec2_conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region_name, aws_access_key_id=aws_access, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret) # Turn off Source/Destination checking if it's on source_dest_check = ec2_conn.get_instance_attribute(instance_id, 'sourceDestCheck')['sourceDestCheck'] print "Source/Dest check: %s" % (source_dest_check,) if source_dest_check: print "Instance must have source/dest checking disabled to NAT properly!" try: ec2_conn.modify_instance_attribute(instance_id, 'sourceDestCheck', False, dry_run=dry_run) except Exception, e: print "Could not modify source/dest check: %s" % (e,) sys.exit(1) # Get the managed route tables for my VPC rt = vpc_conn.get_all_route_tables(filters={'vpc_id':vpc_id,'tag:managed':'yes'}) # Just in case there's more than one for table in rt: # See if there's a default route ( gw_route = next((route for route in table.routes if route.destination_cidr_block == ''), None) if not gw_route: print "Could not find default gw route in routing table!" else: print "Found a gateway route: %s, %s, %s" % (table.id, gw_route.destination_cidr_block, instance_id) try: # If there is delete it, because I'm taking it over vpc_conn.delete_route(table.id, '', dry_run=dry_run) except Exception, e: print "Could not delete gw route! %s" % (e,) sys.exit(1) try: # Make me the default route, I'm the router now! vpc_conn.create_route(table.id, '', instance_id=instance_id, dry_run=dry_run) except Exception, e: print "Could not replace gw route! %s" % (e,) sys.exit(1)