Add option to modify HTTP pool size
[akkoma] / docs / mkdocs.yml
1 site_name: Akkoma Documentation
2 theme:
3 favicon: 'images/favicon.ico'
4 name: 'material'
5 custom_dir: 'theme'
6 # Disable google fonts
7 font: false
8 logo: 'images/logo.png'
9 features:
10 - navigation.tabs
11 - toc.follow
12 - navigation.instant
13 - navigation.sections
14 palette:
15 - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)"
16 scheme: default
17 toggle:
18 icon: material/brightness-7
19 name: Switch to dark mode
20 primary: 'deep purple'
21 accent: 'blue grey'
23 - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
24 scheme: slate
25 toggle:
26 icon: material/brightness-4
27 name: Switch to light mode
28 primary: 'deep purple'
29 accent: 'blue grey'
31 extra_css:
32 - css/extra.css
33 repo_name: 'AkkomaGang/akkoma'
34 repo_url: ''
36 extra:
37 repo_icon: gitea
39 markdown_extensions:
40 # Note/warning blocks
41 - admonition
42 - codehilite:
43 guess_lang: false
44 # Make it possible to link to every header
45 - toc:
46 permalink: true
47 - pymdownx.tasklist:
48 custom_checkbox: true
49 - pymdownx.superfences
50 - pymdownx.tabbed:
51 alternate_style: true
52 - pymdownx.details
53 - markdown_include.include:
54 base_path: docs