# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Stats do use GenServer import Ecto.Query alias Pleroma.Object alias Pleroma.Repo alias Pleroma.User require Pleroma.Constants @interval 1000 * 60 * 60 def start_link(_) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, initial_data(), name: __MODULE__) end def force_update do GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :force_update) end def get_stats do %{stats: stats} = GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :get_state) stats end def get_peers do %{peers: peers} = GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :get_state) peers end def init(args) do Process.send(self(), :run_update, []) {:ok, args} end def handle_call(:force_update, _from, _state) do new_stats = get_stat_data() {:reply, new_stats, new_stats} end def handle_call(:get_state, _from, state) do {:reply, state, state} end def handle_info(:run_update, _state) do new_stats = get_stat_data() Process.send_after(self(), :run_update, @interval) {:noreply, new_stats} end defp initial_data do %{peers: [], stats: %{}} end def get_stat_data do peers = from( u in User, select: fragment("distinct split_part(?, '@', 2)", u.nickname), where: u.local != ^true ) |> Repo.all() |> Enum.filter(& &1) domain_count = Enum.count(peers) user_count = Repo.aggregate(User.Query.build(%{local: true, active: true}), :count, :id) %{ peers: peers, stats: %{domain_count: domain_count, status_count: status_count(), user_count: user_count} } end defp status_count do %{ all: get_all_statuses_count(), public: public_statuses_query() |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id), unlisted: unlisted_statuses_query() |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id), direct: direct_statuses_query() |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id), private: private_statuses_query() |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id) } end defp get_all_statuses_count do Repo.aggregate(User.Query.build(%{local: true}), :sum, :note_count) end def public_statuses_query do from(o in Object, where: fragment("(?)->'to' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public()) ) end def unlisted_statuses_query do from(o in Object, where: not fragment("(?)->'to' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public()), where: fragment("(?)->'cc' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public()) ) end def direct_statuses_query do private_statuses_ids = from(p in private_statuses_query(), select: p.id) |> Repo.all() from(o in Object, where: fragment( "? \\? 'directMessage' AND (?->>'directMessage')::boolean = true", o.data, o.data ) or (not fragment("(?)->'to' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public()) and not fragment("(?)->'cc' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public()) and o.id not in ^private_statuses_ids) ) end def private_statuses_query do from(o in subquery(recipients_query()), where: ilike(o.recipients, "%/followers%") ) end defp recipients_query do from(o in Object, select: %{ id: o.id, recipients: fragment("jsonb_array_elements_text((?)->'to')", o.data) }, where: not fragment("(?)->'to' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public()), where: not fragment("(?)->'cc' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public()) ) end end