#!/usr/bin/env python '''\ Generate a JSON object containing the names of all the AWS Autoscaling Groups in an account and the IPs of the Instances within them, suitable for use as an Ansible inventory. ''' import argparse import boto3 import json import sys from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool from functools import partial DEFAULT_REGIONS = ['us-east-1', 'us-west-2'] HOSTVARS = {} def allASGInstances(asgc): 'Return a tuple of a dict of each ASG name listing the instance IDs within it, and a list of all instance IDs.' asgs = {} instanceIds = [] args = {} while True: response = asgc.describe_auto_scaling_groups(**args) for asg in response['AutoScalingGroups']: asgs[asg['AutoScalingGroupName']] = [i['InstanceId'] for i in asg['Instances']] instanceIds += asgs[asg['AutoScalingGroupName']] if 'NextToken' not in response: break args = {'NextToken': response['NextToken']} return (asgs, instanceIds) def allInstanceIPs(ec2c, InstanceIds=None, publicIPs=False): 'Return a dict of each Instance ID with its addresses.' instances = {} args = {} IPType = 'PublicIpAddress' if publicIPs else 'PrivateIpAddress' if InstanceIds is not None: args['InstanceIds'] = InstanceIds while True: response = ec2c.describe_instances(**args) for resv in response['Reservations']: for inst in resv['Instances']: if IPType in inst: instances[inst['InstanceId']] = inst[IPType] if 'NextToken' not in response: break args = {'NextToken': response['NextToken']} return instances def regionInventory(sessionArgs, publicIPs=False): 'Return dict results for one region.' session = boto3.session.Session(**sessionArgs) asgc = session.client('autoscaling') ec2c = session.client('ec2') # get dict of ASG names and associated Instance Ids, plus list of all Instance Ids referenced by ASGs (ASGs, AllInstanceIds) = allASGInstances(asgc) # get list of instance IPs for all instance Ids used by ASGs AllInstanceIPs = allInstanceIPs(ec2c, InstanceIds=AllInstanceIds, publicIPs=publicIPs) # a group for every Instance Id inventory = {iid:[AllInstanceIPs[iid]] for iid in AllInstanceIPs} # add ASG dict, replacing ASG Instance Id with instance IP inventory.update({asg:[AllInstanceIPs[iid] for iid in ASGs[asg] if iid in AllInstanceIPs] for asg in ASGs}) return inventory def mergeDictOfLists(a, b): 'There is likely a better way of doing this, but right now I have a headache.' for key in b: if key in a: a[key] += b[key] else: a[key] = b[key] return a parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='dynamic Ansible inventory from AWS Autoscaling Groups') parser.add_argument('--public', action='store_true', help='inventory public IPs (default: private IPs)') parser.add_argument('--profile', metavar='PROFILE', dest='profile_name', help='AWS Profile (default: current IAM Role)') parser.add_argument('--regions', metavar='REGION', nargs='+', default=DEFAULT_REGIONS, help='AWS Regions (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--host', nargs=1) args = parser.parse_args() if args.host: print(json.dumps(HOSTVARS)) sys.exit() # create sessionArgs for each region regionArgs = [{'region_name': region} for region in args.regions] if args.profile_name: for arg in regionArgs: arg.update({'profile_name': args.profile_name}) # pin the non-variant option invf = partial(regionInventory, publicIPs=args.public) # query regions concurrently pool = ThreadPool(len(regionArgs)) regionInventories = pool.map(invf, regionArgs) pool.close() pool.join() # combine regions inventory = reduce(mergeDictOfLists, regionInventories, {}) inventory['_meta'] = {'hostvars': HOSTVARS} print(json.dumps(inventory))