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699 <p>Found 4 records.</p>
700 <h2>Status: <a href="status_type_desc.html">Verified</a> (1)</h2>
701 <h3><a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8288.txt" target="_blank">RFC&nbsp;8288</a>, "Web Linking", October 2017</h3>
702 <a href="/source/">Source of RFC</a>: IETF - NON WORKING GROUP<br />
703 Area Assignment: art<br />
704 <p>
705 Errata ID: <a href="/errata/eid5878">5878</a><br />
706 <b>Status: Verified<br />
707 Type: Technical<br />
708 Publication Format(s) : TEXT</b><br />
709 Reported By: Jinoh Kang<br />
710 Date Reported: 2019-10-22<br />
711 Verifier Name: Barry Leiba<br />
712 Date Verified: 2019-10-24<br />
713 </p>
714 <p>Section B.2 says:
715 </p>
716 <pre class="rfctext">
717 15. Let star_param_names be the set of param_names in the
718 (param_name, param_value) tuples of link_parameters where
719 the last character of param_name is an asterisk (&quot;*&quot;).
720 16. For each star_param_name in star_param_names:
721 1. Let base_param_name be star_param_name with the last
722 character removed.
723 2. If the implementation does not choose to support an
724 internationalised form of a parameter named
725 base_param_name for any reason (including, but not
726 limited to, it being prohibited by the parameter's
727 specification), remove all tuples from link_parameters
728 whose first member is star_param_name, and skip to the
729 next star_param_name.
730 3. Remove all tuples from link_parameters whose first
731 member is base_param_name.
732 4. Change the first member of all tuples in link_parameters
733 whose first member is star_param_name to
734 base_param_name.
735 </pre>
736 <p>It should say:</p>
737 <pre class="rfctext">
738 15. Let star_param_names be the set of param_names in the
739 (param_name, param_value) tuples of target_attributes where
740 the last character of param_name is an asterisk (&quot;*&quot;).
741 16. For each star_param_name in star_param_names:
742 1. Let base_param_name be star_param_name with the last
743 character removed.
744 2. If the implementation does not choose to support an
745 internationalised form of a parameter named
746 base_param_name for any reason (including, but not
747 limited to, it being prohibited by the parameter's
748 specification), remove all tuples from target_attributes
749 whose first member is star_param_name, and skip to the
750 next star_param_name.
751 3. Remove all tuples from target_attributes whose first
752 member is base_param_name.
753 4. Change the first member of all tuples in target_attributes
754 whose first member is star_param_name to
755 base_param_name.
756 </pre>
757 <p>Notes:</p>
758 <p class="simpleindent">
759 The modified link_parameters value is not used, but target_attributes is. Additionally, the normative part of the document states that the RFC 8187 decoding scheme MAY be used for target attributes (especially extension attributes), not the ones that belong to the general link model.
760 </p>
761 <div class="special_hr"></div><h2>Status: <a href="status_type_desc.html">Reported</a> (3)</h2>
762 <h3><a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8288.txt" target="_blank">RFC&nbsp;8288</a>, "Web Linking", October 2017</h3>
763 <a href="/source/">Source of RFC</a>: IETF - NON WORKING GROUP<br />
764 Area Assignment: art<br />
765 <p>
766 Errata ID: <a href="/errata/eid5319">5319</a><br />
767 <b>Status: Reported<br />
768 Type: Technical<br />
769 Publication Format(s) : TEXT</b><br />
770 Reported By: Jeffrey Yasskin<br />
771 Date Reported: 2018-04-04<br />
772 </p>
773 <p>Section 1.1 says:
774 </p>
775 <pre class="rfctext">
776 This document uses the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) [RFC5234]
777 notation of [RFC7230], including the #rule, and explicitly includes
778 the following rules from it: quoted-string, token, SP (space), BWS
779 (bad whitespace), OWS (optional whitespace), RWS (required
780 whitespace), LOALPHA, DIGIT.
781 </pre>
782 <p>It should say:</p>
783 <pre class="rfctext">
784 This document uses the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) [RFC5234]
785 notation of [RFC7230], including the #rule, and explicitly includes
786 the following rules from it: quoted-string, token, SP (space), BWS
787 (bad whitespace), OWS (optional whitespace), RWS (required
788 whitespace), DIGIT. It also uses the following additional rule:
790 LOALPHA = %x61-7A
793 </pre>
794 <p>Notes:</p>
795 <p class="simpleindent">
796 I can't find a definition of LOALPHA in RFC5234 or RFC7230. I see a definition in RFC2616, which seems to have been dropped in the update.
797 </p>
798 <div class="special_hr"></div><p>
799 Errata ID: <a href="/errata/eid5168">5168</a><br />
800 <b>Status: Reported<br />
801 Type: Editorial<br />
802 Publication Format(s) : TEXT</b><br />
803 Reported By: Sawood Alam<br />
804 Date Reported: 2017-10-25<br />
805 </p>
806 <p>Section B.3 says:
807 </p>
808 <pre class="rfctext">
809 input is modified to remove the parsed parameters.
810 </pre>
811 <p>It should say:</p>
812 <pre class="rfctext">
813 Input is modified to remove the parsed parameters.
814 </pre>
815 <p>Notes:</p>
816 <p class="simpleindent">
817 The first letter of the sentence is not capitalized.
818 </p>
819 <div class="special_hr"></div><p>
820 Errata ID: <a href="/errata/eid5169">5169</a><br />
821 <b>Status: Reported<br />
822 Type: Editorial<br />
823 Publication Format(s) : TEXT</b><br />
824 Reported By: Sawood Alam<br />
825 Date Reported: 2017-10-25<br />
826 </p>
827 <p>Section B.4 says:
828 </p>
829 <pre class="rfctext">
830 input is modified to remove the parsed string.
831 </pre>
832 <p>It should say:</p>
833 <pre class="rfctext">
834 Input is modified to remove the parsed string.
835 </pre>
836 <p>Notes:</p>
837 <p class="simpleindent">
838 The first letter of the sentence is not capitalized.
839 </p>
840 <div class="special_hr"></div><!-- <p>No records found for status Held for Document Update.</p> -->
841 <!-- <p>No records found for status Rejected.</p> -->
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