Terms of Service

Nothing super complex, just a few things

  1. Don't be a big meanie

    Arguments are cool and all but don't resort to stuff like flamewars. Try to act in good faith - we want to be at least on good terms with people. Please act with understanding towards others on this instance. Most people here are probably struggling with a lot, be mindful of that.

  2. Mark your lewds!

    Reminder that lewd is bad and nobody wants to be forced to see that. Just mark it sensitive, and post unlisted. That is to say, anything suggestive/ecchi upwards should be marked. If you wouldn't look at it with your parents/boss in the room, mark it.

  3. This is a Kink Shame Zone

    Being a lewdie will be met with many anime girl reaction images shaming you for your lewdness. Go think about icky things on someone else's webzone™

  4. Keep it legal!

    Server is hosted in france, keep content legal for there (+ wherever you're browsing from)

  5. No ads/spambots

    I didn't think I'd have to specify this, but please do not set up bots solely for trying to advertise.

  6. Non-TOS recommendations

    This is stuff that'd I'd like you to do, but I won't outright ban you if you don't follow them

  7. Other

    If you're here and you happen to play minecraft, feel free to message me with your username and come play with us sometime!

So I guess yeah, that's about it. Try to be nice, eh? We're probably all sad here.