1 # Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
2 # Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
5 defmodule Pleroma.Object do
10 alias Pleroma.Object.Fetcher
11 alias Pleroma.ObjectTombstone
27 Object.change(%Object{}, %{data: data})
31 def change(struct, params \\ %{}) do
33 |> cast(params, [:data])
34 |> validate_required([:data])
35 |> unique_constraint(:ap_id, name: :objects_unique_apid_index)
38 def get_by_id(nil), do: nil
39 def get_by_id(id), do: Repo.get(Object, id)
41 def get_by_ap_id(nil), do: nil
43 def get_by_ap_id(ap_id) do
44 Repo.one(from(object in Object, where: fragment("(?)->>'id' = ?", object.data, ^ap_id)))
47 def normalize(_, fetch_remote \\ true)
48 # If we pass an Activity to Object.normalize(), we can try to use the preloaded object.
49 # Use this whenever possible, especially when walking graphs in an O(N) loop!
50 def normalize(%Object{} = object, _), do: object
51 def normalize(%Activity{object: %Object{} = object}, _), do: object
53 # A hack for fake activities
54 def normalize(%Activity{data: %{"object" => %{"fake" => true} = data}}, _) do
55 %Object{id: "pleroma:fake_object_id", data: data}
58 # Catch and log Object.normalize() calls where the Activity's child object is not
60 def normalize(%Activity{data: %{"object" => %{"id" => ap_id}}}, fetch_remote) do
62 "Object.normalize() called without preloaded object (#{ap_id}). Consider preloading the object!"
65 Logger.debug("Backtrace: #{inspect(Process.info(:erlang.self(), :current_stacktrace))}")
67 normalize(ap_id, fetch_remote)
70 def normalize(%Activity{data: %{"object" => ap_id}}, fetch_remote) do
72 "Object.normalize() called without preloaded object (#{ap_id}). Consider preloading the object!"
75 Logger.debug("Backtrace: #{inspect(Process.info(:erlang.self(), :current_stacktrace))}")
77 normalize(ap_id, fetch_remote)
80 # Old way, try fetching the object through cache.
81 def normalize(%{"id" => ap_id}, fetch_remote), do: normalize(ap_id, fetch_remote)
82 def normalize(ap_id, false) when is_binary(ap_id), do: get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id)
83 def normalize(ap_id, true) when is_binary(ap_id), do: Fetcher.fetch_object_from_id!(ap_id)
84 def normalize(_, _), do: nil
86 # Owned objects can only be mutated by their owner
87 def authorize_mutation(%Object{data: %{"actor" => actor}}, %User{ap_id: ap_id}),
90 # Legacy objects can be mutated by anybody
91 def authorize_mutation(%Object{}, %User{}), do: true
93 def get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id) do
94 key = "object:#{ap_id}"
96 Cachex.fetch!(:object_cache, key, fn _ ->
97 object = get_by_ap_id(ap_id)
107 def context_mapping(context) do
108 Object.change(%Object{}, %{data: %{"id" => context}})
111 def make_tombstone(%Object{data: %{"id" => id, "type" => type}}, deleted \\ DateTime.utc_now()) do
120 def swap_object_with_tombstone(object) do
121 tombstone = make_tombstone(object)
124 |> Object.change(%{data: tombstone})
128 def delete(%Object{data: %{"id" => id}} = object) do
129 with {:ok, _obj} = swap_object_with_tombstone(object),
130 deleted_activity = Activity.delete_by_ap_id(id),
131 {:ok, true} <- Cachex.del(:object_cache, "object:#{id}") do
132 {:ok, object, deleted_activity}
136 def prune(%Object{data: %{"id" => id}} = object) do
137 with {:ok, object} <- Repo.delete(object),
138 {:ok, true} <- Cachex.del(:object_cache, "object:#{id}") do
143 def set_cache(%Object{data: %{"id" => ap_id}} = object) do
144 Cachex.put(:object_cache, "object:#{ap_id}", object)
148 def update_and_set_cache(changeset) do
149 with {:ok, object} <- Repo.update(changeset) do
156 def increase_replies_count(ap_id) do
158 |> where([o], fragment("?->>'id' = ?::text", o.data, ^to_string(ap_id)))
164 jsonb_set(?, '{repliesCount}',
165 (coalesce((?->>'repliesCount')::int, 0) + 1)::varchar::jsonb, true)
172 |> Repo.update_all([])
174 {1, [object]} -> set_cache(object)
175 _ -> {:error, "Not found"}
179 def decrease_replies_count(ap_id) do
181 |> where([o], fragment("?->>'id' = ?::text", o.data, ^to_string(ap_id)))
187 jsonb_set(?, '{repliesCount}',
188 (greatest(0, (?->>'repliesCount')::int - 1))::varchar::jsonb, true)
195 |> Repo.update_all([])
197 {1, [object]} -> set_cache(object)
198 _ -> {:error, "Not found"}
202 def increase_vote_count(ap_id, name) do
203 with %Object{} = object <- Object.normalize(ap_id),
204 "Question" <- object.data["type"] do
205 multiple = Map.has_key?(object.data, "anyOf")
208 (object.data["anyOf"] || object.data["oneOf"] || [])
210 %{"name" => ^name} = option ->
211 Kernel.update_in(option["replies"]["totalItems"], &(&1 + 1))
219 Map.put(object.data, "anyOf", options)
221 Map.put(object.data, "oneOf", options)
225 |> Object.change(%{data: data})
226 |> update_and_set_cache()