X-Git-Url: http://git.squeep.com/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=README.md;fp=README.md;h=32ca1bb949856717bb4e5a1e1b69b441d3800738;hb=9696c012e6b9a6c58904baa397ca0ebf78112316;hp=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;hpb=f59e918f3aba3a218c94a252072801fc40527647;p=websub-hub diff --git a/README.md b/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32ca1bb --- /dev/null +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +# Welcome to my WebSub Hub + +## What + +[WebSub](https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/) is a protocol for subscribing to content updates from publishers. The Hub is the central component which manages that relationship. + +This Hub implementation was created with personal [self-hostable](https://indieweb.org/WebSub) deployment in mind. It is content-agnostic, supports multiple database backends, and can scale to multiple nodes for robustness and capacity. + +## Beware + +This is currently a Minimum Viable Product release. Basic functionality is complete, but the administration experience may be challenging. + +## Up And Running + +Customize configuration within `config/${NODE_ENV}.js`. All envs inherit settings from `default.js` if not specified. Environment is selected using the `NODE_ENV` value, defaulting to `development` if unset. + +Database table initialization and schema version migrations are automated. Configure SQLite with a database file, or point PostgreSQL to a created database. + +A user will need to be created in order to view the `/admin` pages; the `bin/authAddUser.js` script will do this. + +The bundled logger spews JSON to stdout. + +### Quickstart Example + +One way of deploying this server is behind nginx, with the pm2 package to manage the server process, and a local postgres database. Some details on this are presented here as a rough guide to any parts of this stack which may be unfamiliar. + +- Have NodeJS 12-ish available. +- Have PostgreSQL available. +- Clone the server repository. + ```git clone https://git.squeep.com/websub-hub``` +- Install the production dependencies. + ```cd websub-hub``` + ```NODE_ENV=production npm i``` +- Create a ```config/production.js``` configuration file. See ```config/default.js``` for available settings. + >
+  > 'use strict';
+  > // Minimum required configuration settings
+  > module.exports = {
+  >   dingus: {
+  >     selfBaseUrl: 'https://hub.squeep.com/',
+  >   },
+  >   db: {
+  >     connectionString: 'postgresql://websubhub:mypassword@localhost/websubhub',
+  >   },
+  > };
+  > 
+- Prepare PostgreSQL with a user and database, using e.g. ```psql```. + >
+  > GRANT websubhub TO postgres
+  > CREATE DATABASE websubhub OWNER=websubhub;
+  > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE websubhub TO websubhub;
+  > \c websubhub
+  > CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_stat_statements;
+  > 
+- Install the process manager, system-wide. + ```npm i -g pm2``` +- Configure the process manager to keep the server logs from growing unbounded. + ```pm2 install pm2-logrotate``` + ```pm2 set pm2-logrotate:rotateInterval '0 0 1 * *'``` (rotate monthly) + ```pm2 set pm2-logrotate:compress true``` + ```pm2 startup``` (arrange to start process monitor on system boot) +- Launch the server, running one process per CPU, and persist it through reboots. + ```NODE_ENV=production pm2 start server.js --name websubhub -i max``` + ```pm2 save``` +- Create an administration user. + ```NODE_ENV=production node bin/authUserAdd.js admin``` +- Copy the static files to somewhere nginx will serve them from. This will vary greatly depending on your setup. + ```cp -rp static /home/websubhub/hub.squeep.com/html/static``` +- Expose the server through nginx. + >
+  > server {
+  >   listen 443 ssl http2;
+  >   ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/nginx/server-chain.pem;
+  >   ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/nginx/server.key;
+  >   server_name hub.squeep.com;
+  >   root /home/websubhub/hub.squeep.com/html
+  >   try_files $uri $uri/ @websubhub;
+  > 
+  >   location @websubhub {
+  >     proxy_pass http://websubhub$uri;
+  >     proxy_set_header Host $host;
+  >     proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
+  >     proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
+  >     proxy_http_version 1.1;
+  >   }
+  > 
+  >   location = / {
+  >     proxy_pass http://websubhub$is_args$args;
+  >     proxy_set_header Host $host;
+  >     proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
+  >     proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
+  >     proxy_http_version 1.1;
+  >   }
+  > }
+  > 
+ ```nginx -s reload``` +- The Hub server should now be available! + +## Frills + +A rudimentary tally of a topic's subscribers is available on the `/info?topic=topicUrl` endpoint. The topicUrl should be URI encoded. Formats available are SVG badge, JSON, and plain text, selectable by setting e.g. `format=svg` in the query parameters. + +## Architecture + +The Hub keeps track of three primary entities: + +- Topics: data and metadata for a published content endpoint. Topics are unique by source URL. +- Subscriptions: the relationship between a client requesting content and the topic providing it. Subscriptions are unique by topic and client URL. +- Verifications: updates to subscriptions which are pending confirmation. Verifications are not unique, but only the most recent for any Subscription pairing will be acted upon. + +Any tasks in progress (notably: fetching new topic content, distributing that content to subscribers, or confirming pending verifications) are doled out and managed by a cooperative advisory locking mechanism. The task queue is wrangled in the database within the `*_in_progress` tables. + +A Hub node will periodically check for more tasks to perform, executing them up to a set concurrency limit. + +### Quirks + +This implementation is built atop an in-house API framework, for Reasons. It would not be hard to replace such with something more mainstream, but that is not currently a design goal. + +### File Tour + +- bin/ - utility scripts +- config/ + - default.js - defines all configuration parameters' default values + - index.js - merges an environment's values over defaults + - *.js - environment specific values, edit these as needed +- server.js - launches the application server +- src/ + - common.js - utility functions + - communication.js - outgoing requests and associated logic + - db/ + - base.js - abstract database class that any engine will implement + - errors.js - database Error types + - index.js - database factory + - schema-version-helper.js - schema migrations aide + - postgres/ + - index.js - PostgreSQL implementation + - sql/ - statements and schemas + - sqlite/ + - index.js - SQLite implementation + - sql/ - statements and schemas + - enum.js - invariants + - errors.js - local Error types + - link-helper.js - processes Link headers + - logger.js - a very simple logging class + - manager.js - process incoming requests + - service.js - defines incoming endpoints, linking the API server framework to the manager methods + - template/ - HTML content + - worker.js - maintains a pool of tasks in progress, for sending out updates, performing verifications, et cetera +- test/ - unit and coverage tests +- test-e2e/ - support for whole-service testing