UtilController: Fix statusnet config api compatibility.
[akkoma] / lib / pleroma / web / media_proxy / controller.ex
1 defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.MediaProxyController do
2 use Pleroma.Web, :controller
3 require Logger
5 @httpoison Application.get_env(:pleroma, :httpoison)
7 @max_body_length 25 * 1048576
9 @cache_control %{
10 default: "public, max-age=1209600",
11 error: "public, must-revalidate, max-age=160",
12 }
14 def remote(conn, %{"sig" => sig, "url" => url}) do
15 config = Application.get_env(:pleroma, :media_proxy, [])
16 with \
17 true <- Keyword.get(config, :enabled, false),
18 {:ok, url} <- Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.decode_url(sig, url),
19 {:ok, content_type, body} <- proxy_request(url)
20 do
21 conn
22 |> put_resp_content_type(content_type)
23 |> set_cache_header(:default)
24 |> send_resp(200, body)
25 else
26 false -> send_error(conn, 404)
27 {:error, :invalid_signature} -> send_error(conn, 403)
28 {:error, {:http, _, url}} -> redirect_or_error(conn, url, Keyword.get(config, :redirect_on_failure, true))
29 end
30 end
32 defp proxy_request(link) do
33 headers = [{"user-agent", "Pleroma/MediaProxy; #{Pleroma.Web.base_url()} <#{Application.get_env(:pleroma, :instance)[:email]}>"}]
34 options = @httpoison.process_request_options([:insecure, {:follow_redirect, true}])
35 with \
36 {:ok, 200, headers, client} <- :hackney.request(:get, link, headers, "", options),
37 headers = Enum.into(headers, Map.new),
38 {:ok, body} <- proxy_request_body(client),
39 content_type <- proxy_request_content_type(headers, body)
40 do
41 {:ok, content_type, body}
42 else
43 {:ok, status, _, _} ->
44 Logger.warn "MediaProxy: request failed, status #{status}, link: #{link}"
45 {:error, {:http, :bad_status, link}}
46 {:error, error} ->
47 Logger.warn "MediaProxy: request failed, error #{inspect error}, link: #{link}"
48 {:error, {:http, error, link}}
49 end
50 end
52 defp set_cache_header(conn, key) do
53 Plug.Conn.put_resp_header(conn, "cache-control", @cache_control[key])
54 end
56 defp redirect_or_error(conn, url, true), do: redirect(conn, external: url)
57 defp redirect_or_error(conn, url, _), do: send_error(conn, 502, "Media proxy error: " <> url)
59 defp send_error(conn, code, body \\ "") do
60 conn
61 |> set_cache_header(:error)
62 |> send_resp(code, body)
63 end
65 defp proxy_request_body(client), do: proxy_request_body(client, <<>>)
66 defp proxy_request_body(client, body) when byte_size(body) < @max_body_length do
67 case :hackney.stream_body(client) do
68 {:ok, data} -> proxy_request_body(client, <<body :: binary, data :: binary>>)
69 :done -> {:ok, body}
70 {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason}
71 end
72 end
73 defp proxy_request_body(client, _) do
74 :hackney.close(client)
75 {:error, :body_too_large}
76 end
78 # TODO: the body is passed here as well because some hosts do not provide a content-type.
79 # At some point we may want to use magic numbers to discover the content-type and reply a proper one.
80 defp proxy_request_content_type(headers, _body) do
81 headers["Content-Type"] || headers["content-type"] || "image/jpeg"
82 end
84 end