defmodule Pleroma.Web.Streamer do use GenServer require Logger import Plug.Conn def start_link do spawn(fn -> Process.sleep(1000 * 30) # 30 seconds GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, %{action: :ping}) end) GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{}, name: __MODULE__) end def add_socket(topic, socket) do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, %{action: :add, socket: socket, topic: topic}) end def remove_socket(topic, socket) do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, %{action: :remove, socket: socket, topic: topic}) end def stream(topic, item) do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, %{action: :stream, topic: topic, item: item}) end def handle_cast(%{action: :ping}, topics) do Map.values(topics) |> List.flatten |> Enum.each(fn (socket) -> Logger.debug("Sending keepalive ping") send socket.transport_pid, {:text, ""} end) spawn(fn -> Process.sleep(1000 * 30) # 30 seconds GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, %{action: :ping}) end) {:noreply, topics} end def handle_cast(%{action: :stream, topic: topic, item: item}, topics) do Logger.debug("Trying to push to #{topic}") Logger.debug("Pushing item to #{topic}") Enum.each(topics[topic] || [], fn (socket) -> json = %{ event: "update", payload: Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView.render("status.json", activity: item) |> Poison.encode! } |> Poison.encode! send socket.transport_pid, {:text, json} end) {:noreply, topics} end def handle_cast(%{action: :add, topic: topic, socket: socket}, sockets) do sockets_for_topic = sockets[topic] || [] sockets_for_topic = Enum.uniq([socket | sockets_for_topic]) sockets = Map.put(sockets, topic, sockets_for_topic) Logger.debug("Got new conn for #{topic}") IO.inspect(sockets) {:noreply, sockets} end def handle_cast(%{action: :remove, topic: topic, socket: socket}, sockets) do sockets_for_topic = sockets[topic] || [] sockets_for_topic = List.delete(sockets_for_topic, socket) sockets = Map.put(sockets, topic, sockets_for_topic) Logger.debug("Removed conn for #{topic}") IO.inspect(sockets) {:noreply, sockets} end def handle_cast(m, state) do IO.inspect("Unknown: #{inspect(m)}, #{inspect(state)}") {:noreply, state} end end