- [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/) metrics
- Support for Mastodon's remote interaction
- Mix Tasks: `mix pleroma.database remove_embedded_objects`
+- Mix Tasks: `mix pleroma.user toggle_confirmed`
- Federation: Support for reports
- Configuration: `safe_dm_mentions` option
- Configuration: `link_name` option
- Mastodon API: Make `irreversible` field default to `false` [`POST /api/v1/filters`]
## Removed
-- Configuration: `config :pleroma, :fe` in favor of the more flexible `config :pleroma, :frontend_configurations`
+- Configuration: `config :pleroma, :fe` in favor of the more flexible `config :pleroma, :frontend_configurations`
## [0.9.9999] - 2019-04-05
### Security
## Delete tags from a user.
mix pleroma.user untag NICKNAME TAGS
+ ## Toggle confirmation of the user's account.
+ mix pleroma.user toggle_confirmed NICKNAME
def run(["new", nickname, email | rest]) do
{options, [], []} =
+ def run(["toggle_confirmed", nickname]) do
+ Common.start_pleroma()
+ with %User{} = user <- User.get_cached_by_nickname(nickname) do
+ {:ok, user} = User.toggle_confirmation(user)
+ message = if user.info.confirmation_pending, do: "needs", else: "doesn't need"
+ Mix.shell().info("#{nickname} #{message} confirmation.")
+ else
+ _ ->
+ Mix.shell().error("No local user #{nickname}")
+ end
+ end
defp set_moderator(user, value) do
info_cng = User.Info.admin_api_update(user.info, %{is_moderator: value})
def showing_reblogs?(%User{} = user, %User{} = target) do
target.ap_id not in user.info.muted_reblogs
+ @spec toggle_confirmation(User.t()) :: {:ok, User.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()}
+ def toggle_confirmation(%User{} = user) do
+ need_confirmation? = !user.info.confirmation_pending
+ info_changeset =
+ User.Info.confirmation_changeset(user.info, need_confirmation: need_confirmation?)
+ user
+ |> change()
+ |> put_embed(:info, info_changeset)
+ |> update_and_set_cache()
+ end
- @spec confirmation_changeset(Info.t(), keyword()) :: Ecto.Changerset.t()
+ @spec confirmation_changeset(Info.t(), keyword()) :: Changeset.t()
def confirmation_changeset(info, opts) do
need_confirmation? = Keyword.get(opts, :need_confirmation)
assert message == "User #{nickname} statuses deleted."
+ describe "running toggle_confirmed" do
+ test "user is confirmed" do
+ %{id: id, nickname: nickname} = insert(:user, info: %{confirmation_pending: false})
+ assert :ok = Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.User.run(["toggle_confirmed", nickname])
+ assert_received {:mix_shell, :info, [message]}
+ assert message == "#{nickname} needs confirmation."
+ user = Repo.get(User, id)
+ assert user.info.confirmation_pending
+ assert user.info.confirmation_token
+ end
+ test "user is not confirmed" do
+ %{id: id, nickname: nickname} =
+ insert(:user, info: %{confirmation_pending: true, confirmation_token: "some token"})
+ assert :ok = Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.User.run(["toggle_confirmed", nickname])
+ assert_received {:mix_shell, :info, [message]}
+ assert message == "#{nickname} doesn't need confirmation."
+ user = Repo.get(User, id)
+ refute user.info.confirmation_pending
+ refute user.info.confirmation_token
+ end
+ end
assert Map.get(user_show, "followers_count") == 2
+ describe "toggle_confirmation/1" do
+ test "if user is confirmed" do
+ user = insert(:user, info: %{confirmation_pending: false})
+ {:ok, user} = User.toggle_confirmation(user)
+ assert user.info.confirmation_pending
+ assert user.info.confirmation_token
+ end
+ test "if user is unconfirmed" do
+ user = insert(:user, info: %{confirmation_pending: true, confirmation_token: "some token"})
+ {:ok, user} = User.toggle_confirmation(user)
+ refute user.info.confirmation_pending
+ refute user.info.confirmation_token
+ end
+ end