1 # Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
2 # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
5 defmodule Pleroma.User do
10 import Ecto, only: [assoc: 2]
13 alias Pleroma.Activity
15 alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
16 alias Pleroma.Delivery
17 alias Pleroma.EctoType.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators
19 alias Pleroma.FollowingRelationship
20 alias Pleroma.Formatter
24 alias Pleroma.Notification
26 alias Pleroma.Registration
29 alias Pleroma.UserRelationship
31 alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
32 alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Builder
33 alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Pipeline
34 alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils
35 alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
36 alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils, as: CommonUtils
37 alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth
38 alias Pleroma.Web.RelMe
39 alias Pleroma.Workers.BackgroundWorker
43 @type t :: %__MODULE__{}
44 @type account_status ::
47 | :password_reset_pending
48 | :confirmation_pending
50 @primary_key {:id, FlakeId.Ecto.CompatType, autogenerate: true}
52 # credo:disable-for-next-line Credo.Check.Readability.MaxLineLength
53 @email_regex ~r/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/
55 @strict_local_nickname_regex ~r/^[a-zA-Z\d]+$/
56 @extended_local_nickname_regex ~r/^[a-zA-Z\d_-]+$/
58 # AP ID user relationships (blocks, mutes etc.)
59 # Format: [rel_type: [outgoing_rel: :outgoing_rel_target, incoming_rel: :incoming_rel_source]]
60 @user_relationships_config [
62 blocker_blocks: :blocked_users,
63 blockee_blocks: :blocker_users
66 muter_mutes: :muted_users,
67 mutee_mutes: :muter_users
70 reblog_muter_mutes: :reblog_muted_users,
71 reblog_mutee_mutes: :reblog_muter_users
74 notification_muter_mutes: :notification_muted_users,
75 notification_mutee_mutes: :notification_muter_users
77 # Note: `inverse_subscription` relationship is inverse: subscriber acts as relationship target
78 inverse_subscription: [
79 subscribee_subscriptions: :subscriber_users,
80 subscriber_subscriptions: :subscribee_users
84 @cachex Pleroma.Config.get([:cachex, :provider], Cachex)
87 field(:bio, :string, default: "")
88 field(:raw_bio, :string)
89 field(:email, :string)
91 field(:nickname, :string)
92 field(:password_hash, :string)
93 field(:password, :string, virtual: true)
94 field(:password_confirmation, :string, virtual: true)
96 field(:public_key, :string)
97 field(:ap_id, :string)
98 field(:avatar, :map, default: %{})
99 field(:local, :boolean, default: true)
100 field(:follower_address, :string)
101 field(:following_address, :string)
102 field(:search_rank, :float, virtual: true)
103 field(:search_type, :integer, virtual: true)
104 field(:tags, {:array, :string}, default: [])
105 field(:last_refreshed_at, :naive_datetime_usec)
106 field(:last_digest_emailed_at, :naive_datetime)
107 field(:banner, :map, default: %{})
108 field(:background, :map, default: %{})
109 field(:note_count, :integer, default: 0)
110 field(:follower_count, :integer, default: 0)
111 field(:following_count, :integer, default: 0)
112 field(:is_locked, :boolean, default: false)
113 field(:is_confirmed, :boolean, default: true)
114 field(:password_reset_pending, :boolean, default: false)
115 field(:is_approved, :boolean, default: true)
116 field(:registration_reason, :string, default: nil)
117 field(:confirmation_token, :string, default: nil)
118 field(:default_scope, :string, default: "public")
119 field(:domain_blocks, {:array, :string}, default: [])
120 field(:is_active, :boolean, default: true)
121 field(:no_rich_text, :boolean, default: false)
122 field(:ap_enabled, :boolean, default: false)
123 field(:is_moderator, :boolean, default: false)
124 field(:is_admin, :boolean, default: false)
125 field(:show_role, :boolean, default: true)
126 field(:mastofe_settings, :map, default: nil)
127 field(:uri, ObjectValidators.Uri, default: nil)
128 field(:hide_followers_count, :boolean, default: false)
129 field(:hide_follows_count, :boolean, default: false)
130 field(:hide_followers, :boolean, default: false)
131 field(:hide_follows, :boolean, default: false)
132 field(:hide_favorites, :boolean, default: true)
133 field(:pinned_activities, {:array, :string}, default: [])
134 field(:email_notifications, :map, default: %{"digest" => false})
135 field(:mascot, :map, default: nil)
136 field(:emoji, :map, default: %{})
137 field(:pleroma_settings_store, :map, default: %{})
138 field(:fields, {:array, :map}, default: [])
139 field(:raw_fields, {:array, :map}, default: [])
140 field(:is_discoverable, :boolean, default: false)
141 field(:invisible, :boolean, default: false)
142 field(:allow_following_move, :boolean, default: true)
143 field(:skip_thread_containment, :boolean, default: false)
144 field(:actor_type, :string, default: "Person")
145 field(:also_known_as, {:array, ObjectValidators.ObjectID}, default: [])
146 field(:inbox, :string)
147 field(:shared_inbox, :string)
148 field(:accepts_chat_messages, :boolean, default: nil)
149 field(:last_active_at, :naive_datetime)
152 :notification_settings,
153 Pleroma.User.NotificationSetting,
157 has_many(:notifications, Notification)
158 has_many(:registrations, Registration)
159 has_many(:deliveries, Delivery)
161 has_many(:outgoing_relationships, UserRelationship, foreign_key: :source_id)
162 has_many(:incoming_relationships, UserRelationship, foreign_key: :target_id)
164 for {relationship_type,
166 {outgoing_relation, outgoing_relation_target},
167 {incoming_relation, incoming_relation_source}
168 ]} <- @user_relationships_config do
169 # Definitions of `has_many` relations: :blocker_blocks, :muter_mutes, :reblog_muter_mutes,
170 # :notification_muter_mutes, :subscribee_subscriptions
171 has_many(outgoing_relation, UserRelationship,
172 foreign_key: :source_id,
173 where: [relationship_type: relationship_type]
176 # Definitions of `has_many` relations: :blockee_blocks, :mutee_mutes, :reblog_mutee_mutes,
177 # :notification_mutee_mutes, :subscriber_subscriptions
178 has_many(incoming_relation, UserRelationship,
179 foreign_key: :target_id,
180 where: [relationship_type: relationship_type]
183 # Definitions of `has_many` relations: :blocked_users, :muted_users, :reblog_muted_users,
184 # :notification_muted_users, :subscriber_users
185 has_many(outgoing_relation_target, through: [outgoing_relation, :target])
187 # Definitions of `has_many` relations: :blocker_users, :muter_users, :reblog_muter_users,
188 # :notification_muter_users, :subscribee_users
189 has_many(incoming_relation_source, through: [incoming_relation, :source])
192 # `:blocks` is deprecated (replaced with `blocked_users` relation)
193 field(:blocks, {:array, :string}, default: [])
194 # `:mutes` is deprecated (replaced with `muted_users` relation)
195 field(:mutes, {:array, :string}, default: [])
196 # `:muted_reblogs` is deprecated (replaced with `reblog_muted_users` relation)
197 field(:muted_reblogs, {:array, :string}, default: [])
198 # `:muted_notifications` is deprecated (replaced with `notification_muted_users` relation)
199 field(:muted_notifications, {:array, :string}, default: [])
200 # `:subscribers` is deprecated (replaced with `subscriber_users` relation)
201 field(:subscribers, {:array, :string}, default: [])
204 :multi_factor_authentication_settings,
212 for {_relationship_type, [{_outgoing_relation, outgoing_relation_target}, _]} <-
213 @user_relationships_config do
214 # `def blocked_users_relation/2`, `def muted_users_relation/2`,
215 # `def reblog_muted_users_relation/2`, `def notification_muted_users/2`,
216 # `def subscriber_users/2`
217 def unquote(:"#{outgoing_relation_target}_relation")(user, restrict_deactivated? \\ false) do
218 target_users_query = assoc(user, unquote(outgoing_relation_target))
220 if restrict_deactivated? do
222 |> User.Query.build(%{deactivated: false})
228 # `def blocked_users/2`, `def muted_users/2`, `def reblog_muted_users/2`,
229 # `def notification_muted_users/2`, `def subscriber_users/2`
230 def unquote(outgoing_relation_target)(user, restrict_deactivated? \\ false) do
232 |> apply(unquote(:"#{outgoing_relation_target}_relation"), [
234 restrict_deactivated?
239 # `def blocked_users_ap_ids/2`, `def muted_users_ap_ids/2`, `def reblog_muted_users_ap_ids/2`,
240 # `def notification_muted_users_ap_ids/2`, `def subscriber_users_ap_ids/2`
241 def unquote(:"#{outgoing_relation_target}_ap_ids")(user, restrict_deactivated? \\ false) do
243 |> apply(unquote(:"#{outgoing_relation_target}_relation"), [
245 restrict_deactivated?
247 |> select([u], u.ap_id)
252 def cached_blocked_users_ap_ids(user) do
253 @cachex.fetch!(:user_cache, "blocked_users_ap_ids:#{user.ap_id}", fn _ ->
254 blocked_users_ap_ids(user)
258 def cached_muted_users_ap_ids(user) do
259 @cachex.fetch!(:user_cache, "muted_users_ap_ids:#{user.ap_id}", fn _ ->
260 muted_users_ap_ids(user)
264 defdelegate following_count(user), to: FollowingRelationship
265 defdelegate following(user), to: FollowingRelationship
266 defdelegate following?(follower, followed), to: FollowingRelationship
267 defdelegate following_ap_ids(user), to: FollowingRelationship
268 defdelegate get_follow_requests(user), to: FollowingRelationship
269 defdelegate search(query, opts \\ []), to: User.Search
272 Dumps Flake Id to SQL-compatible format (16-byte UUID).
273 E.g. "9pQtDGXuq4p3VlcJEm" -> <<0, 0, 1, 110, 179, 218, 42, 92, 213, 41, 44, 227, 95, 213, 0, 0>>
275 def binary_id(source_id) when is_binary(source_id) do
276 with {:ok, dumped_id} <- FlakeId.Ecto.CompatType.dump(source_id) do
283 def binary_id(source_ids) when is_list(source_ids) do
284 Enum.map(source_ids, &binary_id/1)
287 def binary_id(%User{} = user), do: binary_id(user.id)
289 @doc "Returns status account"
290 @spec account_status(User.t()) :: account_status()
291 def account_status(%User{is_active: false}), do: :deactivated
292 def account_status(%User{password_reset_pending: true}), do: :password_reset_pending
293 def account_status(%User{local: true, is_approved: false}), do: :approval_pending
294 def account_status(%User{local: true, is_confirmed: false}), do: :confirmation_pending
295 def account_status(%User{}), do: :active
297 @spec visible_for(User.t(), User.t() | nil) ::
300 | :restricted_unauthenticated
302 | :confirmation_pending
303 def visible_for(user, for_user \\ nil)
305 def visible_for(%User{invisible: true}, _), do: :invisible
307 def visible_for(%User{id: user_id}, %User{id: user_id}), do: :visible
309 def visible_for(%User{} = user, nil) do
310 if restrict_unauthenticated?(user) do
311 :restrict_unauthenticated
313 visible_account_status(user)
317 def visible_for(%User{} = user, for_user) do
318 if superuser?(for_user) do
321 visible_account_status(user)
325 def visible_for(_, _), do: :invisible
327 defp restrict_unauthenticated?(%User{local: true}) do
328 Config.restrict_unauthenticated_access?(:profiles, :local)
331 defp restrict_unauthenticated?(%User{local: _}) do
332 Config.restrict_unauthenticated_access?(:profiles, :remote)
335 defp visible_account_status(user) do
336 status = account_status(user)
338 if status in [:active, :password_reset_pending] do
345 @spec superuser?(User.t()) :: boolean()
346 def superuser?(%User{local: true, is_admin: true}), do: true
347 def superuser?(%User{local: true, is_moderator: true}), do: true
348 def superuser?(_), do: false
350 @spec invisible?(User.t()) :: boolean()
351 def invisible?(%User{invisible: true}), do: true
352 def invisible?(_), do: false
354 def avatar_url(user, options \\ []) do
356 %{"url" => [%{"href" => href} | _]} ->
360 unless options[:no_default] do
361 Config.get([:assets, :default_user_avatar], "#{Web.base_url()}/images/avi.png")
366 def banner_url(user, options \\ []) do
368 %{"url" => [%{"href" => href} | _]} -> href
369 _ -> !options[:no_default] && "#{Web.base_url()}/images/banner.png"
373 # Should probably be renamed or removed
374 def ap_id(%User{nickname: nickname}), do: "#{Web.base_url()}/users/#{nickname}"
376 def ap_followers(%User{follower_address: fa}) when is_binary(fa), do: fa
377 def ap_followers(%User{} = user), do: "#{ap_id(user)}/followers"
379 @spec ap_following(User.t()) :: String.t()
380 def ap_following(%User{following_address: fa}) when is_binary(fa), do: fa
381 def ap_following(%User{} = user), do: "#{ap_id(user)}/following"
383 defp truncate_fields_param(params) do
384 if Map.has_key?(params, :fields) do
385 Map.put(params, :fields, Enum.map(params[:fields], &truncate_field/1))
391 defp truncate_if_exists(params, key, max_length) do
392 if Map.has_key?(params, key) and is_binary(params[key]) do
393 {value, _chopped} = String.split_at(params[key], max_length)
394 Map.put(params, key, value)
400 defp fix_follower_address(%{follower_address: _, following_address: _} = params), do: params
402 defp fix_follower_address(%{nickname: nickname} = params),
403 do: Map.put(params, :follower_address, ap_followers(%User{nickname: nickname}))
405 defp fix_follower_address(params), do: params
407 def remote_user_changeset(struct \\ %User{local: false}, params) do
408 bio_limit = Config.get([:instance, :user_bio_length], 5000)
409 name_limit = Config.get([:instance, :user_name_length], 100)
412 case params[:name] do
413 name when is_binary(name) and byte_size(name) > 0 -> name
414 _ -> params[:nickname]
419 |> Map.put(:name, name)
420 |> Map.put_new(:last_refreshed_at, NaiveDateTime.utc_now())
421 |> truncate_if_exists(:name, name_limit)
422 |> truncate_if_exists(:bio, bio_limit)
423 |> truncate_fields_param()
424 |> fix_follower_address()
447 :hide_followers_count,
456 :accepts_chat_messages
459 |> cast(params, [:name], empty_values: [])
460 |> validate_required([:ap_id])
461 |> validate_required([:name], trim: false)
462 |> unique_constraint(:nickname)
463 |> validate_format(:nickname, @email_regex)
464 |> validate_length(:bio, max: bio_limit)
465 |> validate_length(:name, max: name_limit)
466 |> validate_fields(true)
467 |> validate_non_local()
470 defp validate_non_local(cng) do
471 local? = get_field(cng, :local)
475 |> add_error(:local, "User is local, can't update with this changeset.")
481 def update_changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
482 bio_limit = Config.get([:instance, :user_bio_length], 5000)
483 name_limit = Config.get([:instance, :user_name_length], 100)
503 :hide_followers_count,
506 :allow_following_move,
510 :skip_thread_containment,
513 :pleroma_settings_store,
516 :accepts_chat_messages
519 |> unique_constraint(:nickname)
520 |> validate_format(:nickname, local_nickname_regex())
521 |> validate_length(:bio, max: bio_limit)
522 |> validate_length(:name, min: 1, max: name_limit)
523 |> validate_inclusion(:actor_type, ["Person", "Service"])
526 |> put_change_if_present(:bio, &{:ok, parse_bio(&1, struct)})
527 |> put_change_if_present(:avatar, &put_upload(&1, :avatar))
528 |> put_change_if_present(:banner, &put_upload(&1, :banner))
529 |> put_change_if_present(:background, &put_upload(&1, :background))
530 |> put_change_if_present(
531 :pleroma_settings_store,
532 &{:ok, Map.merge(struct.pleroma_settings_store, &1)}
534 |> validate_fields(false)
537 defp put_fields(changeset) do
538 if raw_fields = get_change(changeset, :raw_fields) do
541 |> Enum.filter(fn %{"name" => n} -> n != "" end)
545 |> Enum.map(fn f -> Map.update!(f, "value", &parse_fields(&1)) end)
548 |> put_change(:raw_fields, raw_fields)
549 |> put_change(:fields, fields)
555 defp parse_fields(value) do
557 |> Formatter.linkify(mentions_format: :full)
561 defp put_emoji(changeset) do
562 emojified_fields = [:bio, :name, :raw_fields]
564 if Enum.any?(changeset.changes, fn {k, _} -> k in emojified_fields end) do
565 bio = Emoji.Formatter.get_emoji_map(get_field(changeset, :bio))
566 name = Emoji.Formatter.get_emoji_map(get_field(changeset, :name))
568 emoji = Map.merge(bio, name)
572 |> get_field(:raw_fields)
573 |> Enum.reduce(emoji, fn x, acc ->
574 Map.merge(acc, Emoji.Formatter.get_emoji_map(x["name"] <> x["value"]))
577 put_change(changeset, :emoji, emoji)
583 defp put_change_if_present(changeset, map_field, value_function) do
584 with {:ok, value} <- fetch_change(changeset, map_field),
585 {:ok, new_value} <- value_function.(value) do
586 put_change(changeset, map_field, new_value)
592 defp put_upload(value, type) do
593 with %Plug.Upload{} <- value,
594 {:ok, object} <- ActivityPub.upload(value, type: type) do
599 def update_as_admin_changeset(struct, params) do
601 |> update_changeset(params)
602 |> cast(params, [:email])
603 |> delete_change(:also_known_as)
604 |> unique_constraint(:email)
605 |> validate_format(:email, @email_regex)
606 |> validate_inclusion(:actor_type, ["Person", "Service"])
609 @spec update_as_admin(User.t(), map()) :: {:ok, User.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()}
610 def update_as_admin(user, params) do
611 params = Map.put(params, "password_confirmation", params["password"])
612 changeset = update_as_admin_changeset(user, params)
614 if params["password"] do
615 reset_password(user, changeset, params)
617 User.update_and_set_cache(changeset)
621 def password_update_changeset(struct, params) do
623 |> cast(params, [:password, :password_confirmation])
624 |> validate_required([:password, :password_confirmation])
625 |> validate_confirmation(:password)
626 |> put_password_hash()
627 |> put_change(:password_reset_pending, false)
630 @spec reset_password(User.t(), map()) :: {:ok, User.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()}
631 def reset_password(%User{} = user, params) do
632 reset_password(user, user, params)
635 def reset_password(%User{id: user_id} = user, struct, params) do
638 |> Multi.update(:user, password_update_changeset(struct, params))
639 |> Multi.delete_all(:tokens, OAuth.Token.Query.get_by_user(user_id))
640 |> Multi.delete_all(:auth, OAuth.Authorization.delete_by_user_query(user))
642 case Repo.transaction(multi) do
643 {:ok, %{user: user} = _} -> set_cache(user)
644 {:error, _, changeset, _} -> {:error, changeset}
648 def update_password_reset_pending(user, value) do
651 |> put_change(:password_reset_pending, value)
652 |> update_and_set_cache()
655 def force_password_reset_async(user) do
656 BackgroundWorker.enqueue("force_password_reset", %{"user_id" => user.id})
659 @spec force_password_reset(User.t()) :: {:ok, User.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
660 def force_password_reset(user), do: update_password_reset_pending(user, true)
662 # Used to auto-register LDAP accounts which won't have a password hash stored locally
663 def register_changeset_ldap(struct, params = %{password: password})
664 when is_nil(password) do
665 params = Map.put_new(params, :accepts_chat_messages, true)
668 if Map.has_key?(params, :email) do
669 Map.put_new(params, :email, params[:email])
679 :accepts_chat_messages
681 |> validate_required([:name, :nickname])
682 |> unique_constraint(:nickname)
683 |> validate_exclusion(:nickname, Config.get([User, :restricted_nicknames]))
684 |> validate_format(:nickname, local_nickname_regex())
686 |> unique_constraint(:ap_id)
687 |> put_following_and_follower_address()
690 def register_changeset(struct, params \\ %{}, opts \\ []) do
691 bio_limit = Config.get([:instance, :user_bio_length], 5000)
692 name_limit = Config.get([:instance, :user_name_length], 100)
693 reason_limit = Config.get([:instance, :registration_reason_length], 500)
694 params = Map.put_new(params, :accepts_chat_messages, true)
697 if is_nil(opts[:confirmed]) do
698 !Config.get([:instance, :account_activation_required])
704 if is_nil(opts[:approved]) do
705 !Config.get([:instance, :account_approval_required])
711 |> confirmation_changeset(set_confirmation: confirmed?)
712 |> approval_changeset(set_approval: approved?)
720 :password_confirmation,
722 :accepts_chat_messages,
725 |> validate_required([:name, :nickname, :password, :password_confirmation])
726 |> validate_confirmation(:password)
727 |> unique_constraint(:email)
728 |> validate_format(:email, @email_regex)
729 |> validate_change(:email, fn :email, email ->
731 Config.get([User, :email_blacklist])
732 |> Enum.all?(fn blacklisted_domain ->
733 !String.ends_with?(email, ["@" <> blacklisted_domain, "." <> blacklisted_domain])
736 if valid?, do: [], else: [email: "Invalid email"]
738 |> unique_constraint(:nickname)
739 |> validate_exclusion(:nickname, Config.get([User, :restricted_nicknames]))
740 |> validate_format(:nickname, local_nickname_regex())
741 |> validate_length(:bio, max: bio_limit)
742 |> validate_length(:name, min: 1, max: name_limit)
743 |> validate_length(:registration_reason, max: reason_limit)
744 |> maybe_validate_required_email(opts[:external])
747 |> unique_constraint(:ap_id)
748 |> put_following_and_follower_address()
751 def maybe_validate_required_email(changeset, true), do: changeset
753 def maybe_validate_required_email(changeset, _) do
754 if Config.get([:instance, :account_activation_required]) do
755 validate_required(changeset, [:email])
761 defp put_ap_id(changeset) do
762 ap_id = ap_id(%User{nickname: get_field(changeset, :nickname)})
763 put_change(changeset, :ap_id, ap_id)
766 defp put_following_and_follower_address(changeset) do
767 followers = ap_followers(%User{nickname: get_field(changeset, :nickname)})
770 |> put_change(:follower_address, followers)
773 defp autofollow_users(user) do
774 candidates = Config.get([:instance, :autofollowed_nicknames])
777 User.Query.build(%{nickname: candidates, local: true, is_active: true})
780 follow_all(user, autofollowed_users)
783 defp autofollowing_users(user) do
784 candidates = Config.get([:instance, :autofollowing_nicknames])
786 User.Query.build(%{nickname: candidates, local: true, deactivated: false})
788 |> Enum.each(&follow(&1, user, :follow_accept))
793 @doc "Inserts provided changeset, performs post-registration actions (confirmation email sending etc.)"
794 def register(%Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset) do
795 with {:ok, user} <- Repo.insert(changeset) do
796 post_register_action(user)
800 def post_register_action(%User{is_confirmed: false} = user) do
801 with {:ok, _} <- maybe_send_confirmation_email(user) do
806 def post_register_action(%User{is_approved: false} = user) do
807 with {:ok, _} <- send_user_approval_email(user),
808 {:ok, _} <- send_admin_approval_emails(user) do
813 def post_register_action(%User{is_approved: true, is_confirmed: true} = user) do
814 with {:ok, user} <- autofollow_users(user),
815 {:ok, _} <- autofollowing_users(user),
816 {:ok, user} <- set_cache(user),
817 {:ok, _} <- maybe_send_welcome_email(user),
818 {:ok, _} <- maybe_send_welcome_message(user),
819 {:ok, _} <- maybe_send_welcome_chat_message(user) do
824 defp send_user_approval_email(user) do
826 |> Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail.approval_pending_email()
827 |> Pleroma.Emails.Mailer.deliver_async()
832 defp send_admin_approval_emails(user) do
834 |> Enum.filter(fn user -> not is_nil(user.email) end)
835 |> Enum.each(fn superuser ->
837 |> Pleroma.Emails.AdminEmail.new_unapproved_registration(user)
838 |> Pleroma.Emails.Mailer.deliver_async()
844 defp maybe_send_welcome_message(user) do
845 if User.WelcomeMessage.enabled?() do
846 User.WelcomeMessage.post_message(user)
853 defp maybe_send_welcome_chat_message(user) do
854 if User.WelcomeChatMessage.enabled?() do
855 User.WelcomeChatMessage.post_message(user)
862 defp maybe_send_welcome_email(%User{email: email} = user) when is_binary(email) do
863 if User.WelcomeEmail.enabled?() do
864 User.WelcomeEmail.send_email(user)
871 defp maybe_send_welcome_email(_), do: {:ok, :noop}
873 @spec maybe_send_confirmation_email(User.t()) :: {:ok, :enqueued | :noop}
874 def maybe_send_confirmation_email(%User{is_confirmed: false, email: email} = user)
875 when is_binary(email) do
876 if Config.get([:instance, :account_activation_required]) do
877 send_confirmation_email(user)
884 def maybe_send_confirmation_email(_), do: {:ok, :noop}
886 @spec send_confirmation_email(Uset.t()) :: User.t()
887 def send_confirmation_email(%User{} = user) do
889 |> Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail.account_confirmation_email()
890 |> Pleroma.Emails.Mailer.deliver_async()
895 def needs_update?(%User{local: true}), do: false
897 def needs_update?(%User{local: false, last_refreshed_at: nil}), do: true
899 def needs_update?(%User{local: false} = user) do
900 NaiveDateTime.diff(NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), user.last_refreshed_at) >= 86_400
903 def needs_update?(_), do: true
905 @spec maybe_direct_follow(User.t(), User.t()) :: {:ok, User.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
907 # "Locked" (self-locked) users demand explicit authorization of follow requests
908 def maybe_direct_follow(%User{} = follower, %User{local: true, is_locked: true} = followed) do
909 follow(follower, followed, :follow_pending)
912 def maybe_direct_follow(%User{} = follower, %User{local: true} = followed) do
913 follow(follower, followed)
916 def maybe_direct_follow(%User{} = follower, %User{} = followed) do
917 if not ap_enabled?(followed) do
918 follow(follower, followed)
920 {:ok, follower, followed}
924 @doc "A mass follow for local users. Respects blocks in both directions but does not create activities."
925 @spec follow_all(User.t(), list(User.t())) :: {atom(), User.t()}
926 def follow_all(follower, followeds) do
928 |> Enum.reject(fn followed -> blocks?(follower, followed) || blocks?(followed, follower) end)
929 |> Enum.each(&follow(follower, &1, :follow_accept))
934 def follow(%User{} = follower, %User{} = followed, state \\ :follow_accept) do
935 deny_follow_blocked = Config.get([:user, :deny_follow_blocked])
938 not followed.is_active ->
939 {:error, "Could not follow user: #{followed.nickname} is deactivated."}
941 deny_follow_blocked and blocks?(followed, follower) ->
942 {:error, "Could not follow user: #{followed.nickname} blocked you."}
945 FollowingRelationship.follow(follower, followed, state)
949 def unfollow(%User{ap_id: ap_id}, %User{ap_id: ap_id}) do
950 {:error, "Not subscribed!"}
953 @spec unfollow(User.t(), User.t()) :: {:ok, User.t(), Activity.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
954 def unfollow(%User{} = follower, %User{} = followed) do
955 case do_unfollow(follower, followed) do
956 {:ok, follower, followed} ->
957 {:ok, follower, Utils.fetch_latest_follow(follower, followed)}
964 @spec do_unfollow(User.t(), User.t()) :: {:ok, User.t(), User.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
965 defp do_unfollow(%User{} = follower, %User{} = followed) do
966 case get_follow_state(follower, followed) do
967 state when state in [:follow_pending, :follow_accept] ->
968 FollowingRelationship.unfollow(follower, followed)
971 {:error, "Not subscribed!"}
975 @doc "Returns follow state as Pleroma.FollowingRelationship.State value"
976 def get_follow_state(%User{} = follower, %User{} = following) do
977 following_relationship = FollowingRelationship.get(follower, following)
978 get_follow_state(follower, following, following_relationship)
981 def get_follow_state(
984 following_relationship
986 case {following_relationship, following.local} do
988 case Utils.fetch_latest_follow(follower, following) do
989 %Activity{data: %{"state" => state}} when state in ["pending", "accept"] ->
990 FollowingRelationship.state_to_enum(state)
996 {%{state: state}, _} ->
1004 def locked?(%User{} = user) do
1005 user.is_locked || false
1008 def get_by_id(id) do
1009 Repo.get_by(User, id: id)
1012 def get_by_ap_id(ap_id) do
1013 Repo.get_by(User, ap_id: ap_id)
1016 def get_all_by_ap_id(ap_ids) do
1017 from(u in __MODULE__,
1018 where: u.ap_id in ^ap_ids
1023 def get_all_by_ids(ids) do
1024 from(u in __MODULE__, where: u.id in ^ids)
1028 # This is mostly an SPC migration fix. This guesses the user nickname by taking the last part
1029 # of the ap_id and the domain and tries to get that user
1030 def get_by_guessed_nickname(ap_id) do
1031 domain = URI.parse(ap_id).host
1032 name = List.last(String.split(ap_id, "/"))
1033 nickname = "#{name}@#{domain}"
1035 get_cached_by_nickname(nickname)
1038 def set_cache({:ok, user}), do: set_cache(user)
1039 def set_cache({:error, err}), do: {:error, err}
1041 def set_cache(%User{} = user) do
1042 @cachex.put(:user_cache, "ap_id:#{user.ap_id}", user)
1043 @cachex.put(:user_cache, "nickname:#{user.nickname}", user)
1044 @cachex.put(:user_cache, "friends_ap_ids:#{user.nickname}", get_user_friends_ap_ids(user))
1048 def update_and_set_cache(struct, params) do
1050 |> update_changeset(params)
1051 |> update_and_set_cache()
1054 def update_and_set_cache(changeset) do
1055 with {:ok, user} <- Repo.update(changeset, stale_error_field: :id) do
1060 def get_user_friends_ap_ids(user) do
1061 from(u in User.get_friends_query(user), select: u.ap_id)
1065 @spec get_cached_user_friends_ap_ids(User.t()) :: [String.t()]
1066 def get_cached_user_friends_ap_ids(user) do
1067 @cachex.fetch!(:user_cache, "friends_ap_ids:#{user.ap_id}", fn _ ->
1068 get_user_friends_ap_ids(user)
1072 def invalidate_cache(user) do
1073 @cachex.del(:user_cache, "ap_id:#{user.ap_id}")
1074 @cachex.del(:user_cache, "nickname:#{user.nickname}")
1075 @cachex.del(:user_cache, "friends_ap_ids:#{user.ap_id}")
1076 @cachex.del(:user_cache, "blocked_users_ap_ids:#{user.ap_id}")
1077 @cachex.del(:user_cache, "muted_users_ap_ids:#{user.ap_id}")
1080 @spec get_cached_by_ap_id(String.t()) :: User.t() | nil
1081 def get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id) do
1082 key = "ap_id:#{ap_id}"
1084 with {:ok, nil} <- @cachex.get(:user_cache, key),
1085 user when not is_nil(user) <- get_by_ap_id(ap_id),
1086 {:ok, true} <- @cachex.put(:user_cache, key, user) do
1094 def get_cached_by_id(id) do
1098 @cachex.fetch!(:user_cache, key, fn _ ->
1099 user = get_by_id(id)
1102 @cachex.put(:user_cache, "ap_id:#{user.ap_id}", user)
1103 {:commit, user.ap_id}
1109 get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id)
1112 def get_cached_by_nickname(nickname) do
1113 key = "nickname:#{nickname}"
1115 @cachex.fetch!(:user_cache, key, fn _ ->
1116 case get_or_fetch_by_nickname(nickname) do
1117 {:ok, user} -> {:commit, user}
1118 {:error, _error} -> {:ignore, nil}
1123 def get_cached_by_nickname_or_id(nickname_or_id, opts \\ []) do
1124 restrict_to_local = Config.get([:instance, :limit_to_local_content])
1127 is_integer(nickname_or_id) or FlakeId.flake_id?(nickname_or_id) ->
1128 get_cached_by_id(nickname_or_id) || get_cached_by_nickname(nickname_or_id)
1130 restrict_to_local == false or not String.contains?(nickname_or_id, "@") ->
1131 get_cached_by_nickname(nickname_or_id)
1133 restrict_to_local == :unauthenticated and match?(%User{}, opts[:for]) ->
1134 get_cached_by_nickname(nickname_or_id)
1141 @spec get_by_nickname(String.t()) :: User.t() | nil
1142 def get_by_nickname(nickname) do
1143 Repo.get_by(User, nickname: nickname) ||
1144 if Regex.match?(~r(@#{Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.host()})i, nickname) do
1145 Repo.get_by(User, nickname: local_nickname(nickname))
1149 def get_by_email(email), do: Repo.get_by(User, email: email)
1151 def get_by_nickname_or_email(nickname_or_email) do
1152 get_by_nickname(nickname_or_email) || get_by_email(nickname_or_email)
1155 def fetch_by_nickname(nickname), do: ActivityPub.make_user_from_nickname(nickname)
1157 def get_or_fetch_by_nickname(nickname) do
1158 with %User{} = user <- get_by_nickname(nickname) do
1162 with [_nick, _domain] <- String.split(nickname, "@"),
1163 {:ok, user} <- fetch_by_nickname(nickname) do
1166 _e -> {:error, "not found " <> nickname}
1171 @spec get_followers_query(User.t(), pos_integer() | nil) :: Ecto.Query.t()
1172 def get_followers_query(%User{} = user, nil) do
1173 User.Query.build(%{followers: user, is_active: true})
1176 def get_followers_query(%User{} = user, page) do
1178 |> get_followers_query(nil)
1179 |> User.Query.paginate(page, 20)
1182 @spec get_followers_query(User.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t()
1183 def get_followers_query(%User{} = user), do: get_followers_query(user, nil)
1185 @spec get_followers(User.t(), pos_integer() | nil) :: {:ok, list(User.t())}
1186 def get_followers(%User{} = user, page \\ nil) do
1188 |> get_followers_query(page)
1192 @spec get_external_followers(User.t(), pos_integer() | nil) :: {:ok, list(User.t())}
1193 def get_external_followers(%User{} = user, page \\ nil) do
1195 |> get_followers_query(page)
1196 |> User.Query.build(%{external: true})
1200 def get_followers_ids(%User{} = user, page \\ nil) do
1202 |> get_followers_query(page)
1203 |> select([u], u.id)
1207 @spec get_friends_query(User.t(), pos_integer() | nil) :: Ecto.Query.t()
1208 def get_friends_query(%User{} = user, nil) do
1209 User.Query.build(%{friends: user, deactivated: false})
1212 def get_friends_query(%User{} = user, page) do
1214 |> get_friends_query(nil)
1215 |> User.Query.paginate(page, 20)
1218 @spec get_friends_query(User.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t()
1219 def get_friends_query(%User{} = user), do: get_friends_query(user, nil)
1221 def get_friends(%User{} = user, page \\ nil) do
1223 |> get_friends_query(page)
1227 def get_friends_ap_ids(%User{} = user) do
1229 |> get_friends_query(nil)
1230 |> select([u], u.ap_id)
1234 def get_friends_ids(%User{} = user, page \\ nil) do
1236 |> get_friends_query(page)
1237 |> select([u], u.id)
1241 def increase_note_count(%User{} = user) do
1243 |> where(id: ^user.id)
1244 |> update([u], inc: [note_count: 1])
1246 |> Repo.update_all([])
1248 {1, [user]} -> set_cache(user)
1253 def decrease_note_count(%User{} = user) do
1255 |> where(id: ^user.id)
1258 note_count: fragment("greatest(0, note_count - 1)")
1262 |> Repo.update_all([])
1264 {1, [user]} -> set_cache(user)
1269 def update_note_count(%User{} = user, note_count \\ nil) do
1274 where: fragment("?->>'actor' = ? and ?->>'type' = 'Note'", a.data, ^user.ap_id, a.data),
1280 |> cast(%{note_count: note_count}, [:note_count])
1281 |> update_and_set_cache()
1284 @spec maybe_fetch_follow_information(User.t()) :: User.t()
1285 def maybe_fetch_follow_information(user) do
1286 with {:ok, user} <- fetch_follow_information(user) do
1290 Logger.error("Follower/Following counter update for #{user.ap_id} failed.\n#{inspect(e)}")
1296 def fetch_follow_information(user) do
1297 with {:ok, info} <- ActivityPub.fetch_follow_information_for_user(user) do
1299 |> follow_information_changeset(info)
1300 |> update_and_set_cache()
1304 defp follow_information_changeset(user, params) do
1311 :hide_followers_count,
1316 @spec update_follower_count(User.t()) :: {:ok, User.t()}
1317 def update_follower_count(%User{} = user) do
1318 if user.local or !Config.get([:instance, :external_user_synchronization]) do
1319 follower_count = FollowingRelationship.follower_count(user)
1322 |> follow_information_changeset(%{follower_count: follower_count})
1323 |> update_and_set_cache
1325 {:ok, maybe_fetch_follow_information(user)}
1329 @spec update_following_count(User.t()) :: {:ok, User.t()}
1330 def update_following_count(%User{local: false} = user) do
1331 if Config.get([:instance, :external_user_synchronization]) do
1332 {:ok, maybe_fetch_follow_information(user)}
1338 def update_following_count(%User{local: true} = user) do
1339 following_count = FollowingRelationship.following_count(user)
1342 |> follow_information_changeset(%{following_count: following_count})
1343 |> update_and_set_cache()
1346 @spec get_users_from_set([String.t()], keyword()) :: [User.t()]
1347 def get_users_from_set(ap_ids, opts \\ []) do
1348 local_only = Keyword.get(opts, :local_only, true)
1349 criteria = %{ap_id: ap_ids, is_active: true}
1350 criteria = if local_only, do: Map.put(criteria, :local, true), else: criteria
1352 User.Query.build(criteria)
1356 @spec get_recipients_from_activity(Activity.t()) :: [User.t()]
1357 def get_recipients_from_activity(%Activity{recipients: to, actor: actor}) do
1360 query = User.Query.build(%{recipients_from_activity: to, local: true, is_active: true})
1366 @spec mute(User.t(), User.t(), map()) ::
1367 {:ok, list(UserRelationship.t())} | {:error, String.t()}
1368 def mute(%User{} = muter, %User{} = mutee, params \\ %{}) do
1369 notifications? = Map.get(params, :notifications, true)
1370 expires_in = Map.get(params, :expires_in, 0)
1372 with {:ok, user_mute} <- UserRelationship.create_mute(muter, mutee),
1373 {:ok, user_notification_mute} <-
1374 (notifications? && UserRelationship.create_notification_mute(muter, mutee)) ||
1376 if expires_in > 0 do
1377 Pleroma.Workers.MuteExpireWorker.enqueue(
1379 %{"muter_id" => muter.id, "mutee_id" => mutee.id},
1380 schedule_in: expires_in
1384 @cachex.del(:user_cache, "muted_users_ap_ids:#{muter.ap_id}")
1386 {:ok, Enum.filter([user_mute, user_notification_mute], & &1)}
1390 def unmute(%User{} = muter, %User{} = mutee) do
1391 with {:ok, user_mute} <- UserRelationship.delete_mute(muter, mutee),
1392 {:ok, user_notification_mute} <-
1393 UserRelationship.delete_notification_mute(muter, mutee) do
1394 @cachex.del(:user_cache, "muted_users_ap_ids:#{muter.ap_id}")
1395 {:ok, [user_mute, user_notification_mute]}
1399 def unmute(muter_id, mutee_id) do
1400 with {:muter, %User{} = muter} <- {:muter, User.get_by_id(muter_id)},
1401 {:mutee, %User{} = mutee} <- {:mutee, User.get_by_id(mutee_id)} do
1402 unmute(muter, mutee)
1404 {who, result} = error ->
1406 "User.unmute/2 failed. #{who}: #{result}, muter_id: #{muter_id}, mutee_id: #{mutee_id}"
1413 def subscribe(%User{} = subscriber, %User{} = target) do
1414 deny_follow_blocked = Config.get([:user, :deny_follow_blocked])
1416 if blocks?(target, subscriber) and deny_follow_blocked do
1417 {:error, "Could not subscribe: #{target.nickname} is blocking you"}
1419 # Note: the relationship is inverse: subscriber acts as relationship target
1420 UserRelationship.create_inverse_subscription(target, subscriber)
1424 def subscribe(%User{} = subscriber, %{ap_id: ap_id}) do
1425 with %User{} = subscribee <- get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id) do
1426 subscribe(subscriber, subscribee)
1430 def unsubscribe(%User{} = unsubscriber, %User{} = target) do
1431 # Note: the relationship is inverse: subscriber acts as relationship target
1432 UserRelationship.delete_inverse_subscription(target, unsubscriber)
1435 def unsubscribe(%User{} = unsubscriber, %{ap_id: ap_id}) do
1436 with %User{} = user <- get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id) do
1437 unsubscribe(unsubscriber, user)
1441 def block(%User{} = blocker, %User{} = blocked) do
1442 # sever any follow relationships to prevent leaks per activitypub (Pleroma issue #213)
1444 if following?(blocker, blocked) do
1445 {:ok, blocker, _} = unfollow(blocker, blocked)
1451 # clear any requested follows as well
1453 case CommonAPI.reject_follow_request(blocked, blocker) do
1454 {:ok, %User{} = updated_blocked} -> updated_blocked
1458 unsubscribe(blocked, blocker)
1460 unfollowing_blocked = Config.get([:activitypub, :unfollow_blocked], true)
1461 if unfollowing_blocked && following?(blocked, blocker), do: unfollow(blocked, blocker)
1463 {:ok, blocker} = update_follower_count(blocker)
1464 {:ok, blocker, _} = Participation.mark_all_as_read(blocker, blocked)
1465 add_to_block(blocker, blocked)
1468 # helper to handle the block given only an actor's AP id
1469 def block(%User{} = blocker, %{ap_id: ap_id}) do
1470 block(blocker, get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id))
1473 def unblock(%User{} = blocker, %User{} = blocked) do
1474 remove_from_block(blocker, blocked)
1477 # helper to handle the block given only an actor's AP id
1478 def unblock(%User{} = blocker, %{ap_id: ap_id}) do
1479 unblock(blocker, get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id))
1482 def mutes?(nil, _), do: false
1483 def mutes?(%User{} = user, %User{} = target), do: mutes_user?(user, target)
1485 def mutes_user?(%User{} = user, %User{} = target) do
1486 UserRelationship.mute_exists?(user, target)
1489 @spec muted_notifications?(User.t() | nil, User.t() | map()) :: boolean()
1490 def muted_notifications?(nil, _), do: false
1492 def muted_notifications?(%User{} = user, %User{} = target),
1493 do: UserRelationship.notification_mute_exists?(user, target)
1495 def blocks?(nil, _), do: false
1497 def blocks?(%User{} = user, %User{} = target) do
1498 blocks_user?(user, target) ||
1499 (blocks_domain?(user, target) and not User.following?(user, target))
1502 def blocks_user?(%User{} = user, %User{} = target) do
1503 UserRelationship.block_exists?(user, target)
1506 def blocks_user?(_, _), do: false
1508 def blocks_domain?(%User{} = user, %User{} = target) do
1509 domain_blocks = Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.subdomains_regex(user.domain_blocks)
1510 %{host: host} = URI.parse(target.ap_id)
1511 Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.subdomain_match?(domain_blocks, host)
1514 def blocks_domain?(_, _), do: false
1516 def subscribed_to?(%User{} = user, %User{} = target) do
1517 # Note: the relationship is inverse: subscriber acts as relationship target
1518 UserRelationship.inverse_subscription_exists?(target, user)
1521 def subscribed_to?(%User{} = user, %{ap_id: ap_id}) do
1522 with %User{} = target <- get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id) do
1523 subscribed_to?(user, target)
1528 Returns map of outgoing (blocked, muted etc.) relationships' user AP IDs by relation type.
1529 E.g. `outgoing_relationships_ap_ids(user, [:block])` -> `%{block: ["https://some.site/users/userapid"]}`
1531 @spec outgoing_relationships_ap_ids(User.t(), list(atom())) :: %{atom() => list(String.t())}
1532 def outgoing_relationships_ap_ids(_user, []), do: %{}
1534 def outgoing_relationships_ap_ids(nil, _relationship_types), do: %{}
1536 def outgoing_relationships_ap_ids(%User{} = user, relationship_types)
1537 when is_list(relationship_types) do
1540 |> assoc(:outgoing_relationships)
1541 |> join(:inner, [user_rel], u in assoc(user_rel, :target))
1542 |> where([user_rel, u], user_rel.relationship_type in ^relationship_types)
1543 |> select([user_rel, u], [user_rel.relationship_type, fragment("array_agg(?)", u.ap_id)])
1544 |> group_by([user_rel, u], user_rel.relationship_type)
1546 |> Enum.into(%{}, fn [k, v] -> {k, v} end)
1551 fn rel_type -> {rel_type, db_result[rel_type] || []} end
1555 def incoming_relationships_ungrouped_ap_ids(user, relationship_types, ap_ids \\ nil)
1557 def incoming_relationships_ungrouped_ap_ids(_user, [], _ap_ids), do: []
1559 def incoming_relationships_ungrouped_ap_ids(nil, _relationship_types, _ap_ids), do: []
1561 def incoming_relationships_ungrouped_ap_ids(%User{} = user, relationship_types, ap_ids)
1562 when is_list(relationship_types) do
1564 |> assoc(:incoming_relationships)
1565 |> join(:inner, [user_rel], u in assoc(user_rel, :source))
1566 |> where([user_rel, u], user_rel.relationship_type in ^relationship_types)
1567 |> maybe_filter_on_ap_id(ap_ids)
1568 |> select([user_rel, u], u.ap_id)
1573 defp maybe_filter_on_ap_id(query, ap_ids) when is_list(ap_ids) do
1574 where(query, [user_rel, u], u.ap_id in ^ap_ids)
1577 defp maybe_filter_on_ap_id(query, _ap_ids), do: query
1579 def set_activation_async(user, status \\ true) do
1580 BackgroundWorker.enqueue("user_activation", %{"user_id" => user.id, "status" => status})
1583 @spec set_activation([User.t()], boolean()) :: {:ok, User.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()}
1584 def set_activation(users, status) when is_list(users) do
1585 Repo.transaction(fn ->
1586 for user <- users, do: set_activation(user, status)
1590 @spec set_activation(User.t(), boolean()) :: {:ok, User.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()}
1591 def set_activation(%User{} = user, status) do
1592 with {:ok, user} <- set_activation_status(user, status) do
1595 |> Enum.filter(& &1.local)
1596 |> Enum.each(&set_cache(update_following_count(&1)))
1598 # Only update local user counts, remote will be update during the next pull.
1601 |> Enum.filter(& &1.local)
1602 |> Enum.each(&do_unfollow(user, &1))
1608 def approve(users) when is_list(users) do
1609 Repo.transaction(fn ->
1610 Enum.map(users, fn user ->
1611 with {:ok, user} <- approve(user), do: user
1616 def approve(%User{is_approved: false} = user) do
1617 with chg <- change(user, is_approved: true),
1618 {:ok, user} <- update_and_set_cache(chg) do
1619 post_register_action(user)
1624 def approve(%User{} = user), do: {:ok, user}
1626 def confirm(users) when is_list(users) do
1627 Repo.transaction(fn ->
1628 Enum.map(users, fn user ->
1629 with {:ok, user} <- confirm(user), do: user
1634 def confirm(%User{is_confirmed: false} = user) do
1635 with chg <- confirmation_changeset(user, set_confirmation: true),
1636 {:ok, user} <- update_and_set_cache(chg) do
1637 post_register_action(user)
1642 def confirm(%User{} = user), do: {:ok, user}
1644 def update_notification_settings(%User{} = user, settings) do
1646 |> cast(%{notification_settings: settings}, [])
1647 |> cast_embed(:notification_settings)
1648 |> validate_required([:notification_settings])
1649 |> update_and_set_cache()
1652 @spec purge_user_changeset(User.t()) :: Changeset.t()
1653 def purge_user_changeset(user) do
1654 # "Right to be forgotten"
1655 # https://gdpr.eu/right-to-be-forgotten/
1666 last_refreshed_at: nil,
1667 last_digest_emailed_at: nil,
1675 password_reset_pending: false,
1677 registration_reason: nil,
1678 confirmation_token: nil,
1682 is_moderator: false,
1684 mastofe_settings: nil,
1687 pleroma_settings_store: %{},
1690 is_discoverable: false,
1695 def delete(users) when is_list(users) do
1696 for user <- users, do: delete(user)
1699 def delete(%User{} = user) do
1700 BackgroundWorker.enqueue("delete_user", %{"user_id" => user.id})
1703 defp delete_and_invalidate_cache(%User{} = user) do
1704 invalidate_cache(user)
1708 defp delete_or_deactivate(%User{local: false} = user), do: delete_and_invalidate_cache(user)
1710 defp delete_or_deactivate(%User{local: true} = user) do
1711 status = account_status(user)
1714 :confirmation_pending ->
1715 delete_and_invalidate_cache(user)
1717 :approval_pending ->
1718 delete_and_invalidate_cache(user)
1722 |> purge_user_changeset()
1723 |> update_and_set_cache()
1727 def perform(:force_password_reset, user), do: force_password_reset(user)
1729 @spec perform(atom(), User.t()) :: {:ok, User.t()}
1730 def perform(:delete, %User{} = user) do
1731 # Remove all relationships
1734 |> Enum.each(fn follower ->
1735 ActivityPub.unfollow(follower, user)
1736 unfollow(follower, user)
1741 |> Enum.each(fn followed ->
1742 ActivityPub.unfollow(user, followed)
1743 unfollow(user, followed)
1746 delete_user_activities(user)
1747 delete_notifications_from_user_activities(user)
1749 delete_outgoing_pending_follow_requests(user)
1751 delete_or_deactivate(user)
1754 def perform(:set_activation_async, user, status), do: set_activation(user, status)
1756 @spec external_users_query() :: Ecto.Query.t()
1757 def external_users_query do
1765 @spec external_users(keyword()) :: [User.t()]
1766 def external_users(opts \\ []) do
1768 external_users_query()
1769 |> select([u], struct(u, [:id, :ap_id]))
1773 do: where(query, [u], u.id > ^opts[:max_id]),
1778 do: limit(query, ^opts[:limit]),
1784 def delete_notifications_from_user_activities(%User{ap_id: ap_id}) do
1786 |> join(:inner, [n], activity in assoc(n, :activity))
1787 |> where([n, a], fragment("? = ?", a.actor, ^ap_id))
1788 |> Repo.delete_all()
1791 def delete_user_activities(%User{ap_id: ap_id} = user) do
1793 |> Activity.Queries.by_actor()
1794 |> Repo.chunk_stream(50, :batches)
1795 |> Stream.each(fn activities ->
1796 Enum.each(activities, fn activity -> delete_activity(activity, user) end)
1801 defp delete_activity(%{data: %{"type" => "Create", "object" => object}} = activity, user) do
1802 with {_, %Object{}} <- {:find_object, Object.get_by_ap_id(object)},
1803 {:ok, delete_data, _} <- Builder.delete(user, object) do
1804 Pipeline.common_pipeline(delete_data, local: user.local)
1806 {:find_object, nil} ->
1807 # We have the create activity, but not the object, it was probably pruned.
1808 # Insert a tombstone and try again
1809 with {:ok, tombstone_data, _} <- Builder.tombstone(user.ap_id, object),
1810 {:ok, _tombstone} <- Object.create(tombstone_data) do
1811 delete_activity(activity, user)
1815 Logger.error("Could not delete #{object} created by #{activity.data["ap_id"]}")
1816 Logger.error("Error: #{inspect(e)}")
1820 defp delete_activity(%{data: %{"type" => type}} = activity, user)
1821 when type in ["Like", "Announce"] do
1822 {:ok, undo, _} = Builder.undo(user, activity)
1823 Pipeline.common_pipeline(undo, local: user.local)
1826 defp delete_activity(_activity, _user), do: "Doing nothing"
1828 defp delete_outgoing_pending_follow_requests(user) do
1830 |> FollowingRelationship.outgoing_pending_follow_requests_query()
1831 |> Repo.delete_all()
1834 def html_filter_policy(%User{no_rich_text: true}) do
1835 Pleroma.HTML.Scrubber.TwitterText
1838 def html_filter_policy(_), do: Config.get([:markup, :scrub_policy])
1840 def fetch_by_ap_id(ap_id), do: ActivityPub.make_user_from_ap_id(ap_id)
1842 def get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(ap_id) do
1843 cached_user = get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id)
1845 maybe_fetched_user = needs_update?(cached_user) && fetch_by_ap_id(ap_id)
1847 case {cached_user, maybe_fetched_user} do
1848 {_, {:ok, %User{} = user}} ->
1851 {%User{} = user, _} ->
1855 {:error, :not_found}
1860 Creates an internal service actor by URI if missing.
1861 Optionally takes nickname for addressing.
1863 @spec get_or_create_service_actor_by_ap_id(String.t(), String.t()) :: User.t() | nil
1864 def get_or_create_service_actor_by_ap_id(uri, nickname) do
1866 case get_cached_by_ap_id(uri) do
1868 with {:error, %{errors: errors}} <- create_service_actor(uri, nickname) do
1869 Logger.error("Cannot create service actor: #{uri}/.\n#{inspect(errors)}")
1873 %User{invisible: false} = user ->
1883 @spec set_invisible(User.t()) :: {:ok, User.t()}
1884 defp set_invisible(user) do
1886 |> change(%{invisible: true})
1887 |> update_and_set_cache()
1890 @spec create_service_actor(String.t(), String.t()) ::
1891 {:ok, User.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
1892 defp create_service_actor(uri, nickname) do
1898 follower_address: uri <> "/followers"
1901 |> unique_constraint(:nickname)
1906 def public_key(%{public_key: public_key_pem}) when is_binary(public_key_pem) do
1909 |> :public_key.pem_decode()
1911 |> :public_key.pem_entry_decode()
1916 def public_key(_), do: {:error, "key not found"}
1918 def get_public_key_for_ap_id(ap_id) do
1919 with {:ok, %User{} = user} <- get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(ap_id),
1920 {:ok, public_key} <- public_key(user) do
1927 def ap_enabled?(%User{local: true}), do: true
1928 def ap_enabled?(%User{ap_enabled: ap_enabled}), do: ap_enabled
1929 def ap_enabled?(_), do: false
1931 @doc "Gets or fetch a user by uri or nickname."
1932 @spec get_or_fetch(String.t()) :: {:ok, User.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
1933 def get_or_fetch("http" <> _host = uri), do: get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(uri)
1934 def get_or_fetch(nickname), do: get_or_fetch_by_nickname(nickname)
1936 # wait a period of time and return newest version of the User structs
1937 # this is because we have synchronous follow APIs and need to simulate them
1938 # with an async handshake
1939 def wait_and_refresh(_, %User{local: true} = a, %User{local: true} = b) do
1940 with %User{} = a <- get_cached_by_id(a.id),
1941 %User{} = b <- get_cached_by_id(b.id) do
1948 def wait_and_refresh(timeout, %User{} = a, %User{} = b) do
1949 with :ok <- :timer.sleep(timeout),
1950 %User{} = a <- get_cached_by_id(a.id),
1951 %User{} = b <- get_cached_by_id(b.id) do
1958 def parse_bio(bio) when is_binary(bio) and bio != "" do
1960 |> CommonUtils.format_input("text/plain", mentions_format: :full)
1964 def parse_bio(_), do: ""
1966 def parse_bio(bio, user) when is_binary(bio) and bio != "" do
1967 # TODO: get profile URLs other than user.ap_id
1968 profile_urls = [user.ap_id]
1971 |> CommonUtils.format_input("text/plain",
1972 mentions_format: :full,
1973 rel: &RelMe.maybe_put_rel_me(&1, profile_urls)
1978 def parse_bio(_, _), do: ""
1980 def tag(user_identifiers, tags) when is_list(user_identifiers) do
1981 Repo.transaction(fn ->
1982 for user_identifier <- user_identifiers, do: tag(user_identifier, tags)
1986 def tag(nickname, tags) when is_binary(nickname),
1987 do: tag(get_by_nickname(nickname), tags)
1989 def tag(%User{} = user, tags),
1990 do: update_tags(user, Enum.uniq((user.tags || []) ++ normalize_tags(tags)))
1992 def untag(user_identifiers, tags) when is_list(user_identifiers) do
1993 Repo.transaction(fn ->
1994 for user_identifier <- user_identifiers, do: untag(user_identifier, tags)
1998 def untag(nickname, tags) when is_binary(nickname),
1999 do: untag(get_by_nickname(nickname), tags)
2001 def untag(%User{} = user, tags),
2002 do: update_tags(user, (user.tags || []) -- normalize_tags(tags))
2004 defp update_tags(%User{} = user, new_tags) do
2005 {:ok, updated_user} =
2007 |> change(%{tags: new_tags})
2008 |> update_and_set_cache()
2013 defp normalize_tags(tags) do
2016 |> Enum.map(&String.downcase/1)
2019 defp local_nickname_regex do
2020 if Config.get([:instance, :extended_nickname_format]) do
2021 @extended_local_nickname_regex
2023 @strict_local_nickname_regex
2027 def local_nickname(nickname_or_mention) do
2030 |> String.split("@")
2034 def full_nickname(%User{} = user) do
2035 if String.contains?(user.nickname, "@") do
2038 %{host: host} = URI.parse(user.ap_id)
2039 user.nickname <> "@" <> host
2043 def full_nickname(nickname_or_mention),
2044 do: String.trim_leading(nickname_or_mention, "@")
2046 def error_user(ap_id) do
2050 nickname: "erroruser@example.com",
2051 inserted_at: NaiveDateTime.utc_now()
2055 @spec all_superusers() :: [User.t()]
2056 def all_superusers do
2057 User.Query.build(%{super_users: true, local: true, is_active: true})
2061 def muting_reblogs?(%User{} = user, %User{} = target) do
2062 UserRelationship.reblog_mute_exists?(user, target)
2065 def showing_reblogs?(%User{} = user, %User{} = target) do
2066 not muting_reblogs?(user, target)
2070 The function returns a query to get users with no activity for given interval of days.
2071 Inactive users are those who didn't read any notification, or had any activity where
2072 the user is the activity's actor, during `inactivity_threshold` days.
2073 Deactivated users will not appear in this list.
2077 iex> Pleroma.User.list_inactive_users()
2080 @spec list_inactive_users_query(integer()) :: Ecto.Query.t()
2081 def list_inactive_users_query(inactivity_threshold \\ 7) do
2082 negative_inactivity_threshold = -inactivity_threshold
2083 now = NaiveDateTime.truncate(NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), :second)
2084 # Subqueries are not supported in `where` clauses, join gets too complicated.
2085 has_read_notifications =
2086 from(n in Pleroma.Notification,
2087 where: n.seen == true,
2089 having: max(n.updated_at) > datetime_add(^now, ^negative_inactivity_threshold, "day"),
2092 |> Pleroma.Repo.all()
2094 from(u in Pleroma.User,
2095 left_join: a in Pleroma.Activity,
2096 on: u.ap_id == a.actor,
2097 where: not is_nil(u.nickname),
2098 where: u.is_active == ^true,
2099 where: u.id not in ^has_read_notifications,
2102 max(a.inserted_at) < datetime_add(^now, ^negative_inactivity_threshold, "day") or
2103 is_nil(max(a.inserted_at))
2108 Enable or disable email notifications for user
2112 iex> Pleroma.User.switch_email_notifications(Pleroma.User{email_notifications: %{"digest" => false}}, "digest", true)
2113 Pleroma.User{email_notifications: %{"digest" => true}}
2115 iex> Pleroma.User.switch_email_notifications(Pleroma.User{email_notifications: %{"digest" => true}}, "digest", false)
2116 Pleroma.User{email_notifications: %{"digest" => false}}
2118 @spec switch_email_notifications(t(), String.t(), boolean()) ::
2119 {:ok, t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
2120 def switch_email_notifications(user, type, status) do
2121 User.update_email_notifications(user, %{type => status})
2125 Set `last_digest_emailed_at` value for the user to current time
2127 @spec touch_last_digest_emailed_at(t()) :: t()
2128 def touch_last_digest_emailed_at(user) do
2129 now = NaiveDateTime.truncate(NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), :second)
2131 {:ok, updated_user} =
2133 |> change(%{last_digest_emailed_at: now})
2134 |> update_and_set_cache()
2139 @spec set_confirmation(User.t(), boolean()) :: {:ok, User.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()}
2140 def set_confirmation(%User{} = user, bool) do
2142 |> confirmation_changeset(set_confirmation: bool)
2143 |> update_and_set_cache()
2146 def get_mascot(%{mascot: %{} = mascot}) when not is_nil(mascot) do
2150 def get_mascot(%{mascot: mascot}) when is_nil(mascot) do
2151 # use instance-default
2152 config = Config.get([:assets, :mascots])
2153 default_mascot = Config.get([:assets, :default_mascot])
2154 mascot = Keyword.get(config, default_mascot)
2157 "id" => "default-mascot",
2158 "url" => mascot[:url],
2159 "preview_url" => mascot[:url],
2161 "mime_type" => mascot[:mime_type]
2166 def ensure_keys_present(%{keys: keys} = user) when not is_nil(keys), do: {:ok, user}
2168 def ensure_keys_present(%User{} = user) do
2169 with {:ok, pem} <- Keys.generate_rsa_pem() do
2171 |> cast(%{keys: pem}, [:keys])
2172 |> validate_required([:keys])
2173 |> update_and_set_cache()
2177 def get_ap_ids_by_nicknames(nicknames) do
2179 where: u.nickname in ^nicknames,
2185 defp put_password_hash(
2186 %Ecto.Changeset{valid?: true, changes: %{password: password}} = changeset
2188 change(changeset, password_hash: Pleroma.Password.Pbkdf2.hash_pwd_salt(password))
2191 defp put_password_hash(changeset), do: changeset
2193 def is_internal_user?(%User{nickname: nil}), do: true
2194 def is_internal_user?(%User{local: true, nickname: "internal." <> _}), do: true
2195 def is_internal_user?(_), do: false
2197 # A hack because user delete activities have a fake id for whatever reason
2198 # TODO: Get rid of this
2199 def get_delivered_users_by_object_id("pleroma:fake_object_id"), do: []
2201 def get_delivered_users_by_object_id(object_id) do
2203 inner_join: delivery in assoc(u, :deliveries),
2204 where: delivery.object_id == ^object_id
2209 def change_email(user, email) do
2211 |> cast(%{email: email}, [:email])
2212 |> validate_required([:email])
2213 |> unique_constraint(:email)
2214 |> validate_format(:email, @email_regex)
2215 |> update_and_set_cache()
2218 # Internal function; public one is `deactivate/2`
2219 defp set_activation_status(user, status) do
2221 |> cast(%{is_active: status}, [:is_active])
2222 |> update_and_set_cache()
2225 def update_banner(user, banner) do
2227 |> cast(%{banner: banner}, [:banner])
2228 |> update_and_set_cache()
2231 def update_background(user, background) do
2233 |> cast(%{background: background}, [:background])
2234 |> update_and_set_cache()
2237 def roles(%{is_moderator: is_moderator, is_admin: is_admin}) do
2240 moderator: is_moderator
2244 def validate_fields(changeset, remote? \\ false) do
2245 limit_name = if remote?, do: :max_remote_account_fields, else: :max_account_fields
2246 limit = Config.get([:instance, limit_name], 0)
2249 |> validate_length(:fields, max: limit)
2250 |> validate_change(:fields, fn :fields, fields ->
2251 if Enum.all?(fields, &valid_field?/1) do
2259 defp valid_field?(%{"name" => name, "value" => value}) do
2260 name_limit = Config.get([:instance, :account_field_name_length], 255)
2261 value_limit = Config.get([:instance, :account_field_value_length], 255)
2263 is_binary(name) && is_binary(value) && String.length(name) <= name_limit &&
2264 String.length(value) <= value_limit
2267 defp valid_field?(_), do: false
2269 defp truncate_field(%{"name" => name, "value" => value}) do
2271 String.split_at(name, Config.get([:instance, :account_field_name_length], 255))
2274 String.split_at(value, Config.get([:instance, :account_field_value_length], 255))
2276 %{"name" => name, "value" => value}
2279 def admin_api_update(user, params) do
2286 |> update_and_set_cache()
2289 @doc "Signs user out of all applications"
2290 def global_sign_out(user) do
2291 OAuth.Authorization.delete_user_authorizations(user)
2292 OAuth.Token.delete_user_tokens(user)
2295 def mascot_update(user, url) do
2297 |> cast(%{mascot: url}, [:mascot])
2298 |> validate_required([:mascot])
2299 |> update_and_set_cache()
2302 def mastodon_settings_update(user, settings) do
2304 |> cast(%{mastofe_settings: settings}, [:mastofe_settings])
2305 |> validate_required([:mastofe_settings])
2306 |> update_and_set_cache()
2309 @spec confirmation_changeset(User.t(), keyword()) :: Changeset.t()
2310 def confirmation_changeset(user, set_confirmation: confirmed?) do
2315 confirmation_token: nil
2319 is_confirmed: false,
2320 confirmation_token: :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(32) |> Base.url_encode64()
2324 cast(user, params, [:is_confirmed, :confirmation_token])
2327 @spec approval_changeset(User.t(), keyword()) :: Changeset.t()
2328 def approval_changeset(user, set_approval: approved?) do
2329 cast(user, %{is_approved: approved?}, [:is_approved])
2332 def add_pinnned_activity(user, %Pleroma.Activity{id: id}) do
2333 if id not in user.pinned_activities do
2334 max_pinned_statuses = Config.get([:instance, :max_pinned_statuses], 0)
2335 params = %{pinned_activities: user.pinned_activities ++ [id]}
2337 # if pinned activity was scheduled for deletion, we remove job
2338 if expiration = Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity.get_expiration(id) do
2339 Oban.cancel_job(expiration.id)
2343 |> cast(params, [:pinned_activities])
2344 |> validate_length(:pinned_activities,
2345 max: max_pinned_statuses,
2346 message: "You have already pinned the maximum number of statuses"
2351 |> update_and_set_cache()
2354 def remove_pinnned_activity(user, %Pleroma.Activity{id: id, data: data}) do
2355 params = %{pinned_activities: List.delete(user.pinned_activities, id)}
2357 # if pinned activity was scheduled for deletion, we reschedule it for deletion
2358 if data["expires_at"] do
2359 # MRF.ActivityExpirationPolicy used UTC timestamps for expires_at in original implementation
2361 data["expires_at"] |> Pleroma.EctoType.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators.DateTime.cast()
2363 Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity.enqueue(%{
2365 expires_at: expires_at
2370 |> cast(params, [:pinned_activities])
2371 |> update_and_set_cache()
2374 def update_email_notifications(user, settings) do
2375 email_notifications =
2376 user.email_notifications
2377 |> Map.merge(settings)
2378 |> Map.take(["digest"])
2380 params = %{email_notifications: email_notifications}
2381 fields = [:email_notifications]
2384 |> cast(params, fields)
2385 |> validate_required(fields)
2386 |> update_and_set_cache()
2389 defp set_domain_blocks(user, domain_blocks) do
2390 params = %{domain_blocks: domain_blocks}
2393 |> cast(params, [:domain_blocks])
2394 |> validate_required([:domain_blocks])
2395 |> update_and_set_cache()
2398 def block_domain(user, domain_blocked) do
2399 set_domain_blocks(user, Enum.uniq([domain_blocked | user.domain_blocks]))
2402 def unblock_domain(user, domain_blocked) do
2403 set_domain_blocks(user, List.delete(user.domain_blocks, domain_blocked))
2406 @spec add_to_block(User.t(), User.t()) ::
2407 {:ok, UserRelationship.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
2408 defp add_to_block(%User{} = user, %User{} = blocked) do
2409 with {:ok, relationship} <- UserRelationship.create_block(user, blocked) do
2410 @cachex.del(:user_cache, "blocked_users_ap_ids:#{user.ap_id}")
2415 @spec add_to_block(User.t(), User.t()) ::
2416 {:ok, UserRelationship.t()} | {:ok, nil} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
2417 defp remove_from_block(%User{} = user, %User{} = blocked) do
2418 with {:ok, relationship} <- UserRelationship.delete_block(user, blocked) do
2419 @cachex.del(:user_cache, "blocked_users_ap_ids:#{user.ap_id}")
2424 def set_invisible(user, invisible) do
2425 params = %{invisible: invisible}
2428 |> cast(params, [:invisible])
2429 |> validate_required([:invisible])
2430 |> update_and_set_cache()
2433 def sanitize_html(%User{} = user) do
2434 sanitize_html(user, nil)
2437 # User data that mastodon isn't filtering (treated as plaintext):
2440 def sanitize_html(%User{} = user, filter) do
2442 Enum.map(user.fields, fn %{"name" => name, "value" => value} ->
2445 "value" => HTML.filter_tags(value, Pleroma.HTML.Scrubber.LinksOnly)
2450 |> Map.put(:bio, HTML.filter_tags(user.bio, filter))
2451 |> Map.put(:fields, fields)
2454 def get_host(%User{ap_id: ap_id} = _user) do
2455 URI.parse(ap_id).host
2458 def update_last_active_at(%__MODULE__{local: true} = user) do
2460 |> cast(%{last_active_at: NaiveDateTime.utc_now()}, [:last_active_at])
2461 |> update_and_set_cache()
2464 def active_user_count(weeks \\ 4) do
2465 active_after = Timex.shift(NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), weeks: -weeks)
2468 |> where([u], u.last_active_at >= ^active_after)
2469 |> where([u], u.local == true)
2470 |> Repo.aggregate(:count)