2019-06-16 sadposterMerge branch 'develop' of https://git.pleroma.social...
2019-06-16 rinpatchMerge branch 'issues/570' into 'develop'
2019-06-16 Maksim[#570] add user:notification stream
2019-06-16 rinpatchMerge branch 'fix/991-version-generation' into 'develop'
2019-06-16 lainMerge branch 'fix-for-new-isntances' into 'develop'
2019-06-16 Alexander Strizhakovfix for new instances
2019-06-16 Alex Sno print version to the shell
2019-06-15 lainMerge branch 'bugfix/980-polls-double-vote' into 'develop'
2019-06-15 lainMerge branch 'update/phoenix-and-plug' into 'develop'
2019-06-15 kaniiniMerge branch '963_oob_oauth_redirect_fix' into 'develop'
2019-06-15 Mark FelderOEmbed.OEmbedController does not exist in the Pleroma...
2019-06-15 Mark FelderUpdate Phoenix to 1.4.8
2019-06-15 rinpatchMerge branch 'feature/add-chat-token-to-masto-api'...
2019-06-15 lainApply suggestion to CHANGELOG.md
2019-06-15 lainDocumentation: Document chat token response.
2019-06-15 lainChangelog: Document chat token.
2019-06-15 lainMastodon API: Return the token needed for the chat.
2019-06-15 Alex Sbugfix
2019-06-15 Alex Slittle fix
2019-06-15 Alex Sversion generation
2019-06-14 rinpatchMerge branch 'feature/add-background-image-to-mastoapi...
2019-06-14 kaniiniMerge branch 'feature/905-dynamic-configuration-in...
2019-06-14 Alexander Strizhakovit is changed in compile time
2019-06-14 rinpatchMerge branch 'fix-rate-limit-test' into 'develop'
2019-06-14 Egor KislitsynFix rate limit test
2019-06-14 lainMerge branch 'fix/hashtag-rich-media' into 'develop'
2019-06-14 lainMerge branch 'issues/948-account-search' into 'develop'
2019-06-14 Maksim[#948] /api/v1/account_search added optional parameters...
2019-06-14 rinpatchFix hashtags being picked up by rich media parser
2019-06-14 lainMerge branch 'patch-2' into 'develop'
2019-06-14 EgorAdd copyright info to containment.ex
2019-06-14 lainMerge branch '986-document-how-to-disable-rate-limiting...
2019-06-14 lainMastodon API: Document changes.
2019-06-14 lainMastodonAPI: Add a way to update the background image.
2019-06-14 Egor KislitsynImprove rate limiter documentation
2019-06-14 lainMerge branch 'feature/ci-release-build' into 'develop'
2019-06-14 lainMerge branch 'release-move-out-application-dir' into...
2019-06-13 rinpatchSet instance static/uploads to be outside of applicatio...
2019-06-13 rinpatchremove the feature branch from only
2019-06-13 rinpatchMerge branch 'fix/pleroma-ctl-shellcheck' into 'develop'
2019-06-13 rinpatchpleroma_ctl: fix == instead of = and double quote the...
2019-06-13 rinpatchMerge branch 'develop' into feature/ci-release-build
2019-06-13 rinpatchMerge branch 'remove-prometheus-nif' into 'develop'
2019-06-13 lainPrometheus: Remove flaky process collection NIF.
2019-06-13 rinpatchRemove a TODO
2019-06-13 lainAccountView: Add user background.
2019-06-13 rinpatchExpire artifacts in 42 years
2019-06-13 lainMerge branch 'fix/ogp-title' into 'develop'
2019-06-13 feldMerge branch 'feld/pleroma-fix/ogp-title' into 'fix...
2019-06-13 rinpatchMerge branch 'develop' into feature/ci-release-build
2019-06-13 rinpatchCI: Add automatic release builds
2019-06-13 lainMerge branch 'improve-410-handling' into 'develop'
2019-06-13 Egor KislitsynHandle HTTP 404 response
2019-06-13 Egor KislitsynHandle HTTP "410 Gone" response
2019-06-13 Egor KislitsynImprove <title> fallback; Add a test
2019-06-12 Mark FelderRevert "Only run Floki if title is missing from the...
2019-06-12 Mark FelderOnly run Floki if title is missing from the map
2019-06-12 Mark FelderAttempt to use <title> from HTML as a fallback
2019-06-12 Ivan Tashkinov[#963] No redirect on OOB OAuth authorize request with...
2019-06-12 lainMastodonAPI Controller: Band-Aid double vote problem.
2019-06-12 sadposterchange panel
2019-06-12 sadposterMerge branch 'develop' of https://git.pleroma.social...
2019-06-12 lainMerge branch 'release-config-import' into 'develop'
2019-06-12 lainMerge branch 'chore/tagpolicy_docs' into 'develop'
2019-06-12 lainMerge branch 'update_auto_linker' into 'develop'
2019-06-12 lainMerge branch 'remove-search-result-order' into 'develop'
2019-06-12 Egor KislitsynRemove search result order for non-RUM indexes
2019-06-12 Egor KislitsynUpdate `auto_linker` dependency
2019-06-11 rinpatchDocument TagPolicy in `rewrite_policy` section
2019-06-11 kaniiniMerge branch 'improve-local-content-limit' into 'develop'
2019-06-11 rinpatchImport release config from env variable or /etc/pleroma...
2019-06-11 Egor KislitsynAdd option to restrict all users to local content
2019-06-11 lainMerge branch 'better-default-parameters-for-suggestion...
2019-06-11 Hakaba HitoyoBetter default parameters for suggestion
2019-06-11 lainMerge branch 'feature/rate-limiter' into 'develop'
2019-06-11 lainMerge branch 'update-plug' into 'develop'
2019-06-11 Egor KislitsynUpdate `plug` dependency
2019-06-11 Egor KislitsynUpdate `ex_rated` dependency
2019-06-11 Egor KislitsynReplace `MastodonAPIController.account_register/2`...
2019-06-11 Egor KislitsynUpdate CHANGELOG
2019-06-11 Egor KislitsynAdd rate limiting for search endpoints
2019-06-11 Egor KislitsynAdd RateLimiter
2019-06-11 kaniiniMerge branch 'change-containment-default' into 'develop'
2019-06-11 kaniiniMerge branch 'preload-changes' into 'develop'
2019-06-10 lainMerge branch 'fix/warnings-in-migration' into 'develop'
2019-06-10 Sergey SuprunenkoRemove unused imports and aliases from migration
2019-06-10 lainMerge branch 'feature/releases' into 'develop'
2019-06-10 lainUpdate pleroma_ctl
2019-06-10 lainMerge branch 'issue/media-proxy-whitelist' into 'develop'
2019-06-10 Sergey SuprunenkoAdd more tests for using media_proxy and whitelists
2019-06-09 rinpatchAdd a changelog entry for releases
2019-06-09 rinpatchMerge branch 'develop' into feature/releases
2019-06-09 rinpatchspecify that a version is needed for rollback
2019-06-09 rinpatchAdd migrate/rollback to release tasks
2019-06-08 rinpatchFix wrong placement of serve_endpoints
2019-06-08 rinpatchUse Mix.shell().yes? if available
2019-06-08 lainMerge branch 'prod-loglevel-warn' into 'develop'
2019-06-08 rinpatchSet default loglevel to `warn` in prod
2019-06-08 rinpatchMake mix tasks work in a release
2019-06-08 rinpatchSet serve_endpoints to true in prod config as setting...