# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.OTPVersion do @type check_status() :: :ok | :undefined | {:error, String.t()} @spec check!() :: :ok | no_return() def check! do case check() do :ok -> :ok {:error, version} -> raise " !!!OTP VERSION WARNING!!! You are using gun adapter with OTP version #{version}, which doesn't support correct handling of unordered certificates chains. " :undefined -> raise " !!!OTP VERSION WARNING!!! To support correct handling of unordered certificates chains - OTP version must be > 22.2. " end end @spec check() :: check_status() def check do # OTP Version https://erlang.org/doc/system_principles/versions.html#otp-version [ Path.join(:code.root_dir(), "OTP_VERSION"), Path.join([:code.root_dir(), "releases", :erlang.system_info(:otp_release), "OTP_VERSION"]) ] |> get_version_from_files() |> do_check() end @spec check([Path.t()]) :: check_status() def check(paths) do paths |> get_version_from_files() |> do_check() end defp get_version_from_files([]), do: nil defp get_version_from_files([path | paths]) do if File.exists?(path) do File.read!(path) else get_version_from_files(paths) end end defp do_check(nil), do: :undefined defp do_check(version) do version = String.replace(version, ~r/\r|\n|\s/, "") [major, minor] = version |> String.split(".") |> Enum.map(&String.to_integer/1) |> Enum.take(2) if (major == 22 and minor >= 2) or major > 22 do :ok else {:error, version} end end end