variable "vpc_id" { description = "Which VPC to build this in." } variable "acct_name" { description = "Name of AWS account." } variable "notification_arns" { type = "list" description = "ARNs of SNS topics to send ASG event notifications to." default = "" } variable "module" { description = "Name of this application." } variable "stack" { description = "Subtype of module. (Such as 'master' or 'data'.)" default = "" } variable "country" { description = "'Country' code, which actually represents a specific AZ for us." default = "" } variable "phase" { description = "Release phase of this environment. (Such as dev, stage, or prod.)" default = "dev" } variable "suffix" { description = "Extra stuff tacked on to end of name." default = "" } variable "instance_type" {} variable "key_name" {} variable "public_ips" { default = false } variable "subnet_ids" { type = "list" description = "Which subnets the servers will be in." } variable "iam_allow_actions" { type = "list" default = [] description = "Allowed actions to associate with the IAM role." } variable "iam_policy_arns" { type = "list" default = [] description = "Additional policies to attach to IAM role." } variable "max_size" { description = "Defaults to 1 instance per subnet. (Cannot be zero.)" default = 0 } variable "min_size" { default = 0 } variable "health_check_grace_period" { default = 600 } variable "ami" { description = "Specify an AMI to use; if empty, use most recent amazon linux." default = "" } variable "elb_sg_ids" { type = "list" description = "ID of elb security group, to allow access from." default = [] } variable "elbs" { type = "list" default = [] } variable "security_group_ids" { type = "list" description = "Additional security groups the servers will belong to." default = [] }