defmodule Pleroma.List do use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.{Changeset, Query} alias Pleroma.{User, Repo, Activity} schema "lists" do belongs_to(:user, Pleroma.User) field(:title, :string) field(:following, {:array, :string}, default: []) timestamps() end def title_changeset(list, attrs \\ %{}) do list |> cast(attrs, [:title]) |> validate_required([:title]) end def follow_changeset(list, attrs \\ %{}) do list |> cast(attrs, [:following]) |> validate_required([:following]) end def for_user(user, opts) do query = from( l in Pleroma.List, where: l.user_id == ^, order_by: [desc:], limit: 50 ) Repo.all(query) end def get(id, %{id: user_id} = _user) do query = from( l in Pleroma.List, where: == ^id, where: l.user_id == ^user_id ) end def get_following(%Pleroma.List{following: following} = list) do q = from( u in User, where: u.follower_address in ^following ) {:ok, Repo.all(q)} end # Get lists the activity should be streamed to. def get_lists_from_activity(%Activity{actor: ap_id}) do actor = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id) query = from( l in Pleroma.List, where: fragment("? && ?", l.following, ^[actor.follower_address]) ) Repo.all(query) end # Get lists to which the account belongs. def get_lists_account_belongs(%User{} = owner, account_id) do user = Repo.get(User, account_id) query = from( l in Pleroma.List, where: l.user_id == ^ and fragment("? = ANY(?)", ^user.follower_address, l.following) ) Repo.all(query) end def rename(%Pleroma.List{} = list, title) do list |> title_changeset(%{title: title}) |> Repo.update() end def create(title, %User{} = creator) do list = %Pleroma.List{user_id:, title: title} Repo.insert(list) end def follow(%Pleroma.List{following: following} = list, %User{} = followed) do update_follows(list, %{following: Enum.uniq([followed.follower_address | following])}) end def unfollow(%Pleroma.List{following: following} = list, %User{} = unfollowed) do update_follows(list, %{following: List.delete(following, unfollowed.follower_address)}) end def delete(%Pleroma.List{} = list) do Repo.delete(list) end def update_follows(%Pleroma.List{} = list, attrs) do list |> follow_changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end end