#!/usr/bin/env python
Generate a JSON object containing the names of all the AWS Autoscaling
-Groups in an account and the IPs of the Instances within them, suitable
-for use as an Ansible inventory.
+Groups in an account, the IDs of the Instances within them, as well
+as all the Tags on those Instances, each containing a list of the IPs
+of the Instances, suitable for use as an Ansible inventory.
+This output is similar to the default ec2.py inventory script, but is
+far more limited in the scope of information is has to retreive, parse,
+and render.
+It does not currently deal with hostvars at all.
import argparse
return instances
+def tagsOfInstances(ec2c, InstanceIds=None):
+ tags = {}
+ args = {'Filters': [{'Name': 'resource-type', 'Values': ["instance"]}]}
+ if InstanceIds:
+ args['Filters'] += [{'Name': 'resource-id', 'Values': InstanceIds}]
+ while True:
+ response = ec2c.describe_tags(**args)
+ for tag in response['Tags']:
+ tagname = "tag_{}_{}".format(tag['Key'], tag['Value'])
+ tagvalue = tag['ResourceId']
+ tags.setdefault(tagname, []).append(tagvalue)
+ if 'NextToken' not in response:
+ break
+ args['NextToken'] = response['NextToken']
+ return tags
def regionInventory(sessionArgs, publicIPs=False):
'Return dict results for one region.'
session = boto3.session.Session(**sessionArgs)
# add ASG dict, replacing ASG Instance Id with instance IP
inventory.update({asg:[AllInstanceIPs[iid] for iid in ASGs[asg] if iid in AllInstanceIPs] for asg in ASGs})
+ # group up instance tags as well
+ tags = tagsOfInstances(ec2c, AllInstanceIds)
+ inventory.update({tag:[AllInstanceIPs[iid] for iid in tags[tag] if iid in AllInstanceIPs] for tag in tags})
return inventory