2019-05-13 sadposterMerge branch 'develop' of https://git.pleroma.social...
2019-05-13 rinpatchMerge branch 'fix/unfollows-not-working' into 'develop'
2019-05-13 rinpatchAdd a test to ensure create_or_bump_for does not normal...
2019-05-12 rinpatchMerge branch 'update-changelog' into 'develop'
2019-05-12 Sachin Joshiupdate changelog
2019-05-12 rinpatchNormalize the object only after ensuring the activity...
2019-05-11 sadposterAdd mayushii
2019-05-11 kaniiniMerge branch 'fix/ostatus-activity-representer-depends...
2019-05-11 kaniiniMerge branch 'fix/readme-release' into 'develop'
2019-05-11 kaniiniMerge branch 'uniform-admin-api-url' into 'develop'
2019-05-11 Sachin Joshimake url uniform in admin api
2019-05-11 Francis DinhUpdate release info in README.md
2019-05-11 HaelwennMerge branch 'feature/adminfe' into 'develop'
2019-05-11 feldInitial bundle of basic AdminFE
2019-05-10 rinpatchRemove get_in_reply_to calls in some functions because...
2019-05-10 lambdaMerge branch 'fix/retweet-language' into 'develop'
2019-05-09 Francis DinhUse "repeated" instead of "retweeted" for repeated...
2019-05-09 rinpatchFix get_in_reply_to in OStatus' activity representer...
2019-05-09 HaelwennMerge branch 'improve/gitignore' into 'develop'
2019-05-09 Mark FelderPrevent committing code coverage results to the repo
2019-05-08 kaniiniMerge branch 'feature/761-add-users-filtration' into...
2019-05-08 Alexander StrizhakovMerge develop
2019-05-08 lambdaMerge branch 'fix/851-emoji-redirect-follow' into ...
2019-05-08 Alex Semoji dowload follow redirects
2019-05-08 lambdaMerge branch 'refactor/oauth_scopes' into 'develop'
2019-05-08 MaksimRefactoring functions for dealing with oauth scopes.
2019-05-07 kaniiniMerge branch 'refactor/preload-bookmarks-with-activitie...
2019-05-07 William Pitcocktwitterapi: use order constraint to force descending...
2019-05-07 William Pitcockactivitypub: add optional order constraint to timeline...
2019-05-07 rinpatchRemove `bookmarks` assoc and add a fake `bookmark`...
2019-05-07 rinpatchUse with_preloaded_bookmark in create_by_object_ap_id_w...
2019-05-07 rinpatch- Actually use preloaded bookmarks in views
2019-05-07 rinpatchPreload bookmarks wherever the object is preloaded
2019-05-07 rinpatchRemove bookmarks assoc
2019-05-07 kaniiniMerge branch 'docs/MRF-modules' into 'develop'
2019-05-07 William Pitcockcontainment: remove pointless moduledoc line
2019-05-07 lambdaMerge branch 'conversations_three' into 'develop'
2019-05-07 rinpatchMerge branch 'unused-config-parameter' into 'develop'
2019-05-07 Alex Sunused config paramater
2019-05-07 rinpatchMerge branch 'fix/ex_doc-source-links' into 'develop'
2019-05-07 xseFix/ex_doc source links
2019-05-06 sadposterMerge branch 'develop' of https://git.pleroma.social...
2019-05-06 lambdaMerge branch 'issue_800' into 'develop'
2019-05-06 Maksimfix format
2019-05-06 lambdaMerge branch 'feature/bbs' into 'develop'
2019-05-06 lambdaMerge branch 'feature/845-improve-status-deletion'...
2019-05-06 Alexander StrizhakovMerge branch 'develop' of https://git.pleroma.social...
2019-05-06 Haelwenn (lanodan... Remove H1 in @moduledoc
2019-05-06 Haelwenn (lanodan... mrf/tag_policy.ex: Add some documentation
2019-05-06 Haelwenn (lanodan... Add short documentation on every MRF Policy
2019-05-04 lainBBS: Credo fixes.
2019-05-04 lainBBS: Fix tests.
2019-05-04 lainBBS: Use cached user fetcher.
2019-05-04 lainBBS: small fixes.
2019-05-04 lainMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into...
2019-05-03 rinpatchMerge branch 'fix/embeded-relationship-in-follows'...
2019-05-03 rinpatchMerge branch 'fix-search-speed' into 'develop'
2019-05-03 lainJust have Benchee in all environments.
2019-05-03 lainMix: Also have benchee in test.
2019-05-03 lambdaMerge branch 'bugfix/emoji-size' into 'develop'
2019-05-03 lainSearch: Add fts index on objects table.
2019-05-03 Haelwenn (lanodan... MastoAPI: profile update with emoji_map
2019-05-03 Haelwenn (lanodan... TwitterAPI: profile update with emoji_map
2019-05-03 Haelwenn (lanodan... Web.TwitterAPI.UserView: Also view local user emojis
2019-05-03 Haelwenn (lanodan... formatter.ex: Add get_emoji_map/1
2019-05-03 Haelwenn (lanodan... Pleroma.User: remove emojify on parse_bio
2019-05-03 Haelwenn (lanodan... Pleroma.Formatter: width/height to class=emoji
2019-05-03 lainCredo fixes.
2019-05-03 lambdaMerge branch 'fix/replace-ws' into 'develop'
2019-05-03 feldStandardize construction of websocket URL
2019-05-03 lainMastodonApi: Bump api level.
2019-05-03 lainStreamer: Stream out Conversations/Participations.
2019-05-02 rinpatchFix embeded relationships in Mastodon API
2019-05-02 lambdaMerge branch 'iss-849' into 'develop'
2019-05-02 AkiraFukushimaAdd oauth plug tests for url and body parameters
2019-05-02 AkiraFukushimafix: Add mix deps.get before unit-testing
2019-05-02 AkiraFukushimaParse access_token from body parameters and URL parameters
2019-05-01 Roman ChvanikovFix tests
2019-05-01 lainMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into...
2019-05-01 lambdaMerge branch 'support/oauth' into 'develop'
2019-05-01 MaksimRefactored Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator
2019-05-01 rinpatchMerge branch 'fix/remove-redundant-ensure-scrubbed...
2019-05-01 rinpatchRemove redundant ensure_scrubbed_html
2019-05-01 lambdaMerge branch 'features/download-mastofe-build' into...
2019-05-01 lambdaMerge branch 'bugfix/web-notification-special-char...
2019-05-01 lambdaMerge branch 'harmonize_return_types_in_user_module...
2019-05-01 rinpatchMerge branch 'docs/fix-config.md' into 'develop'
2019-05-01 rinpatchMerge branch 'update_auto_linker' into 'develop'
2019-05-01 Alex Stest fixes
2019-05-01 Egor KislitsynUpdate `auto_linker`
2019-05-01 Alex SMerging with develop
2019-04-30 xseFix syntax highlighting + clarify :frontend_configuration
2019-04-30 Sachin Joshiadd scrubber for html special char
2019-04-30 Sachin JoshiMerge branch 'develop' into bugfix/web-notification...
2019-04-30 rinpatchMerge branch 'fix/stream_out-normalize-only-creates...
2019-04-30 rinpatchDo not normalize objects in stream_out unless the activ...
2019-04-29 rinpatchMerge branch 'hotfix/migrateoldbookmarks-crashing-on...
2019-04-29 rinpatchFix MigrateOldBookmarks migration crashing on deleted...
2019-04-29 rinpatchMerge branch 'fix-webpush' into 'develop'
2019-04-29 lainWebPush: Use Object.normalize, rewrite tests so they...