[akkoma] / lib / pleroma / web / federator / federator.ex
1 defmodule Pleroma.Web.Federator do
2 use GenServer
3 alias Pleroma.User
4 alias Pleroma.Activity
5 alias Pleroma.Web.{WebFinger, Websub}
6 alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
7 alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier
8 require Logger
10 @websub Application.get_env(:pleroma, :websub)
11 @ostatus Application.get_env(:pleroma, :ostatus)
12 @httpoison Application.get_env(:pleroma, :httpoison)
13 @instance Application.get_env(:pleroma, :instance)
14 @federating Keyword.get(@instance, :federating)
15 @max_jobs 20
17 def start_link do
18 spawn(fn ->
19 Process.sleep(1000 * 60 * 1) # 1 minute
20 enqueue(:refresh_subscriptions, nil)
21 end)
22 GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{
23 in: {:sets.new(), []},
24 out: {:sets.new(), []}
25 }, name: __MODULE__)
26 end
28 def handle(:refresh_subscriptions, _) do
29 Logger.debug("Federator running refresh subscriptions")
30 Websub.refresh_subscriptions()
31 spawn(fn ->
32 Process.sleep(1000 * 60 * 60 * 6) # 6 hours
33 enqueue(:refresh_subscriptions, nil)
34 end)
35 end
37 def handle(:request_subscription, websub) do
38 Logger.debug("Refreshing #{websub.topic}")
39 with {:ok, websub } <- Websub.request_subscription(websub) do
40 Logger.debug("Successfully refreshed #{websub.topic}")
41 else
42 _e -> Logger.debug("Couldn't refresh #{websub.topic}")
43 end
44 end
46 def handle(:publish, activity) do
47 Logger.debug(fn -> "Running publish for #{activity.data["id"]}" end)
48 with actor when not is_nil(actor) <- User.get_cached_by_ap_id(activity.data["actor"]) do
49 {:ok, actor} = WebFinger.ensure_keys_present(actor)
50 if ActivityPub.is_public?(activity) do
51 Logger.info(fn -> "Sending #{activity.data["id"]} out via WebSub" end)
52 Websub.publish(Pleroma.Web.OStatus.feed_path(actor), actor, activity)
54 Logger.info(fn -> "Sending #{activity.data["id"]} out via Salmon" end)
55 Pleroma.Web.Salmon.publish(actor, activity)
56 end
58 Logger.info(fn -> "Sending #{activity.data["id"]} out via AP" end)
59 Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub.publish(actor, activity)
60 end
61 end
63 def handle(:verify_websub, websub) do
64 Logger.debug(fn -> "Running WebSub verification for #{websub.id} (#{websub.topic}, #{websub.callback})" end)
65 @websub.verify(websub)
66 end
68 def handle(:incoming_doc, doc) do
69 Logger.info("Got document, trying to parse")
70 @ostatus.handle_incoming(doc)
71 end
73 def handle(:incoming_ap_doc, params) do
74 Logger.info("Handling incoming AP activity")
75 with {:ok, _user} <- ap_enabled_actor(params["actor"]),
76 nil <- Activity.get_by_ap_id(params["id"]),
77 {:ok, activity} <- Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(params) do
78 else
79 %Activity{} ->
80 Logger.info("Already had #{params["id"]}")
81 e ->
82 # Just drop those for now
83 Logger.info("Unhandled activity")
84 Logger.info(Poison.encode!(params, [pretty: 2]))
85 end
86 end
88 def handle(:publish_single_ap, params) do
89 ActivityPub.publish_one(params)
90 end
92 def handle(:publish_single_websub, %{xml: xml, topic: topic, callback: callback, secret: secret}) do
93 signature = @websub.sign(secret || "", xml)
94 Logger.debug(fn -> "Pushing #{topic} to #{callback}" end)
96 with {:ok, %{status_code: code}} <- @httpoison.post(callback, xml, [
97 {"Content-Type", "application/atom+xml"},
98 {"X-Hub-Signature", "sha1=#{signature}"}
99 ], timeout: 10000, recv_timeout: 20000, hackney: [pool: :default]) do
100 Logger.debug(fn -> "Pushed to #{callback}, code #{code}" end)
101 else e ->
102 Logger.debug(fn -> "Couldn't push to #{callback}, #{inspect(e)}" end)
103 end
104 end
106 def handle(type, _) do
107 Logger.debug(fn -> "Unknown task: #{type}" end)
108 {:error, "Don't know what to do with this"}
109 end
111 def enqueue(type, payload, priority \\ 1) do
112 if @federating do
113 if Mix.env == :test do
114 handle(type, payload)
115 else
116 GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:enqueue, type, payload, priority})
117 end
118 end
119 end
121 def maybe_start_job(running_jobs, queue) do
122 if (:sets.size(running_jobs) < @max_jobs) && queue != [] do
123 {{type, payload}, queue} = queue_pop(queue)
124 {:ok, pid} = Task.start(fn -> handle(type, payload) end)
125 mref = Process.monitor(pid)
126 {:sets.add_element(mref, running_jobs), queue}
127 else
128 {running_jobs, queue}
129 end
130 end
132 def handle_cast({:enqueue, type, payload, priority}, state) when type in [:incoming_doc, :incoming_ap_doc] do
133 %{in: {i_running_jobs, i_queue}, out: {o_running_jobs, o_queue}} = state
134 i_queue = enqueue_sorted(i_queue, {type, payload}, 1)
135 {i_running_jobs, i_queue} = maybe_start_job(i_running_jobs, i_queue)
136 {:noreply, %{in: {i_running_jobs, i_queue}, out: {o_running_jobs, o_queue}}}
137 end
139 def handle_cast({:enqueue, type, payload, priority}, state) do
140 %{in: {i_running_jobs, i_queue}, out: {o_running_jobs, o_queue}} = state
141 o_queue = enqueue_sorted(o_queue, {type, payload}, 1)
142 {o_running_jobs, o_queue} = maybe_start_job(o_running_jobs, o_queue)
143 {:noreply, %{in: {i_running_jobs, i_queue}, out: {o_running_jobs, o_queue}}}
144 end
146 def handle_cast(m, state) do
147 IO.inspect("Unknown: #{inspect(m)}, #{inspect(state)}")
148 {:noreply, state}
149 end
151 def handle_info({:DOWN, ref, :process, _pid, _reason}, state) do
152 %{in: {i_running_jobs, i_queue}, out: {o_running_jobs, o_queue}} = state
153 i_running_jobs = :sets.del_element(ref, i_running_jobs)
154 o_running_jobs = :sets.del_element(ref, o_running_jobs)
155 {i_running_jobs, i_queue} = maybe_start_job(i_running_jobs, i_queue)
156 {o_running_jobs, o_queue} = maybe_start_job(o_running_jobs, o_queue)
158 {:noreply, %{in: {i_running_jobs, i_queue}, out: {o_running_jobs, o_queue}}}
159 end
161 def enqueue_sorted(queue, element, priority) do
162 [%{item: element, priority: priority} | queue]
163 |> Enum.sort_by(fn (%{priority: priority}) -> priority end)
164 end
166 def queue_pop([%{item: element} | queue]) do
167 {element, queue}
168 end
170 def ap_enabled_actor(id) do
171 user = User.get_by_ap_id(id)
172 if User.ap_enabled?(user) do
173 {:ok, user}
174 else
175 ActivityPub.make_user_from_ap_id(id)
176 end
177 end
178 end