variable "project" { description = "topmost classification name" } variable "environment" { description = "deployment environment of this vpc, e.g. prod, stage, dev" default = "dev" } variable "cidr" { description = "cidr block for this vpc" } variable "public_azs" { type = "list" description = "list of azs to use for public subnets in this vpc (full specification, such as us-east-1a)" default = [] } variable "private_azs" { type = "list" description = "list of azs to use for private subnets in this vpc (full specification, such as us-east-1a)" default = [] } variable "r53_domain_name" { description = "domain name for everything in this vpc" default = "" } variable "enable_dns_hostnames" { description = "should be true if you want to use private DNS within the VPC" default = true } variable "enable_dns_support" { description = "should be true if you want to use private DNS within the VPC" default = true } variable "enable_domain_name" { description = "configure dhcp option with r53_domain_name" default = false } variable "subnets_offset_public" { description = "start numbering public subnets with this value" default = 0 } variable "subnets_offset_private" { description = "start numbering private subnets with this value" default = 128 } variable "peering_connection_ids" { type = "list" description = "pcx ids of accepted vpc peerings" default = [] } variable "ssh_allowed_cidr" { type = "list" description = "list of additional cidr blocks to allow SSH traffic from" default = [] }