defmodule Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha do alias Pleroma.Captcha.Service @behaviour Service @ets __MODULE__.Ets @impl Service def new() do endpoint = Pleroma.Config.get!([__MODULE__, :endpoint]) case HTTPoison.get(endpoint <> "/new") do {:error, _} -> %{error: "Kocaptcha service unavailable"} {:ok, res} -> json_resp = Poison.decode!(res.body) token = json_resp["token"] true = :ets.insert(@ets, {token, json_resp["md5"]}) %{type: :kocaptcha, token: token, url: endpoint <> json_resp["url"]} end end @impl Service def validate(token, captcha) do with false <- is_nil(captcha), [{^token, saved_md5}] <- :ets.lookup(@ets, token), true <- (:crypto.hash(:md5, captcha) |> Base.encode16) == String.upcase(saved_md5) do # Clear the saved value :ets.delete(@ets, token) true else _ -> false end end end