[akkoma] / mix.exs
1 defmodule Pleroma.Mixfile do
2 use Mix.Project
4 def project do
5 [
6 app: :pleroma,
7 version: version("1.1.9"),
8 elixir: "~> 1.7",
9 elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()),
10 compilers: [:phoenix, :gettext] ++ Mix.compilers(),
11 elixirc_options: [warnings_as_errors: true],
12 xref: [exclude: [:eldap]],
13 start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
14 aliases: aliases(),
15 deps: deps(),
16 test_coverage: [tool: ExCoveralls],
17 preferred_cli_env: ["coveralls.html": :test],
18 # Docs
19 name: "Pleroma",
20 homepage_url: "",
21 source_url: "",
22 docs: [
23 source_url_pattern:
24 "{path}#L%{line}",
25 logo: "priv/static/static/logo.png",
26 extras: ["", ""] ++ Path.wildcard("docs/**/*.md"),
27 groups_for_extras: [
28 "Installation manuals": Path.wildcard("docs/installation/*.md"),
29 Configuration: Path.wildcard("docs/config/*.md"),
30 Administration: Path.wildcard("docs/admin/*.md"),
31 "Pleroma's APIs and Mastodon API extensions": Path.wildcard("docs/api/*.md")
32 ],
33 main: "readme",
34 output: "priv/static/doc"
35 ],
36 releases: [
37 pleroma: [
38 include_executables_for: [:unix],
39 applications: [ex_syslogger: :load, syslog: :load],
40 steps: [:assemble, &copy_files/1, &copy_nginx_config/1]
41 ]
42 ]
43 ]
44 end
46 def copy_files(%{path: target_path} = release) do
47 File.cp_r!("./rel/files", target_path)
48 release
49 end
51 def copy_nginx_config(%{path: target_path} = release) do
52 File.cp!(
53 "./installation/pleroma.nginx",
54 Path.join([target_path, "installation", "pleroma.nginx"])
55 )
57 release
58 end
60 # Configuration for the OTP application.
61 #
62 # Type `mix help` for more information.
63 def application do
64 [
65 mod: {Pleroma.Application, []},
66 extra_applications: [:logger, :runtime_tools, :comeonin, :quack],
67 included_applications: [:ex_syslogger]
68 ]
69 end
71 # Specifies which paths to compile per environment.
72 defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["lib", "test/support"]
73 defp elixirc_paths(_), do: ["lib"]
75 # Specifies OAuth dependencies.
76 defp oauth_deps do
77 oauth_strategy_packages =
79 |> to_string()
80 |> String.split()
81 |> strategy_entry ->
82 with [_strategy, dependency] <- String.split(strategy_entry, ":") do
83 dependency
84 else
85 [strategy] -> "ueberauth_#{strategy}"
86 end
87 end)
89 for s <- oauth_strategy_packages, do: {String.to_atom(s), ">= 0.0.0"}
90 end
92 # Specifies your project dependencies.
93 #
94 # Type `mix help deps` for examples and options.
95 defp deps do
96 [
97 {:phoenix, "~> 1.4.8"},
98 {:tzdata, "~> 0.5.21"},
99 {:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.0"},
100 {:phoenix_pubsub, "~> 1.1"},
101 {:phoenix_ecto, "~> 4.0"},
102 {:ecto_sql, "~> 3.1"},
103 {:postgrex, ">= 0.13.5"},
104 {:gettext, "~> 0.15"},
105 {:comeonin, "~> 4.1.1"},
106 {:pbkdf2_elixir, "~> 0.12.3"},
107 {:trailing_format_plug, "~> 0.0.7"},
108 {:html_sanitize_ex, "~> 1.3.0"},
109 {:html_entities, "~> 0.5", override: true},
110 {:phoenix_html, "~> 2.10"},
111 {:calendar, "~> 0.17.4"},
112 {:cachex, "~> 3.0.2"},
113 {:poison, "~> 3.0", override: true},
114 {:tesla, "~> 1.3", override: true},
115 {:jason, "~> 1.0"},
116 {:mogrify, "~> 0.6.1"},
117 {:ex_aws, "~> 2.1"},
118 {:ex_aws_s3, "~> 2.0"},
119 {:sweet_xml, "~> 0.6.6"},
120 {:earmark, "~> 1.3"},
121 {:bbcode, "~> 0.1.1"},
122 {:ex_machina, "~> 2.3", only: :test},
123 {:credo, "~> 0.9.3", only: [:dev, :test]},
124 {:mock, "~> 0.3.3", only: :test},
125 {:crypt,
126 git: "", ref: "1f2b58927ab57e72910191a7ebaeff984382a1d3"},
127 {:cors_plug, "~> 1.5"},
128 {:ex_doc, "~> 0.21", only: :dev, runtime: false},
129 {:web_push_encryption, "~> 0.2.1"},
130 {:swoosh, "~> 0.23.2"},
131 {:phoenix_swoosh, "~> 0.2"},
132 {:gen_smtp, "~> 0.13"},
133 {:websocket_client, git: "", only: :test},
134 {:floki, "~> 0.20.0"},
135 {:ex_syslogger, github: "slashmili/ex_syslogger", tag: "1.4.0"},
136 {:timex, "~> 3.5"},
137 {:ueberauth, "~> 0.4"},
138 {:auto_linker,
139 git: "",
140 ref: "95e8188490e97505c56636c1379ffdf036c1fdde"},
141 {:http_signatures,
142 git: "",
143 ref: "293d77bb6f4a67ac8bde1428735c3b42f22cbb30"},
144 {:pleroma_job_queue, "~> 0.3"},
145 {:telemetry, "~> 0.3"},
146 {:poolboy, "~> 1.5"},
147 {:prometheus_ex, "~> 3.0"},
148 {:prometheus_plugs, "~> 1.1"},
149 {:prometheus_phoenix, "~> 1.3"},
150 {:prometheus_ecto, "~> 1.4"},
151 {:recon, github: "ferd/recon", tag: "2.4.0"},
152 {:quack, "~> 0.1.1"},
153 {:joken, "~> 2.0"},
154 {:benchee, "~> 1.0"},
155 {:esshd, "~> 0.1.0", runtime: Application.get_env(:esshd, :enabled, false)},
156 {:ex_rated, "~> 1.3"},
157 {:ex_const, "~> 0.2"},
158 {:plug_static_index_html, "~> 1.0.0"},
159 {:excoveralls, "~> 0.11.1", only: :test},
160 {:flake_id, "~> 0.1.0"},
161 {:captcha,
162 git: "",
163 ref: "e0f16822d578866e186a0974d65ad58cddc1e2ab"},
164 {:mox, "~> 0.5", only: :test}
165 ] ++ oauth_deps()
166 end
168 # Aliases are shortcuts or tasks specific to the current project.
169 # For example, to create, migrate and run the seeds file at once:
170 #
171 # $ mix ecto.setup
172 #
173 # See the documentation for `Mix` for more info on aliases.
174 defp aliases do
175 [
176 "ecto.migrate": ["pleroma.ecto.migrate"],
177 "ecto.rollback": ["pleroma.ecto.rollback"],
178 "ecto.setup": ["ecto.create", "ecto.migrate", "run priv/repo/seeds.exs"],
179 "ecto.reset": ["ecto.drop", "ecto.setup"],
180 test: ["ecto.create --quiet", "ecto.migrate", "test"]
181 ]
182 end
184 # Builds a version string made of:
185 # * the application version
186 # * a pre-release if ahead of the tag: the describe string (-count-commithash)
187 # * branch name
188 # * build metadata:
189 # * a build name if `PLEROMA_BUILD_NAME` or `:pleroma, :build_name` is defined
190 # * the mix environment if different than prod
191 defp version(version) do
192 identifier_filter = ~r/[^0-9a-z\-]+/i
194 # Pre-release version, denoted from patch version with a hyphen
195 {git_tag, git_pre_release} =
196 with {tag, 0} <-
197 System.cmd("git", ["describe", "--tags", "--abbrev=0"], stderr_to_stdout: true),
198 tag = String.trim(tag),
199 {describe, 0} <- System.cmd("git", ["describe", "--tags", "--abbrev=8"]),
200 describe = String.trim(describe),
201 ahead <- String.replace(describe, tag, ""),
202 ahead <- String.trim_leading(ahead, "-") do
203 {String.replace_prefix(tag, "v", ""), if(ahead != "", do: String.trim(ahead))}
204 else
205 _ ->
206 {commit_hash, 0} = System.cmd("git", ["rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"])
207 {nil, "0-g" <> String.trim(commit_hash)}
208 end
210 if git_tag && version != git_tag do
212 "Application version #{inspect(version)} does not match git tag #{inspect(git_tag)}"
213 )
214 end
216 # Branch name as pre-release version component, denoted with a dot
217 branch_name =
218 with {branch_name, 0} <- System.cmd("git", ["rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"]),
219 branch_name <- String.trim(branch_name),
220 branch_name <- System.get_env("PLEROMA_BUILD_BRANCH") || branch_name,
221 true <-
222 !Enum.any?(["master", "HEAD", "release/", "stable"], fn name ->
223 String.starts_with?(name, branch_name)
224 end) do
225 branch_name =
226 branch_name
227 |> String.trim()
228 |> String.replace(identifier_filter, "-")
230 branch_name
231 end
233 build_name =
234 cond do
235 name = Application.get_env(:pleroma, :build_name) -> name
236 name = System.get_env("PLEROMA_BUILD_NAME") -> name
237 true -> nil
238 end
240 env_name = if Mix.env() != :prod, do: to_string(Mix.env())
241 env_override = System.get_env("PLEROMA_BUILD_ENV")
243 env_name =
244 case env_override do
245 nil -> env_name
246 env_override when env_override in ["", "prod"] -> nil
247 env_override -> env_override
248 end
250 # Pre-release version, denoted by appending a hyphen
251 # and a series of dot separated identifiers
252 pre_release =
253 [git_pre_release, branch_name]
254 |> Enum.filter(fn string -> string && string != "" end)
255 |> Enum.join(".")
256 |> (fn
257 "" -> nil
258 string -> "-" <> String.replace(string, identifier_filter, "-")
259 end).()
261 # Build metadata, denoted with a plus sign
262 build_metadata =
263 [build_name, env_name]
264 |> Enum.filter(fn string -> string && string != "" end)
265 |> Enum.join(".")
266 |> (fn
267 "" -> nil
268 string -> "+" <> String.replace(string, identifier_filter, "-")
269 end).()
271 [version, pre_release, build_metadata]
272 |> Enum.filter(fn string -> string && string != "" end)
273 |> Enum.join()
274 end
275 end